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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 12/18/12 Mall Gardens and Gunslingers

      by , 12-18-2012 at 11:46 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Garden of Life
      I am with Alicia in a car heading downtown. We park in a large parking garage of a large mall of some kind. There are many levels of the mall, some of which have stores and others have offices. The lower levels are stores, the upper levels are offices. There is a huge open courtyard in the center of the mall. Alicia and I come to the top level of the mall. I look down in the courtyard where they have a magnificent garden.

      It is amazing. I pull out my camera and start taking photos. I want to go down lower and get some more photos. Alicia seems to want to go. We go into the hallway ramp that leads down to the next level. Alicia goes to the elevator, but I tell her we can walk and I can take photos on my way. She seems annoyed but follows me. There are fish tanks lining the walls here with many colorful fish. I take a few photos of the colorful fish. We make our way down to the bottom level where I walk among the colorful flowers and take more photos. Alicia is getting more impatient but I don't pay any attention to her. I take a photo of a small lake that's inside the mall. I am far more interested in the garden than in shopping. I am still taking photos when I wake up.

      The Fallen Gunslinger
      I am on the beach again, the beach that is described at the beginning of my lucid dream hypnosis program. I walk down the beach, going along with the program until I fall asleep and into a lucid dream.

      Though I am lucid, I am not really thinking about any of my dream goals, so I continue walking down the beach because it is a pleasant scene. For a while I don't see any people on the beach, but then I spot something in the distance. I approach to see what it is. At first I think it is just a pile of old cloths on the beach, but then it moves a bit. When I get a little closer I see it is a man. He doesn't look like he is in very good shape. I can see from the tracks in the sand that he has exerted a lot of effort to drag himself up the beach, away from the water. I'm not sure why he was so determined to get away from the water. I get closer and I see he has a pair of antique looking guns hanging by his sides, and there is a bloody cloth on his right hand. I am not sure who it is yet, but I can tell he needs healing. I approach him and carefully try to wake him. He is surprised by my presence and I think he tries to draw a gun, but I know he is probably delirious and he is unable to pull the gun. I am also not worried about getting shot in a dream. I tell him to relax, I am there to help… I am a healer. I carefully take the bloody cloth off of his right hand to find he has two fingers missing. The flesh around the missing digits is angry and inflamed, the infection has spread most of the way up his arm. That is when it occurs to me that I have found Roland from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

      He asks who I am, I tell him my name is Raven, and I am a healer. This looks nasty, but I'll heal it up. I focus on the song Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack and focus the healing energy through Roland's body. I can see as the infection retreats and fades… the part that really takes Roland by surprise is when his two missing fingers begin regenerating. I finish the healing, and he clearly looks a lot better. I wonder if there is anything else I can do, but before I have a chance to do anything I wake up.
    2. 05/02/11 Backlog of Dreams

      by , 05-03-2011 at 12:48 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      A Large Problem
      I am at Alicia's house, we just got back from a vacation of some kind and I need a ride home. There are quite a few others there with us, apparently they have been on the vacation with us, and many of them are also waiting for rides. One of the women is bitching to Alicia that she thinks Alicia should take us all home, or at least her. I think she is being rude. I call my mom and ask if she can come to give me a ride home. She says sure, she will come pick me up right away. I wait there with Alicia and the others for a while. The other people there seem to start disappearing, though I never actually see them go. I assume they got a ride home. My mother takes quite a long time to get there, but finally she does. She is in a car I don't recognize, the car is tiny. She climbs out of the car and I see she looks about three times fatter than she was when I saw her last. She had been in the process of losing weight… so what happened? She waddles over to see me and say hi to Alicia, I note how out of shape she seems. I am worried for her health. She says she is here, let's go home. I say ok, when we get in the car I ask her what happened to her diet. She says nothing, her diet is going fine. Why do I ask?

      Living In Filth
      I am in a house that looks absolutely disgusting, though I know it is not mine. I am looking through the house for something, trying to see if I can find anything of value in the place. I look into a room that smells particularly bad and I start looking around, though I am sure I don't want to be in there very long. I am about to leave when I see something horrible… there is a cat in there. The cat is lying in a pile of filth, there is nowhere else for the kitty to go, and the cat looks very sick. The poor kitty is missing most of its fur. The cat clearly once had a long plush black coat, but huge chunks of that coat have come out, leaving bald spots over a large portion of the cat's body. I go to pick the cat up, the cat's body is limp and unresponsive. The cat seems to be barely alive. I get on my cell phone and call someone, maybe the owner of the home? I am talking to a woman. I say that there is a cat in the filth, not responsive, and is just lying there in her own filth. The woman says there is a healing gem in the house, in the living room, use that. I go to the living room, or what I think is the living room. It's really hard to tell, the room is also filled with filth. I am digging through the disgusting filth trying to find the healing gem. What if I can't find it? A patch of my skin is turning green, rotting off… this place is making me sick, too. But I don't want to leave until I find the healing gem and save the kitty!

