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    (July 8, 2014) highway ride and work the next day

    by , 07-08-2014 at 02:45 PM (435 Views)
    July 8, 2014


    The first few parts of this are hazy but I was outside somewhere in a lawn with a few things such as my iPhone dock, my fenix PD32UE flashlight, my knife, and a few other things. It was at night again and the only light came from street light. I was in a neighborhood that was a bit urbanized so the houses had some lawn space but not much. I was in the front yard of a house near the street on the corner of the property with all of my stuff in the grass. I dont know why i was there but I called someone to get picked up. So i started to pick up a few things. A bunny ran by me and i looked around for it with my flashlight but could not find it. Before i got picked up i decided i wanted to run into town and come back, not sure why, maybe just to see if i could. So a truck pulled up alongside the property along the grass and i started to put things on the back seat. i rode on the truck that came to pick me up and it drove into a city where i was waiting a bit to jump out from the passenger door but it was taking a while because every red light it was going to, turned green before we got to it. Eventually it slowed in traffic and I jumped out and landed on the road next to the guard rail that was over water and jumped over to the other side before the cars came racing down the road. I saw an old 50's cop car out on the road in the sea of modern cars. Weird but i guess i did not question it. I started to walk back towards where I started. Trying to hold all of my things from falling too. I don't know why i decided to bring everything with me but i did. Some one on the road told me i should hold them differently or something but i cant remember. They used someone else who was apparently walking over the same spot i was as an example to how my stuff should be and it was some random person holding an iPad with a case and thought this is dumb and kept doing what i was doing.

    I was later at my friend Jacobs house where i was helping his dad with a landscaping project. It was getting dark and over cast. His house was different than usual, the upstairs garage that usually was not used was open and had lots of tools and tables like table saws, and there was not much clutter. It looked like a brand new garage that had dry wall done but not painted yet. The house was in a L shape too. Looking straight at the front door from the street the long side of the house faces me and the street and on the right quarter of the house it went back into the back yard like an L. i went out back along the left of the house and there was mostly grass and decorative cut stone wall holding up dirt. Jacobs dad told me to level the dirt and cut some if the concrete foundation doing it and showed how he wanted it done. Went to grab a saw but i woke up.

    I think i woke up because my back was getting sore in the position i was laying in

    Unknown time below

    I picked up one more fragment of a dream but its just it. I was looking for a clean shirt to wear out of my suitcase that was in the back of my dads truck, and i found another dodge shirt like the one i got all dirty from wood staining except this one was nice and clean.

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