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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 11/08/10 Tower of Illusion

      by , 11-13-2010 at 06:17 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: MoSh and I are starting a new plan to increase his lucidity and recall, and hopefully make mine more consistent as well, and it involves MoSh and me sharing repeated dreams, MoSh recalls all he can, and then I fill in the blanks. Our first plan was to explore a tower in MoSh's inner world that was constructed by Walms. The tower is basically a challenge of perception, the goal to simply be to get to the top of it. This was my goal as I turned on my light / sound machine and slipped into my WILD…

      I am in the yard outside MoSh's inner world home, and I see MoSh is already there, he was looking at me. I tell him that I am there to go check out the tower Walms built in there, MoSh says he is ready to go. I notice he seems to be in a hurry to get going, but I figure he is just wanting to get going before the dream possibly ends. I ask MoSh where the tower is, he points towards the forest across the street from his house, he says it's off in that direction, then he heads into the forest. I follow MoSh into the forest, and we follow a path that seems to wind around for a while. I wonder how long the trail is, and whether it might be faster to just open a portal to get to the tower. I am about to ask MoSh about that when we come out of the forest and I see the tower up ahead. It is a rather tall and creepy looking tower, it looks extremely tall. I look up and I can't see the top of it. From what I can see from the base of the tower, it has no top, it goes up forever. Well, I suppose that's the challenge, so we need to find a way to the top of the tower, a top that I'm not even sure exists.

      MoSh and I look around the base of the tower, it is of a pattern of bricks that looks quite interesting, but there doesn't seem to be any sign of a door. I am thinking it would be really pathetic if we can't even find the entrance, so we continue looking around the tower. Finally MoSh finds a spot in the wall that he says looks different to him, he pokes around that for a while until he finds a particular brick and pushes on it. A bunch of the bricks shift around on their own to reveal an entrance, which MoSh proceeds through. I follow MoSh through the door, and as soon as we are inside, the bricks move on their own again and seal us inside. For just a bit the place is completely dark, but then there is illumination from an unseen source. The room is now filled with a cool blue glow, making the room look really strange. The room is cylinder shaped, though there is a ladder up the far side of the room. The ladder goes up the wall, and then it goes horizontally across the ceiling to a door in the ceiling. Well, the way to do that seemed pretty clear, climb the ladder and then swing across the horizontal ladder like monkey bars, and then deal with getting through the door. So I head over to the ladder, MoSh is right there with me, and we climb up the ladder, MoSh is right behind me. When I reach the top of the ladder, I reach and grab the first ladder rung of the horizontal part, thinking if this was my waking life, this would be really hard. As I grab the rung, however, the entire room shifts, or at least it seems to. Now the horizontal part of the ladder is going up, MoSh is climbing on the floor. Um… ok… so now I climb up towards the door, which is now in the middle of the wall, I notice MoSh looking at me strangely, then he follows me. I reach the door in the wall and reach for the doorknob. The room shifts again, so now the door is in the wall, I am standing on the ladder, and MoSh is crawling on the floor. I open the door, then MoSh and I go through the door into the next room.

      I step through the wall and find myself standing on a ledge on the outside edge of a huge spherical room. I look around the room, I feel MoSh standing right behind me, both of us barely fitting on the narrow ledge. Then MoSh is pushing me forward, I am about to tell him to quit it, but I realize the door behind us is closing, and we are both pushed off the edge into the room… where I realize there is no gravity in the room, MoSh and I are sent tumbling into the middle of the room. I look back at the door just in time to see the door close flush with the wall, such that I can no longer see the door. So where were we supposed to go now? There must be an exit somewhere around there, maybe it was another hidden door in the ceiling… but where was the ceiling? I can't even tell which way is up without the aid of gravity, so I'm not sure where to look for the door. Actually, finding a door wasn't going to be a problem… doors appear all over the inside of the spherical room. They are moving, so now I feel rather like throwing up, it is definitely making me nauseous. I try to focus on one spot to keep from throwing up all over the place, and I notice that one of the doors isn't moving at all. It is stationary, not rotating, not moving, so that's the one that must be real. I float over to that door and pull it open, then I call over to MoSh, telling him I had found the exit. MoSh floats over to me and then we both go through the door.

      MoSh and I enter another room like the one before, and I soon figure there is a pattern of two or more of those rooms set up connected to each other. It seems like we wander around in them for a bit, but then MoSh and I decide to attach a line to the door we entered through to make sure we aren't backtracking, so we can be sure to get through the rooms as quickly as possible. Finally MoSh and I exit through the final door into a room that has gravity and isn't moving. Now, however, the fact that the room isn't moving seems rather nauseating. I still feel like I'm going to be sick. MoSh doesn't seem to be bothered by it, however, as he starts looking around the new room.

      I finally get to a point where I no longer feel like I'm going to throw up, and I look around the room MoSh and I are now in. MoSh is huge! MoSh looks like he's about ten feet tall, he is standing at the end of a hallway. He shrinks down to normal size as he comes back, then he says he found the way through here, I just need to follow him. I follow MoSh to an opening in the wall, it looked like a tiny hole from one angle, but it is clearly large enough to fit through. MoSh says there is another opening on the next level up. MoSh climbs out through the hole, I follow him. We are now on an invisible floor that is so far over MoSh's inner world that I can't even see the ground, but I know there is no way we have gone that far up… MoSh follows an invisible pathway to another hole through the wall of the tower. I follow MoSh and look around the room we have just entered. I don't even get a very good chance to look around the room before a wave of vertigo hits me so hard that I wake up.