      Note: I have a long haired black kitty named Shadow. The image of the sick kitty was so vivid in my head when I woke up that I had to go into the other room and check on Shadow, pick her up, and love her. She responded with a purr.

      Real Life DDO Skills
      I am on a vacation with my mother, we are leaving the hotel to go on a visit to a local theme park that is similar to Disney Land. It isn't actually Disney Land, but I know it will be a lot of fun. We get to the theme park and go over to the ticket stand, but the tickets are around double the price we expected it to be. This park is less well known than Disney Land, so we had expected it to be a lot less expensive. Their website had indicated it was a lot cheaper… but the lower price doesn't include any of the rides at all, I really don't see the point of that ticket. My mom and I leave the ticket booth, deciding it is too expensive to go in. On the way back to the hotel we are discussing our options, and we eventually decide I should sneak inside and ride the rides for the day. She says she will give me money for food. She says she wasn't really interested in the rides to begin with, so she will spend the day doing something else. I agree to the plan, but there is one problem with it. I will have to either improve or buff my sneak skill before it is high enough to allow me to sneak into the park.

      Someone Is Watching
      I am in a hospital data center, it seems I have landed back at the same dead end job I had before I went back to school and got a bachelor's degree. That is really depressing. It is Halloween night, and I can see quite a few people down below in the parking lot dressed in costume. The hospital itself is entirely closed, so at least I don't have to worry about getting customer service calls for the night. The people down below start dispersing, it seems there was a party down there but now it is over. That is also a bummer, I missed out on all the free candy. Another worker stuck there at night comes into the room and tells me there is a suspicious character wandering around the property, so he would recommend I stay in the data center with the door locked. He leaves, and I lock the door behind him. As luck would have it, now I start having to go pee. The restroom is a short distance down a dark hall from the data center. I look out the window at the parking lot again, there is now a creepy looking guy in a costume standing there watching my window… or it looks like he is watching my window. I have to go pee worse. I am also getting a bit hungry. The vending machine is a short distance down the dark hall as well, though in the opposite direction from the bathroom. Great, I am hungry and I have to go pee and there is a creepy guy out there. I figure I will have to go eventually, so I should go ahead and go out there while the creepy guy is in the parking lot. It will take him time to get up to the third level where the data center is.

      Protective Custody?
      I am with Alicia, we are going to the U of A football field to see a game. We are talking about some random things, about how well we expect the U of A to do this season… Alicia asks me if I think my mother might take more of an interest in college football if the NFL doesn't work things out in time for the next season. I'm not really sure if she might or not… Alicia and I go into a room that is on the ground level with the football field. I look out onto the field and I can see the grass looks quite a bit thicker than it normally does, but I don't notice this as odd. Alicia is looking out over the field as well, she is also complaining about our view, saying it will be hard to see what is going on out there. Something starts looking strange to me, I look around to see if I can identify what is out of place. I finally decide to do a reality check and I find I am dreaming. I remember I have plans to go meet up with MoSh and see about finding Sam. I think I'll just bust out a window and fly off. I guess I really only ended up being semi-lucid, because the best thing I can think of is to smash the window with a chair. I pick up one of the chairs and slam it into a window. This has very little effect, which surprises me. I should certainly be strong enough to smash out the window… I hit it a few more times and finally crack it, then it finally comes down. Alicia is asking me what I am doing, why am I breaking a window? To my surprise, the window doesn't lead outside. It leads into a room that is filled with styrofoam popcorn. The popcorn falls out of the room in huge piles, and there is a woman with long dark hair in the room. The woman is sitting on a bed, looking out at me over what is left of the popcorn. She says someone shut her in the room. They said it was for her own protection, but she thinks that is a load of bullshit.

