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    Meeting with Loved Ones and Not so Loved Ones - February 11, 2015

    by , 02-15-2015 at 04:49 AM (538 Views)
    Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD). This was a very vivid string of lucid dreams, more vivid and clear than waking life itself. After a 1 hour Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) routine I closed my eyes and meditated. I focussed on visualize on having a stack of 10 or so coins in my hand, then opening my hand and allowing the coins to fall. It started off as flashes of light and over about 15 or 20 minutes I had reasonably clear imagery of this happening, then my body was asleep, but my mind was conscious, and I simply let all thoughts go, and I let the imagery present itself however it may happen. I simply went with the hypnogogic imagery, and I did not influence it. The imagery transitioned into a lucid dream after about a half hour, and I found myself standing there in my parent’s house. I could hear my poodle barking outside.

    She always barks when she’s ready to come in, so I ran for the back door to let her in. It was nighttime, and there was nobody else around. When I opened the backdoor I saw my dog standing at the bottom of the concrete steps, and she illuminated by what looked like a fog light from above. There isn’t a fog light there in the waking world, so I looked up to see where the light was coming from. To my surprise I saw a glowing sphere above the house and it was projecting a beam light down on my dog. It was directly above us, so I floated my feet upwards, and I rotated my body so I was in lying in a horizontal position looking up at the light. The light then began to move upwards and it drew me along. I slowly rose, mesmerized by light, and soon I could see the outline of the clouds against the starlit sky. Seeing the stars and the clouds so vividly made me excited and I returned the void, where I was once again consciously aware with my body was asleep.

    I found myself in a false awaking, and I lost lucidity, because I really thought it was real. I could hear my wife in the kitchen talking to a friend. The house was a place where we use live back in the late 80’s. That should have been enough to tip me off that I was dreaming, but it didn’t ‘click in’. My wife came into the room and snuggled in with me for ‘sexy time’, but our bedroom door was open, and my wife’s friend peaked around the corner. At this point I became lucid, but I felt totally uncomfortable with the situation, so I didn’t engage the moment. Actually I haven’t done ‘sexy time’ while lucid since my mid-teens due to a bad lucid experience, but I definitely would like to try this with my wife when I don’t have an audience! Thank you very much! I slipped back into ‘the void’ (Nrem).

    I entered another dream lucidly, and I found myself in some sort of empty warehouse. My mother in-law was standing there amongst many other dream figures (My dear mother in-law passed in 2001). Remembering my mantras to connect with my daughter (My daughter passed in 2013), I looked at mom and asked where my daughter was. As soon as I said it, she walked up beside me, to the right, and I said, “Daughter is that you?” because she looked different, and she said in her exact voice, “Yeah, it’s me!”, so I scooped her up into my arms. As I held her close she morphed into her true physical appearance. I told her I loved her, and I started to slowly bounce around the perimeter of the room, facing inward. While lucid, you can jump up and slowly float down, like you’re in low gravity, kind of like bouncing on the moon. Her feet were dangling in the air, and I asked her, “Hey daughter, how’s the food is in Heaven?” She replied, “Huh?”, so I repeated the question, “How’s the food in Heaven?” She happily said, “That’s the first thing people always ask me about heaven! Oh, dad.” We bounced past one of the windows, and I saw people standing on the sidewalk. My vision started to fade, so I focussed on my hand, but unfortunately everything went black. Darn…..

    I remained perfectly still and I visualized myself back in the dream, and then I was, except I was now across the street in another warehouse! I lost lucidity again, and I was looking for a place to sleep, so I could get back to be with my daughter. A short and very wide woman walked up beside me wearing a hooded parka, and asked what I was doing, so I replied, “I need to find a place to sleep so I can lucid dream.” She pointed at a carpet on the floor and said, “How about there?”, and then she pointed at an old recliner on a pile of junk and said, “How about there?” Then she pointed at an old wooden chair and said, “How about there?” I became semi-lucid because I realized this is probably a dream, so I didn’t care about sleeping in a filthy place, so I opted to sleeping on the carpet. I laid down on the carpet and looked up at the obese hooded woman and said, “I’ll sleep here.” Just as I said that the woman morphed into my mother in-law. She was in her late 50’s.

