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    Here be dragons

    september 25 th aka no pun allowed for this one

    by , 09-25-2015 at 07:14 PM (561 Views)
    I debated a little with myself about putting this dream here, but yeah.

    I am in a anonymous hotel room with twin beds and long windows with thick draps, it's nighttime. I'm with another girl, blond and pretty in a bland way, and modestly clothed. She is heavily pregnant, as I am, and is helping me with contractions. I sit on one of the bed, the pain is slow and burning and is a far cry from what I know about child birth. I prop my legs up and appart, breathing throught the contraction. My fellow in birthing is crouching down and her breathing mirror mine.
    I reach between my legs and feel something pushing out, warped in a thin membrane. It's slippery with blood and fluid and I can't grab it, I have to birth it. I feel a lot better when it's finally out. The membrane is opaque, light pink with little veins all over, like an amiotic sack the size of a 5 kilogramms rice sack. I pick it up, the thing inside is wriggling and slithering. I hold it against me, it's warm. The membrance open up, revealing a colorful snake looking non-venimous (its has a cute :3 face, like a boa) thick as my wrist.
    I woke up, thinking "Ok, WAT?" while Eli was sort of terrified.
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    1. MeohMyoh's Avatar
      k heavy symbolism there...but only you know of what...or rather what is newly born into your life (metaphorically speaking).

      I'm surprised you didn't have a stronger emotional reaction ...BUT then you did say it looked cute ^^
      That presumably means it is positive or something you are accepting of from your subconsious (have come to terms with).

      You should go back into your dream as a detective and interview that chibi snake
    2. Milly's Avatar
      Yeah, if I was into dream analysis I would have TONS of fun with this one XD
      I was very blasé about the whole thing, which makes it all the more hilarious in hinsight. Granted, as I wrote, the pain was pretty subdued, more like period cramps than anything, and the whole dream atmosphere was very low-key, despite feeling very realistic, down to the, well, smell of various things. My tulpa was way more freaked out than me when I woke up, and he wasn't even in the dream XD
      Thinking about it, I may want to go and find this snake again... after all, I am focusing on finding my totem animal (cue grossed-out reaction of Eli. Heee.)
      MeohMyoh likes this.