      Summoning Problems
      I am outside riding my bike down some roads in the middle of the desert. I note the fact it isn't hot, in fact it is a very nice day for a ride. I am getting close to home, I only have one more hill to go up before I get there. I think that hill looks far too difficult to ride my bike up. I do a random RC and I realize I am dreaming. I don't become especially lucid, though, I don't remember any of my goals. I just want to play around with some of my dream skills. First to make this hill a bit easier. I focus on my summoning. I try to summon a bike with a little motor to help me with the hill. Epic fail. I try again… epic fail. Well, maybe I'll try something easier. I ride my bike up the hill, it is easier than I had expected. Of course I am dreaming… so I shouldn't get tired so easily. I get home and see that my home is an apartment rather than my own home. I am a bit thirsty after that bike ride, so I summon a coke. Epic fail. I try again, and I am finally able to summon a can of coke. Only one problem… the can is the size of a peanut! I focus on it becoming bigger. It grows a bit. I say I want it bigger… it grows some more… bigger… finally it is the size of a normal can of coke. I open the can and start drinking it.

      Beach Combing
      I am on a beach, it is a wide and beautiful beach. I feel I have absolutely nowhere I have to be right now, so I decide to explore the beach and maybe play in the water for a while. The water is quite cold, but there are a lot of interesting places to explore. I head down the beach and find a rocky area with a lot of caves and inlets. I start looking inside the small caves and inlets. I find some gems on the ground. I wonder if they could be real or if they are just decorations and souvenirs for explorers to find. I pick up a couple of them that I think are especially pretty. I continue exploring, and I finally reach a dead end in one of the caves where there is a large treasure chest sitting there open. Most likely it is there for tourists to take souvenirs. I look inside and take a couple of treasure pieces, I take a necklace and a pair of gemstone earrings as well as a few gold coins, then I leave the rest of it for other explorers to find.

      Demon Jungle
      I am at the edge of a jungle, preparing to go into the dense foliage on the hunt for something that redefines the word evil. I know I am not alone in this hunt, someone else just left me to circle around behind the target. He will come from that direction to make sure the thing doesn't get out by going that way. So I go into the forest, searching around for traces of the thing we are hunting. I find the thing has left an obvious trail. The trail is a little too obvious. It could easily be a trap. I continue following the trail, but I am also being observant for any kind of a trap. In spite of being watchful for a trap, I step right into the middle of it. I am in a small clearing when a circle of dark mud forms around me. The mud bubbles up from the ground and forms into dark mud figures that are circling around me. My mind immediately goes to DDO, and I pull a sword out of nowhere… out of my ass? I swing the sword and cut through a couple of the figures. Cutting mud is ineffective. I shoot flames from my hands and dry the mud into dust that blows away. Something is moving in the trees… I see glowing eyes in there, sinister eyes. Something moves into the clearing. I can't really see what it is, though, it seems to be cloaked in a cloud of darkness, it seems to be blurred out of existence… weird… it is attacking me somehow, I can't even see it move, but there are razor sharp talons cutting at me. I heal the cuts immediately and shoot fire back at the thing. The fire burns the cloud of darkness away. I attack with my sword. The thing blocks with its talons, cutting at me, attacking with a fury. I am finally able to block the talons with my sword and fire a blast of flames directly at the creature. The flames burn all the way through the thing and it is incinerated.
    3. 08/26/10 Dimensional Fusion

      by , 09-01-2010 at 03:05 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: The final presentation is done and over, so the only thing to do for now was to try to get my dream control and recall back So with every intention of recalling dreams tonight, no special plans except to relax a bit after working so hard, and an attempt to WILD, I fell asleep with my light / sound machine on. Unfortunately I was unable to get into my WILD…

      I was on a beach, it was nearly sunset, and the only sounds I could hear were the sounds of the waves hitting the shore, the cries of seagulls in the distance, and the sound of a gentle wind blowing in off of the ocean. The scene was very relaxing, which felt good. Even though I didn't realize I was dreaming, I still felt a need for relaxation and rest, so I sat down on the warm sand and stared out over the waves and into the colorful sky with the reds and oranges of the sunset, it was beautiful. I'm not sure how long I sat there and relaxed before I sensed that I was not alone there, there was someone else on the beach with me. I knew I wouldn't necessarily have the beach to myself for long, but I did want to see who I was sharing it with, if it was someone hot… someone creepy… someone with a dog… a psychotic looking clown… yes, that thought did enter my mind… What I did see when I turned around was an older man, he didn't look threatening or psychotic, he was by himself, he looked like an American Indian, and he was gazing off into the sunset just as I was. So I turned my attention from the man and back to the waves, birds, and the sunset.