    I said to my mother in-law, “I love you!”, and she replied, “Oh, so now we know!”, as I watched her grow younger to be in her late 20’s, she was very beautiful! Then I said, “I really miss you.”, and she distractedly replied, “Oh, okay.”, as sunglasses materialized in her right hand and she tried to quickly put them on, but she accidently dropped them. Quickly, another set of sunglasses appeared in her hand and she fumbled to put them on. Two men appeared in the direction she was looking. One fellow was “clean cut’ and casually dressed, and the other fellow had long hair, a leather vest, and was covered in tattoos.

    The ‘clean cut’ guy was holding a scalpel in his hands, and the tattooed man was holding a stainless jug containing some sort of chemical. Suddenly the ‘Clean cut’ guy raised the scalpel up and said, “We’re going to cut you eyelid open and pour kerosene in there.” Instantly and firmly I replied, “No, you’re not going to do that!” I quickly took the scalpel from him and I broke the blade off, and rubbed the broken shard against my eyelid and said, “Let’s get this straight, you want to cut my eyelid open, and pour kerosene under my skin. What possible benefit would that have for me? Is there any reason at all? What could that possibly do?” I was firm and direct and right in his face. My mother in-law said, “Yeah, what good could that possibly do?” I then noticed the ‘clean cut’ guy had scars in his eyelids. The tattooed guy then dropped the stainless, kerosene jug on the ground. It appears they both got fed-up with my defiance and walked away, so I quickly picked the jug up and chased after the tattooed guy.

    I grabbed the tattooed guy by his shoulder and spun him around, and I said, “You forgot your kerosene. Why don’t you take this somewhere and start a fire!” He then looked very sad and insulted, and then feeling some remorse for what I said, I placed my hand on his shoulder and said, “It’s okay, I’m just joking, I appreciate you stopping by.” He turned and walked away without the kerosene, and then I slipped back into ‘the void’.

    I was consciously awake, but with my body asleep, and I was reviewing the LD’s I just had. Should I wake myself up and voice record these lucid dreams, or risk having another lucid dream and forgetting what just happened? I decided to continue on. Then, very unexpectedly, I felt somebody hugging me during Nrem. This dream figure was very big and broad, and worse yet, it was a man! Yuck! So pushed him away and told him to leave. That freaked me out, but I kept my cool, and then I was false awakened by the ‘clean cut’ guy from the warehouse.

    I jumped out of bed and stood face to face with the same guy from the warehouse. He was standing in my room and glowing slightly white. He held the scalpel up to my face and asked, “Why won’t you do this? Let me cut your eyelid and pour kerosene in there!” I was angrily replied, “Why would I do this? It makes no sense. Why don’t you come back to me after I’m dead, when I have more time to think about this? I’ll probably be dead in 20 years, and you can ask me then. No wait, I’ll find you, and then we can talk about this. ” He looked totally freaked out by what I said and he slowly backed up wide eyed. He then shot forward at me and made a real distorted face, and this caused me to go back into ‘the void’.

    I remained perfectly still and I tried to return to the warehouse to find my daughter. Next thing I knew I was standing between the two warehouses and I was perfectly lucid. Then the ‘clean cut’ guy ran out of the warehouse were my mother in-law and I were chatting earlier, and disappeared around the corner of the other warehouse where I was hugging with my daughter. I floated up in the air vertically a couple of feet of the ground, and I took off after him. I had thoughts of doing a high speed tackle! When I rounded the corner, there were now men five men walking together. One of them was the ‘clean cut’ guy; one was the tattooed man, and the other three I didn’t recognize. I floated up behind them quietly, as they walked; and then one fellow turned around and faced me in total shock. I then went into praying lotus position, floated around them, and then faced them as I was travelling backwards, floating. My movements were surprisingly smooth and precise. One of the men, who I didn’t recognize, started smiling at me. I guess it must have looked pretty funny seeing somebody in praying lotus position hovering in front of them as they walked. Uncontrollably I started to smile back, and I really didn’t feel any anger towards the ‘clean cut’ or the tattooed man. Then my waking world alarm went off, and I woke. Darn, I wonder what would have happened next.
    KonchogTashi likes this.

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    1. KonchogTashi's Avatar
      I really like how matter of factly you deal with having them suggest cutting your eyelids off and putting kerosene into your eyes. Also how this theme recurs through the dream. This had me laughing as I read it. Great reading!!
      Tihiti likes this.
    2. Tihiti's Avatar
      Thanks Konchog for reading this! Those dream figures say the darndest things.