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    Screwing Up in a Repeat Class, and Practicing Writing on Cakes

    by , 08-31-2014 at 02:33 PM (570 Views)
    Dream - Lucid

    I was in a college classroom, and we were each assigned a personality type and had to find the description in the book, fill it in on a worksheet, and the read it out loud to the class. I had taken this class before, but I couldn't recall the answer. I flipped through the book looking for it. I finally thought for sure I found it. I read it out loud, but I was then told that I was wrong. Ok...so I flipped around the book some more and found another one.
    "Ok, this is for sure the right one," I said. I really did think it was.
    I then read it and filled in the blank on the sheet. It still didn't sound right. Upon second glance, I noticed that I had read the description for "Pepsi". I got up to go somewhere really fast. I hoped no one noticed my now second error.

    I came back and was assigned, by the teacher, who was a middle-aged female, an extra assignment to help me understand the personality type better. Everyone then left.

    I then was going to another class taught by her. It was the same subject matter, but a higher level; it was a 4000-level class. It was really late at night though; I was looking at the white analog clock on the wall and seeing that it was almost 10pm. I was also the only one in the classroom besides the teacher. I figured that no one had signed up for it but me. I "remembered" when I signed up for it. I also "remembered" taking many classes on this subject in the past, and she was my teacher every time. The subject was something like social work. Since it was just her and I, I told her that I had taken many classes before and I had the notes all somewhere but not with me. I don't remember what we talked about, but we didn't really talk about the subject. I do feel like it was easier for us to talk one-on-one instead of in a crowded classroom. We didn't get to leave until almost 11pm. I figured that this class would probably get cancelled since I was the only one in it. I thought about how this would affect my credit hours; it would put me right at 15, the minimum I had to have to stay a full-time student (it's 12 IWL). I also thought about how I would want another class in the same subject to replace it. I also noticed that it didn't really feel that late; it felt like it was only 7pm or so. I said this to the teacher. She was talking about getting home to her kid and how getting out so late affected that.

    I then was somewhere else, I believe in the teacher's office. She was telling me that the class got cancelled. She was standing up doing something in a small closet at this point, and I was standing very close to her on her left side. I noticed the gray in her hair. She then started to talk about _____ Williams (can't remember the name she used). He was her nephew. I knew right away that she was talking about my old friend Jennifer's husband. I told her
    "I know Jennifer. She was my first friend when I moved here."
    She then asked me
    "Would you like to go to church?"
    Not being a church person but not wanting to be rude, I asked
    "What church do you go to?"
    "I don't go to one," she said.
    This answer caught me off guard.

    Still in the school, I then was watching my husband, who was wearing a light blue shirt and shorts, walk into this passage that slanted upwards. The opening was the interstate. He was going to take the interstate to get somewhere faster. I didn't want to take the interstate, so I walked inside the building to wherever I was going. When I got there, I saw many people walking out of an opening. It reminds me now that I am going back and thinking about it of people getting off an airplane and walking into the terminal. I saw my husband walking out as I was getting there. I guess the interstate really wasn't any faster since we got there at the exact same time.


    I was at work. Shannon wanted me to work on writing on cakes. She gave me a cake and told me to practice writing "Happy Birthday Charles" on it. She gave me some icing. I twisted the bag and let some excess come out of the tip before I started. Little strings of teal icing came out and went onto the floor. I then went to the cake and started writing. For some reason, I was writing "Charles" first at the top, as if I was going to write "Charles, Happy Birthday" instead of "Happy Birthday Charles". The icing was coming out way too big, and I wasn't going to be able to fit Charles on there because I was also writing way too big. I didn't finish his name before I reached the end of the cake. I scraped the icing off and started again.

    I tried over and over to do this, always starting by squeezing some icing out first. The closest I got to succeeding was when I wrote "Happy" too far to the right, but it fit. I had started it too far to the right, but the H was very pretty and it looked really nice. The second word I don't think was "Birthday" but I'm not sure what it was. At any rate, it looked like it was moving, and it had some red, white, and blue star-shaped sprinkles around it. The effect that it looked as if it was moving was really cool, and I knew Shannon could do it, so I was really proud of myself.

    I was then looking at different cake templates. I was writing on an actual cake, but at the same time, it was a book I was flipping through, looking at the different templates for cakes.

    I then was going to write on the wall in icing. I was writing very close to a light switch. I wrote "Call" and then below it, I started to write "5-5-5". As I was writing it, I started to hear a beep every time the icing was coming out of the bag. I knew that this was some kind of icing that you set with heat. It was coming out in a thin, blood-red gel. I got a little nervous, hoping Shannon didn't hear it because it could stain the wall. I then turned the tip to switch the setting of the icing to a different type and color. I continued to write the 5's. The icing was still red, but looked more like a strawberry jelly now, and no more beeps. I was writing big, so I had to write the 5's at an angle because the light switch was in the way.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      "Would you like to go to church?"
      Not being a church person but not wanting to be rude, I asked
      "What church do you go to?"
      "I don't go to one," she said.
      This answer caught me off guard.
      LOL. Yes this would be a surprising answer.

      I then was going to write on the wall in icing. I was writing very close to a light switch. I wrote "Call" and then below it, I started to write "5-5-5".
      Heh, incredibly polite dream behavior to use one of the ol' movie-style "555" numbers that don't belong to anybody when writing "for a good time call" numbers on the wall in icing.
      KristaNicole07 likes this.