So before i went to bed i said to myself that i would wake up after every dream and remember to DIELD, and i remebered about it, but only after i had moved after waking.
So i had waken up and already turned over, but i thought to myself that i will still try to DIELD, and after staying still for about a minute i felt a strong tingling sensation run through my arms and legs, at first i was supprised by it, but i tryied to ignore it and think about what i wanted my dream to be, then i felt myself kind of rolling out of my body, but my physical body remained still (its kind of hard to explain) i had been lying there for about 3 minutes, so i thought that if i opened my eyes i would be in the dream world.
But to my disappointment it was my dark bedroom, and i thought to myself "dam i was so close!" but then suddenly i woke up looking at the wall. So previously when i opened my eyes in my dark room that must have been a dream after all.

Was the tingling sensation in my arms and legs sleep paralysis? and what should i do when it is happening, should i think about my previous dream or should i think of a new dream scene?
I dont like being in the dark in my lucid dreams as i start to get paranoid, and my confidence goes down, any advice on that too?

if you guys could help me out that would be awesome, thanks