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    Thread: **CrazyInSane's WILD tutorial!!**

    1. #1
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Lightbulb **CrazyInSane's WILD tutorial!!**

      CUSTOM ALARM NOISE Wake-initiated Lucid Dream (CANWILD)
      A very easy and successful alternative to WBTB and DEILD

      Three (3) easy steps to an almost-guaranteed WILD every morning using a special technique that doesn't require a disruptive WBTB!

      Yes, you CAN-WILD!!!

      Hey all. I've been a member here since 2006, but haven't posted much lately. I've recently gotten back into the habit of LDing, and am now at a stage where I can have a WILD every night if I choose to do so. I've dubbed this WILD method the CANWILD (custom alarm noise wake-induced lucid dream) technique, because it uses a custom version of an alarm clock to induce almost guaranteed WILDs. This method does not incorporate WBTB (wake-back to bed). This method follows the same idea as the DEILD (dream-exit induced lucid dream) technique, but doesn't rely on the rare occurrence of a conscious exiting from a dream; it relies instead on the rock-solid custom alarm clock method, resulting in success almost every time if you follow the steps listed below.

      The method is simple: after being asleep for most of the night, you will wake up the mind, but not the body. This is done by a setting a "custom alarm clock" to ring an hour or so before you usually wake up. The "custom alarm" (detailed below) stops ringing automatically, without the user needing to move at all to turn it off. The best part about this method is that it usually only takes up to 1 minute or less to enter a WILD dream after you wake up from the alarm and start the technique. This is because your body will still be in sleep paralysis, allowing for you to skip the entire relaxation phase you would normally do in a WBTB WILD.

      To clarify: the difference between the custom alarm clock and a normal alarm clock is that the normal alarm clock will continue ringing until you move and shut it off (or press the "snooze" button), but since the CANWILD method requires that you NOT MOVE AT ALL (or at least as little as possible) when the alarm rings, you will need a "custom alarm clock", which is an alarm that will ring a sound for about 3 seconds, then fall completely silent. It's basically like replicating a random noise that wakes you up, except this is an intentional noise.

      There is only one prerequisite to my method that is required. Instead of a normal alarm clock, you will need a custom alarm clock that will go off like a normal alarm, but will stop on its own without you having to move to get up and turn it off. It is very important to this technique that you not move (or move as little as possible) after the alarm goes off, meaning it has to stop on its own. It is thus required that you have either a PC or iPod* in your bedroom to play the custom alarm. Or, if you can find an actual physical alarm clock that has this feature, all the better. I've been unable to find one thus far. **As an alternative to this prerequisite, you can ask your bed partner to turn off your regular alarm when it sounds off. Also ask them to avoid moving or making any noise after doing so.**

      (PC users, click here for my recommended custom alarm software "Easy MP3 Alarm Clock", and you can also right-click here for the MP3 audio file I use as the alarm sound. Ensure that you adjust your PC's settings so that it doesn't go into "sleep" mode during the night, as this will prevent the alarm from going off.)

      (iPod users... see the bottom of this post for more information)

      So, without further ado... here's my technique:


      STEP 1Set your custom alarm clock (such as the "Easy MP3 Alarm Clock" or an iPod auto-stop alarm) to wake you up about 15–60 minutes before you normally wake up. Alternatively, set your normal alarm and ask your bed partner to be the one to turn it off.

      In this step, you simply want to set your custom alarm so that it wakes you up approximately 15–60 minutes before you normally have to wake up. You can set it for earlier, but this period is best to guarantee that you are in an active REM sleep period, which is very important to dreams and WILDing. Your REMs are their most active in the morning when you wake up (as you can probably tell from the almost-guaranteed dreams you have if you hit the snooze button). Anyway, when waking up to the alarm, it is best if nobody else will be shuffling about when the alarm goes off, because we do not want any sound disruptions to hamper your efforts.