      I now sensed that the Indian man was right behind me, I could feel his gaze as he was looking right at me, and this caused me to turn around again. He was, indeed, staring at me now, and he had a disapproving look on his face. My first thought was that I was trespassing on a private beach, that would definitely explain why there weren't any other people there. He probably wanted me to leave. I felt a mixture of foolishness for wandering onto private property and annoyance at having to leave since I clearly wasn't hurting anything, but I got up, brushed sand off my pants, apologized to the man for trespassing on his beach, and started to walk away. He stopped me with a hand on my shoulder, he said he did not own the beach, no one owned the beach. Whew, that was good, so there was really nothing wrong with me being there. The man pointed out to the sea, asking if I saw something wrong. I said no, since I had been staring and not seeing anything wrong. He told me to look again, more closely. I did. The sun was hanging over the ocean, the sky was bright reds and oranges, fading to deep purple and blue overhead, and the waves flowed steadily out to sea… huh? The waves were weird… wrong somehow… I looked closer, and the water seemed to be emerging from the sand itself and flowing out to sea… that wasn't normal, so I did a RC and found I was dreaming…

      I looked back at the man now, he said it was about time I became lucid, I found the way he said it to be a bit annoying, but he had made me lucid so I brushed it off. I asked him who he was, he said I should already know that now that I was lucid, unless of course I was completely blind, he said I should look at him and actually see who he was. I was getting a bit more impatient with his attitude, but I still didn't respond to that, resisting an impulse to call him an ass… there couldn't be any benefit to that. I looked at the man, focusing on seeing his energy this time, and I finally decided I was looking at don Juan, but there was something about his energy that was a bit off… right as I thought his energy was off, the frequency conformed to what I thought it should be, he said now I could see him. He pointed back out at the ocean and asked what I saw there… I saw dolphins swimming out in the ocean, so I watched them for a bit and told don Juan about the dolphins I saw even thought I thought he should be able to see them for himself.

      I was watching the dolphins still when don Juan slipped a cold glass into my hand, I looked at it and it was full of a drink of some kind, he said to drink it… I sniffed the stuff, wondering what it could be, maybe I'd get my penticon implant to do a spectral analysis on the stuff before drinking it, that way I could be sure it wasn't dangerous… then that felt a bit dumb, I was in a dream, I could eat a cyanide and arsenic sandwich with cobra venom on it and a glass of bleach to wash it down, and it wouldn't be dangerous. It would be disgusting, but not dangerous… besides, I didn't remember any time where don Juan had seemed hostile, so I took a sip of the drink. It was actually pretty good, sweet and fruity, so I drank a bit more and looked back out over the ocean to see if the dolphins were still there.

      The red sun was just about gone beneath the surface of the waves, and the full moon was rising a bit to the right of the sun… wtf? How could the moon be rising from the same direction the sun was setting? I rubbed my eyes, looked again, and the sun was rising now, and the moon was setting. Um… ok… well, it was a dream after all… so anything is possible in a dream, the laws of physics are not applicable here. I was absent mindedly drinking the juice when I noticed I felt strange, a bit light headed… wait a minute… the world was spinning, I was losing the dream! Damn! I focused on the moon and willed the dream to stabilize, I wasn't ready to wake up… The sun turned into a giant pacman with fangs and tore a large mouthful out of the moon, red color that looked like blood came out of the torn moon and added even brighter reds to the sky, and it caused the ocean itself to look like it was on fire. The sun ate the rest of the moon in one bite, then hundreds of stars fell from the sky and ate the sun until there was nothing left but a dark night sky filled with stars, although some of those stars were notably fatter than the others. I was just staring at that in silence until I finally muttered a, "What the FUCK was that all about?"

      I took another drink and stared at the night sky for a bit longer, waiting for anything else odd to happen, and I felt something bite my lip. I looked in the glass and saw there was not much of the drink left, and there were weird worm things with lots of teeth squirming on the bottom of the glass, looking up at me and snarling, jumping to get to me to bite, one of them was hanging off of my face. I removed the worm, put it back in the glass, and felt like vomiting at the idea I might have actually swallowed one of those things… as I said, things like that won't hurt me in a dream, but it can still be extremely disgusting. I felt light headed and nauseated, what the fuck? I had been poisoned after all, though this guy hadn't seemed hostile in any way, I had been poisoned, I looked over where I knew don Juan was and I saw a clown… a weird clown with so many razor sharp fangs, blood dripping from his fangs… what the FUCK? I thought I was on a beach with don Juan, not Pennywise the Clown from Stephen King's It! The clown was grinning at me in a very evil manner, which was weird since the energy I sensed from the clown was still not hostile, maybe a bit amused, but not hostile. My penticon implant spoke to me, saying the foreign substance had been identified and was being neutralized… I closed my eyes and waited until the computer said the neutralization was complete… then I opened my eyes and looked around.

