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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Cooking With The Dead

    by , 04-06-2013 at 05:00 PM (441 Views)
    #158 - 8:00AM - DILD

    I am in my house with both of my dead grandparents. I walk into the kitchen and Papaw is having a hard time cooking something on the stove. He grunts and sloshes liquid. I hear it sizzle on the fire. He notices me and tells me to take over. I gladly obey.

    There is what looks like homemade chicken noodle soup in the pot. Papaw stars messing with something at the counter behind me and too my left. I begin string the pot, looking through the door way into the living room. I see Nanny on a couch and I freeze. I think, "Wait a minute. I have dreamed this before." It feels like Deja Vu or precog. I try to think of a the dream. "No, nanny came back. She's back now. What about Papaw then?" Now I get it but I feel a little unsure and worry that they will think I am nuts, though I am 90% sure I am right.

    I step halfway out of the kitchen so they both can see me clearly. I tentatively ask, "I am dreaming, aren't I?" There is no objection or scorn so I fully accept it now. I run... no I float to Nanny. For some reason, I immediately take her right foot, sit next to her on the couch, and begin massaging through her bright white sock. I note the felling of the pressure on my hands and the shape of her foot. It feels real but a little numb. It seems like Nanny is talking to me now but I am too distracted by the dream scene and begin looking around. I seem to be really nearsighted and can't see much detail. I do however, notice that Papaw is gone and the kitchen is dark but I sense that he is sitting across the room. I begin to think about the competition and wonder how I can start racking up some points in this dream. All I could think of was advanced flying. I stand up and kiss Nanny on the forehead before walking away.

    I go back to the kitchen and decide to use the long stretch from there to the front door as my flight path. I stare at the door and focus on going there. In a second or two I get the weird zooming effect then WHOOOOSH! I zoom at incredible speed to the door. I hear the whirlwind sprint sound from Skyrim and I fly not only too the door but bust through it. I zoom around outside for a couple of seconds but the darkness gets me. I didn't mean to bust outside and I forget what to visualize out there.

    I start DEILD by rubbing my hands vigorously and I can feel the bed shaking like last night.

    Then I worry about forgetting the dream and lose all sense of touch. I quickly wake up.
    CanisLucidus likes this.

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