I need some questions answered about WILDs.

1st. Is it possible to WILD right after going to sleep at night or is prior sleep required? Because Im not very good with WBTB,most WILD experts say that WBTB is a must for WILD success,but when I try to WBTB,Im very tired and drowsy and just end up falling into a deep sleep.

2. How do I "Dive" into a dream? I get hallucinations and feel my physical body paralyzed but still don't really get any dream scenes.

3. How can I get an OBE? It seems cool and I want to have one. (Is there anything evil or satanic about OBEs? Because Im a Christian and I've heard some christians saying that OBE's are an evil gateway).

4. I try to forget about my physical body and incubating the dream I want in my mind but I get the urge to swallow and itch alot....

Can someone please give me answers to these questions and give me tips.