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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Transitions and Scenarios

    by , 12-17-2014 at 03:35 AM (573 Views)
    #390 - WILD - Time unknown

    Since I missed the past two weekends, I decided to do a quick WBTB at 1AM with the usual Galantamine. I reminded myself why I choose to do this only on a weekend. I really don't seem to get the quality sleep I need and there is never enough time to hit those longer late morning LDs. At least I had some interesting experiences however brief.

    I lay down and focus on body sensations. I feel surprised when I begin to feel the early onset of the transition. Getting this feeling this quickly seems to get me way too excited and it ruins. This time I was pretty chill and focused on relaxing deeper. Well, I say it was quick, but now that I think about it, I am not sure whether I dosed off for a bit or not. It was a WILD regardless.

    When I get a bit deeper into the vibrations, I fumble my way out of bed. I am blind so I try opening my eyes I but seem to be able to see the bed room from the perspective of laying down. The room looks a bit too bright so I am not sure if this was my physical eyes or not. I really need to test exactly whats happening at this stage with the eyes.

    Outside, I try to peer into the darkness or the back of my eyelids in order to see in the dream but nothing is working for me. I end up crawling in the street, feeling the asphalt with my hands for stability. I hear a dog's painful yelp in the distance and the sound morphs into something like a siren from an emergency vehicle. The street is pulled away from me and my fingers drag on the rough surface for brief moment. I feel my self hurling backward my bedroom.
    I wake up.

    I go straight into DEILD and enter vibrations quickly. The only problem is I now notice that my chin is tucked too close to my chest and I am having a hard time breathing. I try to ignore it, but I can't. I break concentration and adjust. Now I have to pee.

    I don't bother starting up the DJ because I am afraid the light will rouse me too much. I get comfortable and start over.

    #391 - WILD - 2:22AM

    After a short time, I notice vibrations and a scene has formed. Kelly from work is talking about football and I am resting in a recliner. I look around and see dog doing funny tricks. A doberman looks decidedly human. I find it humorous but I feel detached. I wonder if the dream is stable enough to move as I get up and move forward. I walk past the dogs into a kitchen area. There is a back door open to a screen door. A familiar woman is at the sink doing dishes. I hear her say, "He's up and moving."
    I go outside to a summer day in the country. There are some trees, an open pasture, and hills in the distance. A red checker table cloth catches my peripheral but I ignore it. The scene is beautiful, but dull and non vivid.

    I recall my goal to renter my Star Wars dream from the night before but this time with theatrical music. As I blind summon a lightsaber, the dream goes dark. I spin the thing about and see a glowing red blade streak against the void. Unfortunately, the dream fades quickly and I wake up.

    I have some other dreams, but frustratingly, they are non lucid.

    It's lunch time at work and I want to eat out. l am in the parking lot of the University campus in town and I can't find my car anywhere. I begin to panic and cry that this is the worst lunch experience ever. :lol;

    I am with someone in a building but it's all a scam. I can't find the flash light, but another woman knows things that other can't. She tells me exactly where to find it. I dismiss the other woman and follow this one. She tells me she also knows where my car is.

    I have a negative experience where my parents show up in the middle of the night/early morning and let themselves in. They want to see my son and loudly call his name. I hiss at them that he is asleep. I argue with my dad over religion and call him a few choice words. I tell him religion ruined my life. I wake feeling bad about the dream.
    CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      As I blind summon a lightsaber, the dream goes dark. I spin the thing about and see a glowing red blade streak against the void.
      Ha ha, awesome! Can't wait to see you do more with this idea!

      You have just been getting lucid a ton lately, great work man! You're an inspiration!
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Thanks but these dreams have been so short lately. I need something epic real soon!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ah man, don't worry about that! You'll get one soon I'm sure. One of these days you're going to mega-DEILD your way into another one of those Cretaceous Ocean type dreams... that one is still so freaking amazing to me!
      Xanous likes this.