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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    March 27, 2018 Non-Lucid

    by , 03-27-2018 at 10:06 PM (360 Views)
    The dream scene is behind my elementary school. I'm trying to get back to my high school. The back part of the elementary school does not look how it does in real life. It's made of gravel rocks and is very steep. Someone walks by me as I try to climb up this steep rock hill. I'm wearing a very heavy backpack and am struggling to get up there.

    The scene goes to in front of my elementary school in the field. I'm trying to find the best way through the trees so I walk closer to the school but then decide to take a route around the trees closer to the road. My idea is that school is in session and I'm 22.

    I get into the high school finally and am in this small hallway that was orange lit and looked very old. I go into a room that looks like a bathroom and decide I'm going to take a shower. The floor is very dirty and has bugs crawling around. I put my stuff down and contemplate if I can sleep here over night. The room changes and now there's 5 people there with me and a small table. We were playing a game where we were ships with 2 shots each shooting at each other, one side was the rick and morty team and the other were the aliens. Someone killed the Rick ship so that team was weakened.

    I look out of a classroom and realize I'm now in the 500s section of the high school. The current guys from the show choir are walking by and looking at me excitedly like they know and recognize me. I walk out and start noticing kids who were in the show choir a few years after I had graduated. I was wondering how the other kids knew me and thought maybe they knew me because I was the leader my senior year. We walk outside in a group and I pass my old choir teacher Mr. B. I stop and greet him but he doesn't really seem to happy to see me because he's busy trying to get the kids on the bus.

    There are 5 or 6 buses lined up waiting to depart. I turn and ask a kid where they are going and he says that they're going to a school I don't know. I couldn't quite make out the name he was telling me. I see austin p's parents so I say a quick hello to them and then look around the group. I notice a lot of these people were in my grade but not show choir. I see mac and we say hello.

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