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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 06/24/10 Nex Vomica - Death Plague Interrupted

      by , 06-27-2010 at 04:21 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      "There's no time!" the man insisted, "The Ascendentae will answer all your questions, but you have to come with me! It is no longer safe here!" The man opened a portal and I followed him through…

      On the other side of the portal I was in what looked like a temple. I felt the dream was slipping. I was about to wake up, but I wasn't done there… so I didn't want the dream to end yet. I repeated what I had done last night, using Allura's method to dilate time. I focused on the 12 hour clock, then morphed it into a 24 hour clock… then to a 48 hour clock… and I felt the dream stabilize. I looked around again. The man who had come to help me with the goons was standing there looking at me strangely.

      "Come," he said to me, "The Ascendantae awaits." He turned and walked away.

      I followed the man as he walked through the halls. He knocked on a large door at the end of the hall. Someone on the other side said we should enter. The man I was with opened the door and we both went into the room. There was a man sitting on the other side of a desk looking at us as we entered. The man referred to the man who had brought me as Salus, and said he could go now. Salus turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

      I'd had a million questions I'd been wanting to ask, but now I didn't seem to be able to manage any of them. The man behind the desk, the Ascendantae, stood up and came around the desk. He looked at me closely as if evaluating me or something… I didn't like that much. Something about him reminded me of Sean Connery…

      I wanted to ask what he was looking at, but he started speaking before I got a chance to. He said Salus had already told him about finding me. He said Salus had also told him about the everto finding me. He said that was not a good sign. He said that if the everto had started looking for their… then he trailed off. He paused and then said he was sure I wanted some answers. He said all the answers I wanted awaited me at the end of the negotium.

      "At the end of the what?" I asked, having no idea what this negotium could be. He said it was a simple task. All I would have to do was go to the end of a passage and retrieve a book. A special book that, if I was who they believed me to be, would be able to retrieve. And I was the only one who could retrieve it. That all sounded really strange to me… The man pulled a hidden lever on the desk. A section of the floor slid aside and there was a stairway down into darkness below. The Ascendantae said that the answers awaited at the end of that passage. I looked down the passage into the darkness. I wondered what might await down there… I wasn't sure what I was going to do… but I figured I would not know what was going on if I didn't go down there.

      I was about to go down the stairs when the door to the office was flung open. There were a bunch of people in the door… Templars! Wtf? My full lucidity came rushing back to me as I let myself get out of character… There weren't supposed to be Templars attacking here… the Ascendantae was also perplexed. Of course he was a DC I had made for the game… But he was programmed to respond. He went over towards the Templars. He demanded to know the meaning of this intrusion. I told him those were the everto, so he might want to go down the passage himself to escape. He didn't leave, instead he pulled out a rather fancy looking glowing sword and attacked the Templars. One of the Templars hit him with a blast of energy, and since he was a DC that wasn't even intended to fight, the Ascendentae disappeared. I was prepared to fight the Templars now. I was more focused on them, so the dream set I had created fell apart around me. It turned out I was now on the moon.

      One of the Templars came towards me and seemed pleased to see me… wtf? He came over and shook my hand with one of his hands and said it was good to have me on their side. What? I asked him if he was on crack… He looked at me strangely and then laughed. He tried to lead me back to the others as a friend would do. I pushed his hand off of me. I asked what he wanted, intruding on my dream… He said it was time that we got down to business. I said I didn't have any business with him… He said if I could just convince MoSh to join us… I repeated that there is no 'us' going on here… He looked at me strangely. He said the joke had gotten old. I said I wasn't joking about anything. These guys really thought I would be working with them!

      I asked him what would make him think I had joined their side. He said I had clearly accepted the dark energy… I told him that doesn't mean anything… unless the goals of controlling people by force that and the rest of the Templars were aiming for had drastically changed there was no way I would ever be helping them with it. He looked at me strangely. He didn't seem to be getting the point. I told him to go away and let me finish my dream in peace. The one who had been talking to me looked over at the other Templars. He didn't seem to know what to say now. I told him we had found a good balance… they don't interfere with my dreams, and I don't kick their asses on sight. So unless there was something else that didn't involve me joining them, please go away and let me finish my dream. The Templar closest to me grabbed my arm and said I would be going with him. I said no, I would not, so he would have one more chance to just leave in peace… Instead he tried to pull me with him. I shook him off and opened a vortex portal that dumped all of them someplace around Pluto…

      I went to focus on restoring my dream world and continuing my video game development dream. Before I even had a chance to get the dream realm reformed, however, there was another visitor. This one attacked me on sight, throwing spears of light down at me. There were explosions all around me as I jumped out of the way of the attack, getting quite annoyed at my dream being interrupted yet again. I looked to get a closer look at the attacker, and I saw he looked like an angel of some kind… he didn't even pause in his attack, though, throwing another wave of glowing spears in my direction. I used Whiplash and sent the energy spears right back at him. He avoided the attack and landed on the ground not far from me. I asked him what he thought he was doing. He said he does not talk to demons. He continued attacking me. A whirlwind of golden light erupted around me, mixed with fire. This guy was really annoying… This attack was easily countered with a small wave of dark energy that neutralized the attack. The angel was already throwing more light spears at me, I jumped out of the way and hit him with a bolt of lightning by using Battery. Electricity didn't seem to hurt him… I tried a bolt of lightning made of dark energy… that did hurt him. It knocked him backwards. I told him he should get a better definition of what a demon is before attacking random people, then used a vortex portal to send him where I had sent the Templars. Maybe all of them would have some fun together.

      Ok… now finally to get back to my video game dream… But the dream was slipping again. I focused on doing another time dilation. The clock with the 12 hours, changing into the clock with 24 hours, changing into the clock with 48 hours… but it didn't seem to be helping this time. The dream slipped away and I woke.