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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 01/14/11 Halo 3 - Warthog Run

      by , 01-15-2011 at 08:36 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: This is the last night for Halo task for full credit on the Lucidity Power Trials Club, and it is my aim to do it with Dakota. Other than that, I will focus on just remembering something. I remembered a dream last night, I want to do it more! More!

      I am in a place I don't recognize, and I am not lucid at the time. I look around to see where I am, and I see that it is winter, the ground is covered in snow, and I am a bit chilly. I think I'm doing quite well to be out in that weather and only be slightly chilly, but that might not last. I wish I had a jacket of some kind, and I am surprised when one seems to appear from nowhere. I put it on and look around more, I have absolutely no memory of how I came to be here, or even of where here is. I decide to do a nose-pinch RC, and I discover that I am dreaming.

      I look around the place a bit more now that I am aware I am dreaming. I am in a cold and snowy place at the base of a mountain, there are paths or roads of some kind leading up the mountain, so I head for one of those roads. While I am walking in that direction I am thinking about my goals, about what it is that I want to accomplish in dreams this night. I remember the Halo Warthog mission, so I will try for that. I walk along the base of the mountain looking for a possible place for the Halo mission to start. I see a tunnel leading into the mountain that looks like a place for the mission to start, so I head in that direction. I am thinking another part of the goal is to look for Dakotahnok to see if we can confirm a shared dream. So I am also looking for him as I head to the cave entrance.

      As soon as I get to the cave I see there is a man in there, he looks like he is waiting for something. I wonder if it could be Dakotahnok… then I realize I have no idea what Dakotahnok looks like! I approach the man and observe his appearance, he has short dark hair, is relatively tall with an average build, but then my attention gets drawn to his shirt… his t-shirt has Dakotahnok's spider avatar on it! He sees me and asks if I am Raven Knight, so I say yes, I ask if he is Dakotahnok… he doesn't answer me, but he looks very happy with the situation and says, "We did it! We did it!" He is very excited at the prospect, I think it is awesome that we made it work. Now if both of us can just remember this…

      Dakotahnok and I aren't together for long, however, before we head in our own separate ways, as both of us are looking to complete the Halo task for the LPTC and this can't be done in a shared dream due to some people not accepting shared dreams at all, and for the ones that do, it would seem unfair to do a task as a team when everyone else has to do it individually. I tell Dakotahnok to make sure and remember the dream. He comments that I'm the one that has been having recall problems lately, touché… we go our separate ways.

      I go into the cave, which cuts through an area of the mountain. It looks like the cave was carved through the rock by an intelligent race rather than a natural passage, it also winds around inside the mountain. There seem to be passages heading off to the side of the main passage, but I don't feel there was a need to explore them. There are strange mutant bug like things attacking me, I take a shotgun like weapon from my side and blast them, the blast takes out large groups of them at once.

      I exit from the passage and find there is a vehicle parked on the other side, there is a voice speaking from somewhere… wtf? It is a female voice, it says to get in the Warthog and go, go, go! Wow… it's like I just stepped into the video game… I jump into the Warthog, and someone else gets in the back… I'm not sure who… or what… he is, he clearly isn't human, but it is just as obvious that he is on my side, so as he takes control of the mounted turret on the back of the Warthog, I floor it and head for the path leading up the side of the mountain.

      As we are going up the mountain, the path winds around the outside of the mountain, but there are numerous wide places in it where there are structures off to the side. Mutant freaks are coming out of the structures and attacking us, they are swarming all around us, the guy in the back of the Warthog is blasting away at them, taking them down in waves. Some of them are in front of us, the Warthog is able to drive right over them, squish, squish, squish… I drive the Warthog farther up the mountain, it feels like the mountain must be a volcano about to erupt… the whole thing is shaking violently, large boulders are falling from above and crashing down towards the ground. I am driving the Warthog to the left and right to avoid the falling debris… An area of the path collapsed from in front of us, I am barely able to make the Warthog jump over the crevice to the other side… and I see the mountain is definitely a volcano, as there is lava flowing down through the crevice below. Things continue in this manner until we are near the top, where I see there is a space craft hovering a short distance off the mountain. The voice I heard earlier is saying to go for it, jump into the ship, before the entire place blows. I floor the Warthog and make the jump into the waiting landing bay of the ship.

      It is briefly dark in the landing bay before the interior lights come on, revealing that the Warthog has wrecked at the far end, the big guy from the back has been thrown off to the other side of the landing bay, and I am on my ass near a pile of cargo crates. I go to check on the big guy, and I find he appears to be alive, just unconscious. Well, that's good. I figure the dream task is over, so I am ready to wake up… when there is an attack!

      One of those mutant freaks is attacking, throwing off those strange bug things, it is really quite gross. It looks like one of the enemies off of the Silent Hill games. I remember I have to use Halo weapons, so I don't activate my Witchblade, instead look around and spot a plasma sword that the big guy seems to have dropped when the Warthog wrecked.

      That is a pretty cool weapon, though, it cuts through and toasts the bug things on contact. I fight against the creature, climbing up on some of the cargo crates to get away from its attacks, then I jump down from the crates and attack the thing from above, slicing it nearly in half from top to bottom. The thing was UGLY! I'm not sure what it is… just that it is dead. More of the bug things crawl out of it, so I kill those, and once that is done I wake up.