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    Xanous' Dream Journal


    by , 02-16-2014 at 11:07 PM (417 Views)
    #278 - DILD

    This one was Friday night after a WILD attempt.

    I am stretching and preparing to run a race on a track in the summer Olympics. I worry that there will be no way I can compete with these guys. I decide that I should do a short warm up run and notice how easy it is. I become lucid and start running the race the actual race and enjoy the feel of running painlessly. I easily get ahead of everyone and turn around backwards still running. I laugh at how far back the are already. I decide to put in it in high speed and nearly lap everyone. I feel disappointed at how easy it was. I wake up.
    Highlander, CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      The race actually sounds like fun! Give yourself some credit, too... I participated in a race in one of my early lucids, started flying when I couldn't keep up with the other racers, and ended up encountering all this wind and totally losing / collapsing the dream. So you've got me beat!
      Xanous and NyxCC like this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      I guess I did alright then
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Good one! It can be really hard to get the proximity to real life right but you did it!
      Xanous likes this.