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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 02/20/11 Spiders and shacks and traps... oh, my

      by , 02-21-2011 at 04:32 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: I didn't have any special plans for the night, just to have some lucids and remember them. I am continuing to try to make myself do a RC every time I wake up, but I just never think of it… no matter how much I try to focus on it. I will keep trying, I'm not sure what else to do, though.

      Maze of Webs
      I am in the laundry room of our house, looking at the door that leads out onto the back porch. I look back into the kitchen and see that there is no one there, and I am glad there is no one there. I open the door and walk out onto the back porch, closing the door behind me. I almost head blindly down the steps to the carport, but I stop suddenly when I see there is a wall of cobwebs blocking my way. I shudder at the idea that I almost touched those cobwebs… there are spiders crawling all through the webs, they are big, about the size of golf balls. This scares me, even though I am not normally scared of spiders in waking life. I turn to go down the back stairs, but to do that I have to cross the entire porch… which is covered in more cobwebs, walls of cobwebs, everything is covered with cobwebs… and more of those huge spiders. I am momentarily scared into not moving at all, then I snap out of that and I look to the door I just came out of. I go to open the door, but I stop as I see the spiders have already covered the knob with more cobwebs. I need a stick of some kind to pull cobwebs out of the way so I can get out of there… I look around to try to find a long stick, at first I think there is none, but I finally find one. I pick it up, moving carefully to avoid touching any cobwebs or spiders, and use it to scrape the cobwebs away from the doorknob. The cobwebs come easily away from the doorknob, but now there are spiders crawling on the stick towards me… I throw the stick aside and grab at the knob… but it's locked… and I'm out there surrounded by cobwebs…

      Real Life Models
      I am in the yard outside of our house. I am designing a small building, designing it in a 3D modeling software, and the building is forming itself right here in front of me. It turns out that there is someone there building the shed as I am directing. We continue designing the building, which is going to be a part of a new game I am working on, and soon it is finished. I go into the house because I need to get something, though I don't remember what that something was because I go back outside without it. I look at the shed, the man who has been helping me says everything is all done. This isn't good… I am upset with him, I tell him he shouldn't have converted the structure into an editable poly until after I unwrap the UVW map and add the textures to it. He says I need to calm down, there is nothing wrong. I say that there is something wrong, I won't be able to add a texture to the shed now… it will all be the same dull color, which will make it unusable. He says no, all I need to do is add the new modifier to it… then add whatever textures and colors I want. I stand there for a minute, then I realize he is right, I shouldn't have gotten upset.

      Note: An editable poly is a format for 3D objects in 3D modeling software such as 3DS Max, the one I use. UVW unwrapping and a UVW map is a process used by 3DS Max or other software to place the colors and patterns in the proper places on that object… such as coloring most of a door brown for wood and then making the knob silver.

      Death Maze
      I am with a group of people and we are on the run, there are others chasing after us. The people after us are part of the mob or drug dealers or something like that, they are after us because we stole their money. We go into an old abandoned subway system in an attempt to escape our pursuers. We are going through the passages when one of the people I'm with finds a hidden passage, it had not even been visible from a distance. We get inside and head down one of the passages, but we come to a dead end… that's not good… had the entrance closed behind us? No… it hadn't. We head back for the entrance but the people after us are blocking the way, they are standing just inside the passage. Now the entrance slides closed… a lot of good that does now. One of the thugs is trying to figure out how to open the exit, the others are threatening to kill my associates and me. They are pointing guns at us, saying to hand over their money or die. We don't have the money with us. They're going to kill us all? One if them looks like he is about to fire… but he doesn't… and blood starts coming from his mouth… I look and see that a bunch of needle thin spikes are coming from the floor… and all of the thugs have been impaled. The passage is now turning, it is really disorienting… it is rotating around until it looks like we're standing on the wall and the floor is somehow up above us… the ceiling is off to the right… blades come from the walls and are cutting anything and anyone in their path… one of the men with me is caught by surprise… the blade shreds off about an inch from his back… he falls to the ground screaming in pain… the next blade removes his head. The rest of us run down the passage in the other direction, but it's a dead end… I have no idea how we are supposed to get out.