      If you have the "Easy MP3" clock, follow these instructions to set it up:

      1. Open the program

      2. Click "Browse..."

      3. Select the MP3 file from your desktop or use your own custom MP3/WAV file that is preferably 4 seconds or less long (MP3 download link here)
      <--right click

      4. Click "Test" to test it out. The audio file will open in your default media player. The file may automatically loop itself, but just change the "repeat" or "loop" settings in your media player to prevent this. (In Windows Media Player, go to the "Play" tab, and uncheck the "Repeat" option)

      5. Set the alarm to wake you up preferably about 15 minutes to 1 hour before you normally wake up in the morning (i.e. 7:00 if you need to wake up at 8:00) and voila!

      STEP 2Wake up from your custom alarm. It is vital in this step that you do not move, or move as little as possible, as you do not want to exit sleep paralysis. If you move too much, you will need to WILD from the very beginning like in WBTB, which may take up to an hour to complete.

      Once your alarm goes off and it hopefully stops ringing within 3 seconds (if the settings are all correct), you will be conscious in your head, but you must intentionally prevent your body from moving. As soon as you become conscious, make sure to immediately remember not to move your body. It may take a few nights to get this down, or you might get it the first time (I did). Within seconds after the alarm stops and you stay completely still, your body should start to tingle and you will be re-entering sleep. This is the same thing that happens when you normally wake up from an alarm and then go back for a quick "snooze" and fall asleep dreaming within seconds, except this time you're intentionally staying conscious, meaning you will basically be WILDing with the ability to skip the hardest step (the relaxation phase).

      Many have pointed out to me that it must be hard to keep the body almost completely still when the alarm wakes you up. The truth is, it's very easy. Your body will be so relaxed that you will not have any itch to move it whatsoever. Think of it this way — when your alarm goes off on a normal morning do you ever really want to move at all to turn it off? No? Well the custom alarm prevents you from needing to move, meaning you'll be happy all-around not to have to move. And your LDing efforts will be all the easier because of it. Trust me, you will reach the transition phase within seconds if you follow these instructions. The key is to keep your mind fully conscious, while limiting bodily movement. This will "trick" your body into re-entering the sleep/dream state almost immediately because not only are you still in sleep paralysis because you haven't moved yet, but your body also thinks you are unconscious because you haven't moved.

      STEP 3 Transitioning to the sleep/dream state. This is obviously the rewarding part, yet, as with any other WILD method, is probably the hardest part to get through without failing (especially in your first few attempts). But as long as you can get to this stage, you're doing excellent.

      Although this step can still be somewhat difficult for beginners, it's usually not near as hard as most other WILD methods (such as WBTB) because you're already relaxed and ready to sleep. Additionally with my method (as opposed to WBTB), you don't need to go through the entire relaxation phase and waste about 1 hour only to fail. At least with my method, if you fail, you've only wasted a few minutes and you didn't need to wake up in the middle of the night and screw up your sleep pattern.

      Okay. So the alarm has gone off, you've "woken up" in your head, you have ensured not to move your physical body, and you wait. Within a minute or less, if all goes well, you should begin to feel the signs of transitioning. You may get tingling sensations, a feeling of swirling into oblivion, or a variety of other sensations you probably know all about by now.

      From this point, there are various ways to complete the transition. You can "roll over" your dream body into the dream world, you can "sit up" in your dream bed, you can jump into the dream scene, or you can even transition your way into the dream world through tinnitus, which is how I often do it (tinnitus is the ringing noise in your ears that often intensifies at the point of transition).

      If for some reason you never reach the transition phase, it would usually mean one of three (3) things: Either you've moved too much since the alarm went off, you're too excited and pumped up, or you're not in REM sleep (usually this would happen if you didn't get enough sleep or set the alarm too early... I'd recommend at least 6 hours sleep before waking).

      Once you've gotten past this point, you've made it! Now it's just a matter of mastering stabilization and dream control, both of which are outlined in various other great tutorials on this site. In particular, see this post-transition stabilization tutorial from Dreamview.com's Dream Guide Team.