      It was dark out now, there were stars in the sky, no sign of the moon, there was a faint red glow on the horizon, dolphins were playing in the ocean as the waves rolled in from the ocean instead of out to the ocean… and don Juan was standing beside me, not Pennywise the Clown, although he did look amused. I realized I was still holding the glass that had the juice in it, but when I looked it was just a bit of juice left, no worms or anything inside it. Hmmm… it seemed I was the butt of some kind of joke here… I took a deep breath and looked over at don Juan, I asked him what the point of that had been, because if it was a poison, he should know I can't be poisoned in the dream state… He looked into my eyes and got a strange look on his face. I had no doubt in my mind that the drink had been poisoned… my penticon said the drink would be safe now, since the substance to neutralize the poison was already in my system. Don Juan was still staring… I commented it's rude to stare… I then commented that the fruit drink was good, asked if he had any more of it… he said sure, and filled my glass from a flask, so I drank down the poison then deliberately smirked… then accidently burped… a long, loud, and embarrassing one that smelled like fruit… I said, "Excuse me," out of habit.

      Don Juan asked if I could sense all the different way things are… he said I should be doing it effortlessly now, but… he seemed a bit puzzled… He said I have already done it in dreams, I have seen many worlds at once in the dream state… he indicated the ocean, I saw don Juan standing in front of the ocean (a gunslinger at the edge of a desert) (an old hic at the edge of a swamp) (a fire elemental beside an ocean of lava) (and Indian shaman at a fire at the edge of a thick forest) (a desolate ocean bed with a vampire in front of it) (a massive storm that was blowing with intense force, no sign of don Juan or anyone else) (a battlefield with many dead and dying soldiers lying everywhere, one not far from me was screaming as a vulture was eating him while he still lived as a soldier beside me pointed and laughed) (a field of colorful flowers and a country man standing beside me) (a vast level area of land with an army of Goa'uld marching across it, Teal'c was beside me) There were so many different versions I wasn't able to focus enough to take action in any of them, it was quite disorienting…

      Then I heard don Juan speaking to me, focused on that, and pulled myself back into one world, seeing one place, one time… The beach was completely dark now, illuminated only by the dim glow of the stars, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see don Juan was still there, and he was speaking. He said I have the ability to see into many worlds at once when in the dream state, and with practice, to take a different action in each one of those worlds, so why hadn't I yet tried to exist in even two worlds simultaneously while awake? I said it was because I would never believe it or trust it to be real. He asked why not, I said I would have no way of being certain I was having an effect on another world or just pulling fictional shit out of my ass. He said I have to learn not to question what my own senses tell me, be they physical senses or other senses, it is completely normal for a nagual to see many planes and interact with them simultaneously… ok, there's your problem… I am not a nagual, if you want to talk to a nagual, maybe I could bring MoSh to this dream… He said he will find MoSh on his own when it is time, but now he was telling me to use the powers I have IWL… I said I have no powers IWL. He said I do have powers there, he said my friend thinks he is full of shit, so was I saying I agree with that, was I also saying he was full of shit? I wondered how he was so sure I have a friend who thinks he is full of shit… he said he wasn't blind, and that is fine if she wants to think that, she will find her own path. So, did my opinion match hers? That he was full of shit? I wasn't sure what to say, I didn't want to be rude and say yes, he's full of shit, but I know I have no powers IWL… so I said nothing.

      After waiting for a short time, don Juan said again to use my powers IWL, I repeated I have no power IWL, to me we were both starting to sound like broken records, repeating over and over and over… I was getting impatient. I said of course I have no powers IWL, that's why they locked me into the trash hole of a dimension where I am now imprisoned. I'm not sure why I said someone sealed me in my home dimension… he said the prison couldn't be secure if I was there, on that beach, with him right now… I said apparently there is a breach that allows for dream travels… but on the physical plane, any powers I had have been sealed. He asked who had sealed my powers. I said I didn't know, maybe the Templars? He laughed, said not even close. He said the only one who had sealed my powers in my waking world was me, sealed it with doubt and disbelief, self doubt and refusal to believe in myself, because without those two things nothing will ever be possible. Or, of course, if I prefer to think he is full of shit, then go ask someone else and they will say the same things using different words. I really wasn't sure what to say right now, but I didn't have a chance to say anything before the dream faded and I woke.
    4. 07/23/10 A Day at the Beach

      by , 07-26-2010 at 08:42 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was on the beach, walking along the shore and looking for seashells. It was a beautiful day out, the sun was actually a bit on the hot side, but that was balanced out by the cool breeze blowing in off of the ocean. What a wonderful day for a walk on the beach. I was wishing I had brought my swim suit because now, as I watched the waves rolling in from the endless blue horizon, I wanted to swim out into the water and let the waves carry me back to shore.

