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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 03/19/11 Boyfriends, Dogs, Cats, and Pirates

      by , 03-19-2011 at 10:33 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: Night Five of MILD, goal to meet up with MoSh in a dream and find Asuka because he hasn't seen her in a while and wants to be sure she is ok.

      Profoundly Inconsiderate
      I am in a house with my ex boyfriend, James. I am in the bedroom with him, we are sitting on the bed, though there is nothing intimate going on. We are watching television together, I don't remember what movie it was, just that it was a comedy. We are watching it, and there is a specific part where a man and a woman are interacting on the screen… I don't remember the exact details. What I do remember is that James makes some comment that I find exceedingly offensive. I look over at him, trying to determine what he is meaning by that comment… is he trying to make a joke? If so, epic fail. Is he being serious? If he is, he's being profoundly inconsiderate. I say he can't be serious, he says of course he is, then he says I actually take this negative trait further than the character on the television. So he obviously isn't joking. I am both hurt and mad, but more mad. I have a soda in my hand… a glass with ice and Coke… I throw the coke all over him. The classical 'throw a drink in his face' reaction. He is not happy with that, but I really don't care. I get up and walk out of the room. I'm looking for my keys to get out and leave…

      Dogs Having Kittens
      … I drive away from James' house, still mad. I decide I want to stop at a Circle K to get something to drink and perhaps eat. I park and walk inside, where I look around and buy a soda and something fattening. I walk out with a large Coke and a package of Hostess Zingers, chocolate of course. I see something strange outside. Some people are following a dog down the sidewalk. They are having problems holding a large number of puppies, tiny puppies. A woman asks if I can help them collect the puppies. It's Asuka! She says MoSh is over there gathering puppies, but there are so many of them. I go over to MoSh and I start picking up puppies. The strange thing is the dog is still in the process of having puppies.

      The dog will go a few feet, then drop out a puppy as easily as if the dog were taking a shit. The tiny puppy is wiggling on the ground when MoSh picks it up and carries it back towards the Circle K to put it in a box. I follow the dog now. The dog stops after about another ten feet and drops a puppy. I pick up the small dog. The mother continues, another five feet or so, drops a puppy. Another fifteen feet… the dog drops a puppy. I pick up the first of those two puppies. When I go to pick up the other puppy I discover it's a kitten. It doesn't even look like a newborn kitten…

      I am able to pick up one more puppy before I have to carry my armful of cute back to the box. I meet MoSh on the way back and I mention to him that the dog had a kitten! He looks at the kitten and says not to worry about it, there's at least one of those in every litter. A kitten in every litter of puppies?! He says of course, have I ever seen a litter of puppies without at least one kitten? I put the puppies in the box. Asuka says they are after puppies, so if I would like to keep the kitten, go ahead. The kitten is sooooo cute! I can't resist. I take the kitten back to my car…

      A Night on the Town With Jack Sparrow
      … For some reason I head back to James' place, I guess I'm no longer angry about his comment earlier. The fact is I don't even remember the comment at this point. Now I want to show him the kitten I just got. The kitten is very cooperatively sitting on my shoulder mewing. The only issue I have is that occasionally when the kitten seems to feel a bit insecure, I feel the claws dig into my shoulder a bit as the kitten tries to hold on. The kitten lets go quickly and licks my ear as of to apologize for the claws. I get to James' place and I let myself in. I don't really notice anything strange when I see Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean series kicked back on James' couch indulging in a bottle of rum. What I do notice is that Jack seems to be wearing one of James' nicest suits, I know for a fact it is the best one James has and cost quite a lot to purchase. I wonder why Jack is wearing it. When I ask him, he says I am being too uptight and I need to get out and have some fun. He drains the last of his rum from the bottle, peers into the mouth of the bottle, then holds it upside down over his mouth to be sure he has drained the last couple drops. He announces the rum is gone and we should go fix that. I tell him I don't want rum… he says I may not want rum, but I clearly need rum. I end up following Jack outside, and we go to a bar down the street where he orders rum. I tell the bar tender that I want mine to be a Coke and rum. The kitten is still on my shoulder. Jack is getting very exuberant. Very active. I see that the suite he borrowed from James is getting seriously trashed. I wonder how James will take that… and I realize I don't care.