      Benefits of CANWILD over other methods:

      Benefits over other WILD methods:

      — No WBTB, meaning no disruptive waking up in the middle of the night. The main reason people avoid WILDing (or lucid dreaming in general) is because it disrupts their sleep pattern and requires too much effort. The CANWILD method avoids these nuisances altogether, allowing you to wake up almost right on schedule as you normally would.
      — Takes advantage of the REM-heavy pre-wake morning period. Your REM cycles are at their longest near morning, thus increasing dream vividness and likelihood.
      — Repeatable each and every night, because you’re not losing any sleep, wasting any time, nor doing anything that requires special pre-planned activity. CANWILD allows for easy application of trial-and-error on a nightly basis without disruption.
      — Increased likelihood that you will remember your WILDs more vividly long-term, because you will be waking up permanently for the day shortly after you experience them. This is opposed to WBTB WILDs, where you would likely be going back to sleep for several more hours after your WILD, meaning you may forget the dream when you wake up later in the morning. Doing WILDs during a daytime nap has the same benefit.
      — Allows you to skip the infamous and difficult “relaxation phase” of WILDing, and gets you right to the important part: the wake/sleep transition. The relaxation phase is often cited as the biggest obstacle to successful WILDing, with things as simple as throat swallowing impeding progress.

      Benefits over the similar DEILD method:

      — The CANWILD method, unlike with DEILD, is reliable in that it will do what it needs to do every time you attempt. DEILD’s exiting from a dream consciously is unreliable; it might happen, it might not. CANWILD’s alarm ensures that you will wake up when you need to, and that you will become consciously aware.
      — DEILD can have bad timing. Let’s say you awaken from a dream 2 minutes before your normal alarm is ready to ring in the morning. If you get into a LD successfully, your alarm will wake you from it. With CANWILD, the only alarm that will be going off is the one involved in the technique itself.
      — CANWILD is better than DEILD for people who more interested in achieving effortless and on-demand WILDs. With the DEILD method, you must work on DILD-related dream recall, reality checks, and other pre-sleep methods to increase the likelihood that you will consciously exit a dream. With CANWILD, the alarm does all the work; you don’t need to do any advanced preparation.


      **iPod users — there may be an alarm clock app that allows for the auto-stop alarm feature, but this hasn't been confirmed yet. The built-in alarm does not have this feature. For the time being, I recommend searching the app store to see if you can find an alarm app that would allow for a non-infinite loop alarm sound to go off. There is a $0.99 app that may have the feature (called "Alarm Clock Pro"), but I haven't tested it out yet. If you're willing to pay for and test it, let us know the results. Otherwise, we need to get someone to create an LD iPod app for us!

      I hope you've all enjoyed this tutorial, and I invite you to PLEASE ask me if you have any questions, or if there are any corrections you think are necessary to the tutorial.

      Thank you very much for reading, and good luck to all!

      ©2009 CrazyInSane. All rights reserved.
      Permission granted to copy freely in electronic form, provided the work is not modified or revised, and is
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      Last edited by CrazyInSane; 12-04-2009 at 12:00 AM.
      Thorim, sora12, Kraftwerk and 48 others like this.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    2. #2
      Be Kind, Hug The emo kid iwrestledabearonce's Avatar
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      OMG.... This is the Best tech. Ive heard of, i might actually get my first LD Thanks to this, ill post my results in the morning!
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    3. #3
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Thanks for the reply, Bearwrestler! Looking forward to hearing about your results in the morning. Keep us posted.

      Oh, and while I'm posting, I'll just remind all new users that I'll be happy to answer any questions about LDing, even if they're not related to this technique. I've been LDing for years now and haven't really had the chance to share the knowledge I've gained through the years. So just ask if you have any questions about anything LD-related.
      Last edited by CrazyInSane; 12-03-2009 at 03:52 AM.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    4. #4
      Be Kind, Hug The emo kid iwrestledabearonce's Avatar
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      Well now, i have to find a different alarm for my comp cause the one you linked wont play any sound files, so ill download a new one and try it.
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    5. #5
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Did you follow the instructions listed above? What is your default music player? The audio should open up in your default player; I would recommend setting Windows Media Player as the default. It's a bit inconvenient that the audio file doesn't just play natively in the Alarm Clock software itself, but it was the only software I could find with an option to NOT have the audio loop infinitely, which is what we definitely need to avoid.