      Well, I couldn't swim but I could definitely wade. So I took off my shoes and socks, rolled up my jeans, and waded out into the ocean until the water was about up to my knees. I continued walking along the shore, enjoying the ocean breeze, the smell of the ocean, the sounds of the seagulls, the fact there weren't any other people out there… but wait… I did see another person a bit farther up the beach. Crap. Well, I could at least hope there weren't very many people, maybe even just the one. I wasn't about to change my course just because there was one person on the beach, so I continued walking and got closer to the person, who turned out to be a man, and as I got closer to him I realized I knew him!

      "Nomad?" I asked, surprised to see him.

      "That's me," he said, "This is a dream, and I was about to ride a dream wave all of the way to the moon! Hop on the next wave and ride with me!"

      Riding waves to the moon? There's no way that could be even remotely possible, although Nomad looked like he was being completely serious about the idea. I then registered the rest of what he had said, this is a dream, and he was going to ride a dream wave. Not just a normal wave, a dream wave. So this was a dream, then? I confirmed that it was definitely a dream when I did a RC, turned to Nomad and said this really was a dream.

      Before anything more could be said about riding waves all of the way to the moon, however, the calm peacefulness of the beach was shattered by harsh yelling, energy blasts firing, and swords clashing. Who the hell was making so much noise?! I looked and saw that the beach was covered by Templars now, stupid Templars have to come around and ruin everything, and they apparently had come to attack Nomad or me or both of us.

      Nomad transformed into a giant shark that was sparking with electricity. When he did that he was in mid jump and he came down on top of a few of the Templars and appeared to swallow them whole while shocking the Templars that just happened to be too close to him. Of course that left this huge sparking shark on the beach, when he would have been much better off in the water, so I telekinetically tossed him into the water, and then I threw a few Templars in after him so he wouldn't be alone out there. He seemed to think the Templars looked tasty, as he started eating them whole, I wondered if the lightning around him meant they were at least cooked before he ate them, and my next thought was, "Yuck! Nomad, you'll get diseases from eathing those things!" As if acknowledging that, Nomad spat out a chewed up Templar onto the beach, which was quite disgusting, and terrifying to one of the other Templars who ran for his life down the beach. That was the only Templar with a brain, however, as the others all yelled and came to attack both Nomad and me.

      It was about here that Nomad figured out that since he was a dream shark he could swim just fine in the air instead of in the water, so he jumped out of the water and chased Templars around on the beach, grabbing them in his massive jaws and literally biting them in half… other Templars came straight at me and attacked, they got greeted my my Witchblade sword for their troubles. I told one of them that seemed hesitant to attack me to go away and leave Nomad and me alone, we were just trying to have a bit of a fun dream, hadn't been looking for any trouble with the Templars, so just go away! He didn't seem to think that was as good of an idea as I did, however, he attacked me anyway and got my Witchblade sword run through him for his trouble. Well, no one could say I didn't try to get them to just go away. The fighting continued for a while longer until the few remaining Templars finally got the picture and ran away through portals that opened up a short distance down the beach, leaving Nomad and me alone once again.

      Nomad turned back to his normal self and asked what that thing with the Templars had been all about. I told him I didn't have a clue, I didn't even know for sure which one of us they had been after or if they might have been after us both or maybe they hadn't really been looking for either of us but just happened to find us… Nomad said they were just being stupid like they always are, so now how about riding the dream wave all the way to the moon? He pointed out to the ocean where the moon was rising over the horizon, the reflection of the moon was very clear in the ocean water. A very beautiful sight. Nomad and I didn't end up riding the wave to the moon, but we did have a nice length of time to enjoy the beach and relax there. The water was great, and we even found ourselves to be in the company of dolphins when we transformed to merpeople and swam a bit farther out into the ocean and farther up the coast. I was thinking that if it hadn't been for the interference of those stupid Templars, this would have been a perfect vacation dream!