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    Xanous' Dream Journal


    by , 05-11-2013 at 06:21 PM (644 Views)
    This set of non lucid dreams were after a natural and brief WBTB with no supplements. I went for the MILD technique but never got lucid. My recall was pretty good considering that I never made notes in my DJ until after I woke for the morning. I used my old technique of just remembering key words and phrases to jog my memory later. I have had considerable trouble with that since I came back last summer and I'm pretty pleased with myself for getting back into my old technique. It makes those micro awakenings less troublesome with a greater chance of DEILD.


    Someone was going to destroy the earth. I left with a group and we were going to destroy the enemy's ship as they left earth but it turned out that they blew themselves up. Capitan Picard ordered me to activate the radiation bomb anyway just to be sure. There was a blue radius blast with our ship in the center.

    Then I look at the Capitan and see he is having a heart attack. I assume there is nothing I can do and just watch him die. I notice that he dropped some playing cards that looks like they are made of thick plastic, much like Rummikub pieces. I pick them all up and see the ace of spades. I keep that one separate to hold for good luck. When I turn to leave I see some woman moving hologram images. It looks like a tournament tier for some kind of anime style fighting game. The woman asks if I want to see who wins but I decline and leave.

    I enter a forcefield room outside of the ship. I have some conversation with another woman working at a computer terminal in a jumpsuit. We decide its time to leave.

    I go into a glass room with other men an women. We all take out our brains and put them in acrylic containers full of some clear liquid. We have to do this in order to survive warp speed into hyperspace. I relax and close my eyes. I feel myself surge forward and then open then and we all put our brains back in. I look to the person to my right and jokingly say, "Oh no we switched brains. You're in my body." The man looks just like me and starts to panic. I tell him I am just joking and laugh.


    I am in the back yard thinking about digging a swimming pool by hand. There is a good start already and some strange ceramic pools stacked up. I think about how far to dig and remember some advice my father-in-law gave me.

    Then I look up and see dark storm clouds. I watch some rotation start and I hear a neighbor shout, "ROTATION!" I watch it vividly and quickly form into a full tornado and join a giant separate tornado. I stare in fascination but remember the last tornado Joplin had and decide to hide.

    When I turn around I realize I am in the trailer we lived in when I was 5. I know I don't have a chance but don't know where else to go. I run around and decide to hide in the bathroom. After a few seconds everything seems calm but I am panting and breathing hard with fear. I go back outside and only see dark storm clouds without a tornado. I wake up panting.


    I am in some place with a group of people. Most of them are black. Some famous person died and Will Smith is saying some words about him. Then we get to see a brand new music video by Will Smith in the mans honor. It sounds really hip hop style but the video makes no sense. I see some drunk celebrities on the floor looking really confused. (I can't remember who they were supposed to be) I see myself with them. I am the only one to laugh out loud at that point. I look around and say, "I remember that."
    CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.

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