      It works fine for me, let me know if you need more help getting it to work.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    6. #6
      Be Kind, Hug The emo kid iwrestledabearonce's Avatar
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      Ahh i got it, it opens in my windows media player, i turn loop off and bingo, one time only alarm clock. Now the real question will i wake up to this when it only goes off one time?
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    7. #7
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      The audio file I use works well for me, it's kind of just a loud obnoxious crescendo sound that lasts about 3 seconds. You can use whatever you like, but I recommend a timeframe of about 3-5 seconds for the sound. That should wake you up no problem, but if not just lengthen it next time around. Usually we wake up from the very first blare of our regular alarm clocks, so, just make sure to crank the volume!
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    8. #8
      Be Kind, Hug The emo kid iwrestledabearonce's Avatar
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      Alright, Ill let you know after school in the morning, ive got class until 11:30. I hope this works.
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    9. #9
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      Wow, sounds promising; I'll be sure to try this! One problem though: I'm not sure how to get the mp3 to work for me on an ipod (how do I set it?). I also don't have a proper alarm clock that turns off by itself, nor do I have a computer in my room for it to play off like that.
      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
      some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.


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    10. #10
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Thanks for the reply Demara. I realized that this could be a problem; it's unfortunate that there aren't regular alarm clocks that have this feature. I guess they didn't have WILDing in mind when they manufactured them.

      Anyway, as for your particular situation, I also have an iPod but I can't find it at the moment. I do wonder if they have any customizable alarm clock apps available in the app store? There must be one that allows for you to play a specific MP3 as your alarm (meaning you'll be able to use a short, 3-second MP3 file as the alarm).

      I'll do some research on iPod apps (perhaps you can too) and get back to you on that. Does the regular iPod alarm have any such feature? I doubt it, since you're asking about it. Either way, let me find my iPod and I'll get back to you. Excellent question though, because most people don't have PCs readily available in their room.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    11. #11
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Found my iPod. Also found a possible app candidate.

      It's called "Alarm Clock", from iHandySoft Corporation. You can add your own MP3 as the alarm, but unfortunately this feature is only available with the $0.99 version, not the free version. So I can't test it to see if the $0.99 version will loop your MP3 or not. We don't want looping, that will defeat the purpose. You can download the app if you're willing to invest, just search "Alarm Clock" in the app store and let us know what happens. There may be other free alternatives out there, but I wasn't able to find any off the bat.


      Just to ensure everyone understands, this technique will be hard to pull off unless you have a PC in your room (or an iPod, pending our app findings). This is because regular alarm clocks don't usually come with any feature that prevents the alarm from looping until you turn it off yourself. We either need to lobby for these to get manufactured, or figure out how to create a homemade alarm clock system.
      Last edited by CrazyInSane; 12-03-2009 at 05:37 AM.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    12. #12
      Da Bubbow MistowBubbows's Avatar
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      Should I use headphones if I'm going the computer version?

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    13. #13
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MistowBubbows View Post
      Should I use headphones if I'm going the computer version?
      It's up to you, I don't. It's too annoying to sleep with headphones on, IMO. And this method can be done every night, because it doesn't disrupt your sleep pattern in any way. So I'd say just do it normally through your speakers. Since the alarm will be ringing near the morning hours, it will have no problem waking you up.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    14. #14
      Member evildoctor's Avatar
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      Thanks Crazyinsane!

      I will try this.

      I also have some tips for IPOD users :-

      1) The alram function alows you to sepcify a PLAYLIST instead of a sound/beep. Therefore all we need is a short 3-5 second audio file to place in the play list.

      2) I dont sleep with headphones - I use a SleepSonic pillow - basically stereo speakers you can put in your pillow case or even under your pillow. These you plug into your IPOD and I already use the alarm feature to play a playlist of binaural beats after 4-5 hours.

      3) YOu can record a short MP3 using a digital voice recorder. I use one to record my dreams anyway. I will make a short recording - something like "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, DONT MOVE, ITS WILD TIME".

      I will try this when Im back at home (im on a trip right now).

      Well done again CRazyinsane - im jazzed - this sounds promising
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    15. #15
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      This sounds great I really think this is the technique that will get me my first LD! I really wish I knew this last night. I'm really anxious for a LD.

      Thanks for the great tutorial!

    16. #16
      Member AngelZlayer's Avatar
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      This alarm clock might be something. I've read about it here (scroll down to center), and it said that it has an auto-stop function. I have no idea if you can set it to 3 seconds though, but I'm thinking about buying it.
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    17. #17
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by evildoctor View Post
      Thanks Crazyinsane!
      You're welcome!

