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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Restroom Brawl

    by , 03-16-2014 at 09:35 PM (573 Views)
    #292 - DILD - Time Unknown

    I don't remember the beginning of this dream but I know I am caught up in the emotion of it. I enter a public bathroom and see 3 or 4 large burly men enter behind me. I recognize them and know them. There is bad blood between us and I know why they followed me.

    Suddenly, I realize I am dreaming and feel invincible. I decide to get this over with and fly straight into attack mode. I punch one in the jaw and then punch the side of his face with the other fist, slamming him hard to the floor. I upper cut the next guy and slam the palms of both my hands into his midsection causing him to fly hard into a tiled wall. I think all this is too easy and unrealistic so I allow the next guy to get some hits. There is no pain but my vision becomes jumbled and I feel like someone has my hands restricted behind me. OK thats enough. I blindly throw some punches connecting with ease. The fight is now over and I have to focus to see again.

    I am looking at a large wall mirror. My appearance changes several times into people I do not recognize. I don't worry too much about it and feel more interested in summoning a gun. I never get to shoot in dreams. I blind summon an Uzi and shoot at the glass. I get the effect of blasting holes and shattering glass but the mirror also stays in tact as if there is a impenetrable second layer underneath.

    I decide I want to burn the place down to hide the evidence and any possible fingerprints. (Why do I always worry about fingerprints in LDs? ) I think, flamethrower, and begin shooting unrealistic and unconvincing flames all over the restroom. I feel as if I have to pretend as I go but push through until I feel satisfied.

    I move to the exit and look outside. Peeking around the brick, I see a small and empty lot surrounded by chainlink fence and thick forest beyond. To the left, I see the begining of a street. I hear police sirens in the distance and imagine several cop cars racing toward my location from a nearby highway. I exit right across some pavement, summon something like a bolt cutter, slice a rip in the fence, and jump into the thicket. I slide down a muddy hillside feet first and begin running along a path in the forest. I enjoy the feeling of effortless running. The muscles in my legs stretch and tense with each pounding stride but I feel no fatigue. It's a nice feeling.

    During my run, I lose lucidity. I begin thinking about how I could live off the land and stay here for an extended period. I see a dying skunk in a vegetation pile and consider eating it. I have some internal dialogue and quickly decide it's a bad idea. I come to a burned out old brick building with parts of the wall missing. I decide to make camp here and lay down on a soft bed of dried leaves. I am suddenly exhausted and try to sleep.

    I think about how I should call my mom and let her know where I'll be for awhile. I imagine what I will tell her as I rehearse my conversation with her. I think I will tell her that I am in the state forest and I can live off the land. I'll probably stay for about 4 years like Tom Hanks on Castaway. I don't have a job anyway so it's really probably best this way but it's going to get so lonely here. I think I could probably steal a cow from a nearby farmer but figure that's a lot of meat all at once. I think that if I steal any livestock I should get a goat for milk. I see all of this in my mind like a vivid daydream.

    I briefly wake and fall back to sleep before I can DJ.
    Mismagius and CanisLucidus like this.

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    Tags: galantamine


    1. Mismagius's Avatar
      Nice lucid!

      Nice summoning too, can't wait till I can summon like that.
      I love that you let them hit you, very considerate
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Blind summon works really well with expectation. You just have to believe! And I had to have some kind of challenge.
      Mismagius likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha ha, cool dream, man! I got a kick out of you deciding to burn the building down to hide all of the evidence. I hadn't picked up on your pattern of obsessing about leaving fingerprints behind in your lucid dreams. I think most of us would be in big trouble if anyone were investigating every incident of violence, property destruction, and rude behavior we'd caused!

      It's funny, too, how you considered eating a skunk when you were living off of the land. I don't know if you remember, but a while back I transformed into a wolf and ate a skunk (for a Task of the Month.)
      I Am the Wolf - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      The similarity struck me and I wonder if that may have been your mind still bringing in lucid dreaming associations. Perhaps you were still close to lucidity even at this late point in the dream.

      Anyway, congrats!
      Xanous likes this.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      Lol. Thanks. Yeah I wonder if that was in the back of my mind somehow.
      CanisLucidus likes this.