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    Lucid Lucy's Dream Explorations

    Yeah everything's normal, sure, carry on, nothing to see here..

    by , 10-28-2014 at 10:40 AM (703 Views)
    I am officially an idiot XD

    I woke up and went about my morning routine. ..until I tried to turn on a light switch and nothing happened. At first I thought the light bulb had died, or the electricity, but then it struck me: switches don't work in dreams!! So I did a reality check: dropping to the floor like a plank. Usually I can make myself float like that. Not this time, though. So I tried the light switch again, still nothing.

    I looked out of the window, and saw the view from my dorm room.. ..where I used to live 10 years ago. But of course, I just went "oh ok." and woke up for real.

    JadeGreen likes this.

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    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Don't be disheartened. I'm sure you will get lucid soon.
    2. MissLucy's Avatar
      Don't be disheartened. I'm sure you will get lucid soon.
      Thanks ^_^ I know how to enter a dream fully lucid (WILD), but this is something that's never happened before. I don't think I've ever really been half-lucid before.