      Quote Originally Posted by evildoctor View Post
      I also have some tips for IPOD users :-

      1) The alram function alows you to sepcify a PLAYLIST instead of a sound/beep. Therefore all we need is a short 3-5 second audio file to place in the play list.
      Really? Hmm, interesting. I checked out my iPod's alarm clock settings yesterday, but I must have missed this. Are you talking a regular iPod or an iPhone/iPod touch? I have an iPod touch. Anyway, thanks for pointing this out, I'll be checking my iPod again when I get home to figure it out.

      Quote Originally Posted by Motumz View Post
      This sounds great I really think this is the technique that will get me my first LD! I really wish I knew this last night. I'm really anxious for a LD.

      Thanks for the great tutorial!
      Thanks for the praise, Motumz! I really hope you are able to find success with this method. Be sure to update us on your attempts, and ask any questions you may have. Look forward to hearing from you again.

      Quote Originally Posted by AngelZlayer View Post
      This alarm clock might be something. I've read about it here (scroll down to center), and it said that it has an auto-stop function. I have no idea if you can set it to 3 seconds though, but I'm thinking about buying it.
      Yes, that product definitely looks promising, Angel. If you do decide to purchase it, let us know whether it offers the type of functionality we need for this technique. But if you have an iPod, maybe you should hold off on the purchase until we can figure out what options are possible with an iPod. Thanks for pointing this product out for us.
      Last edited by CrazyInSane; 12-03-2009 at 05:33 PM.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    18. #18
      Garrysmoder Sora's Avatar
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      I'll definitly try this, it'S not rly a WILD at all, pretty much the same thing as a DEILD, but you induce the dream exit :3. I've done this before looking at this thread with my iPhone, but never succeded, I was always moving and I was doing it to early in the night I think.

      Whoever have a Iphone or iPod touch, you can set an Event in your calendar and you ask it to notice you 5 mins before the event, make it repeat daily, and it'll ring for about 3-4 second and then shut, you don't even need an apps.

      I also use my iPod nano sometimes, the alarm is about 5sec long, but it's quite an annoying sound lol.

      Anyway, great tut, I'll give you feedbacks =D
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    19. #19
      Member DreamBaby's Avatar
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      I will try this later thank you it seems good

    20. #20
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      I got an interesting idea.
      Maybe, since you have to wake up a bit earlier than you normally do, you could subtract 30-40 minutes off of the amount of sleep you get.

      ex. I sleep from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM every night. So, this is 9 hours of sleep. Subtract 30 minutes = 8:30 minutes.

      Create a quiet, no-sound song (in this case it'd be 8 hours and 30 minutes) for your ipod, and in the last 3-4 seconds of the song, put your personal alarm in (ex. using windows movie maker and making it an mp3).

      Could that work? =/ Or is it too long to fit on an ipod?

      1) The alram function alows you to sepcify a PLAYLIST instead of a sound/beep. Therefore all we need is a short 3-5 second audio file to place in the play list.
      Does ipod touch 1st gen have the alarm function? I'm looking over my ipod and can't find it ;~;
      Last edited by Puffin; 12-03-2009 at 08:30 PM.
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      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
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    21. #21
      Member The Dreaming Zombie's Avatar
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      Sounds really good. I have a watch that has an alarm that I use every morning. It requires me to turn it off, however, after 1 minute it turns the alarm off automatically. It's not particularly loud, just some beeps.

      Would this minute be too long do you think?

    22. #22
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sora View Post
      I'll definitly try this, it'S not rly a WILD at all, pretty much the same thing as a DEILD, but you induce the dream exit :3.
      Actually, it is a WILD if you go by a strict definition. The definition of a WILD is a lucid dream that is initiated directly from a waking state without any disruption in consciousness. So it depends how you define "waking state". If by "waking" you mean mentally conscious, then this method is a WILD. But if you define "waking" as being both mentally and physically awake, then this method isn't technically a WILD. But this method isn't a DILD either, as you aren't becoming lucid during a dream itself, you're waking up and then going back into the sleep state.

      And yes, it is similar to DEILD, but the major difference is the reliability of a custom alarm clock vs. exiting a dream. Check out the "benefits" section that I added to my original post for more information about the benefits of this method over DEILD.

      Quote Originally Posted by The Dreaming Zombie View Post
      Sounds really good. I have a watch that has an alarm that I use every morning. It requires me to turn it off, however, after 1 minute it turns the alarm off automatically. It's not particularly loud, just some beeps.

      Would this minute be too long do you think?
      This might work, depending on whether you will be able to remain undistracted by the continuing alarm for the 1 minute. If you become too distracted or awakened from the continuing blaring, it may bring you away from the cusp of SP and the sleep state. But it's definitely worth a try, because the main point is that you can't move your physical body. As long as you do this, your chances are optimal for success. Let us know what happens!

      Quote Originally Posted by Demara View Post

      I got an interesting idea.
      Maybe, since you have to wake up a bit earlier than you normally do, you could subtract 30-40 minutes off of the amount of sleep you get.

      ex. I sleep from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM every night. So, this is 9 hours of sleep. Subtract 30 minutes = 8:30 minutes.

      Create a quiet, no-sound song (in this case it'd be 8 hours and 30 minutes) for your ipod, and in the last 3-4 seconds of the song, put your personal alarm in (ex. using windows movie maker and making it an mp3).

      Could that work? =/ Or is it too long to fit on an ipod?
      I did some quick calculations, and it looks like an 8 hour 30 minute sound file would be about 2.5 GB in space. If you have an iPod larger than 2 GB, you should be able to fit the file on there. You will, however, likely need to temporarily delete some other files if there isn't enough free space (there may be enough free space though, if, say, you have a 8 GB or 16 GB iPod). It's a pretty great idea, actually, you should definitely give it a try. It's a great recommendation to anyone else who has an iPod but not a PC in their bedroom.
      Last edited by CrazyInSane; 12-04-2009 at 05:57 PM.
      rynkrt3 likes this.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

    23. #23
      Member The Dreaming Zombie's Avatar
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      Thanks, I'll give it a try tonight. What I'm hoping for is to be awakened, remain still and then avoid focusing on the beeping of my watch for its duration.

      The hard part for me will be to overcome the instinctive open-your-eyes-when-you-wake-up. Guess I'll have to train myself on that, may take a few days but hopefully I can nail it in one.

    24. #24
      Member luke's Avatar
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      Gave it a try this morning. However, I had had an afternoon nap so I really wasn't tired at all when the 4 second alarm sounded, but I could feel that feeling of being on the verge of a WILD almost straight away so I'm sure there's some truth in this.
      Tonight i'll get a proper night's sleep and see how we go...

      I'm using an old PC in my room which I only use for word processing, but the fan might be too loud. I'm thinking of using ear plugs and turning up the speaker volume, however, this might affect my ability to hear my actual alarm (the one that makes sure i wake up for work) and if the ear plugs fall out during the night, I will be startled awake by the loud speaker volume....oh well, someone find an appropriate alarm clock already...

    25. #25
      Veteran member CrazyInSane's Avatar
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      Dec 2006
      Quote Originally Posted by DreamBaby View Post
      I will try this later thank you it seems good
      Thank you for the compliment, and good luck in your attempt! Keep us posted.

      Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
      Gave it a try this morning. However, I had had an afternoon nap so I really wasn't tired at all when the 4 second alarm sounded, but I could feel that feeling of being on the verge of a WILD almost straight away so I'm sure there's some truth in this.
      Tonight i'll get a proper night's sleep and see how we go...
      Thanks for the feedback Luke! Great to hear that you felt on the verge of a WILD on the first try! You're getting there! The afternoon nap you had may have had an effect, but as long as you have had at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep, it should work. The fact that you weren't tired was probably the damper.

      Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
      ...so I'm sure there's some truth in this (method)
      There's definitely truth to it. I use it all the time and it usually works like a charm each time. So there's no reason why it shouldn't work for most other people, as long as all the variables come together. Hopefully we see some major success across-the-board with this method.
      Last edited by CrazyInSane; 12-03-2009 at 11:47 PM.
      Stay lucid, stay WILD!

      My "CAN-WILD" tutorial (created Dec. 2009)

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