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    1. #1
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      DEILD and naturally waking up

      I've always been able to return back to sleep and into a new dream when I wake up during the night (normally after 7-8 hours of sleep I begin to wake up every hour or so). However, I never become lucid in these dreams, and they are always different settings.

      Do most people experience this? Also, would it be easy to turn this into a DEILD? Am I not becoming lucid because I usually roll over and briefly (just a few seconds) open my eyes?

    2. #2
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      Moving should not hinder your attempt too much. You have never become lucid because it sounds like you never tried to be lucid before. If you consciously try to stay awake then there is a great chance you will have a LD!
      Marine Recon
      Swift, Silent, Deadly
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    3. #3
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      What marinerecon said. It takes more than just waking up and falling asleep a few times to LD. You need to at least have intent to stay conscious. I wake up a lot too, but I normally DJ and then continue on with the same dream and repeat. I can't seem to become lucid if I continue in a dream, my awareness only goes up if I let the dream go and move on to another one.

      It should help, it is almost a natural WBTB. I would recommend either trying to (1)DEILD or (2)DJing and then going for a WBTB DILD.

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by BrandonBoss View Post
      It should help, it is almost a natural WBTB. I would recommend either trying to (1)DEILD or (2)DJing and then going for a WBTB DILD.
      Yeah, those would be the best options if you wake up naturally. If you are good at WILDing that is also an option, but it is almost the same, if not the same, as a DEILD in your case.
      Marine Recon
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    5. #5
      Insomnia ficvic's Avatar
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      Also don't forget to practice stuff like awareness or use mantras, they can help you become lucid even if you fail at the DEILD
      "No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."
      >DILD-4, DEILD-1, OOBE - 1, WBTB-0, FA-0

    6. #6
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      How important is awareness to lucid dreaming? I've tried doing a few awareness techniques, but they never seem to give me any "moment". I also am lazy, and usually do not remember to practice awareness.

    7. #7
      Insomnia ficvic's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by madslash View Post
      How important is awareness to lucid dreaming? I've tried doing a few awareness techniques, but they never seem to give me any "moment". I also am lazy, and usually do not remember to practice awareness.
      It increases a chance of LD dramatically. By practicing awareness you practice yourself to be aware of the things that are happening around you. You usually just ignore weird things in the dreams, but if you practice awareness you will notice those things and you will become lucid.

      But, if you are lazy to do that (like me lol), you can try mantras. I started having LD a week after I started using mantras lol. Maybe it's just me, but they are working for me big time!
      "No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."
      >DILD-4, DEILD-1, OOBE - 1, WBTB-0, FA-0

    8. #8
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      Quote Originally Posted by ficvic View Post
      It increases a chance of LD dramatically. By practicing awareness you practice yourself to be aware of the things that are happening around you. You usually just ignore weird things in the dreams, but if you practice awareness you will notice those things and you will become lucid.

      But, if you are lazy to do that (like me lol), you can try mantras. I started having LD a week after I started using mantras lol. Maybe it's just me, but they are working for me big time!
      What kind of mantras do you like to use?

    9. #9
      Insomnia ficvic's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by madslash View Post
      What kind of mantras do you like to use?
      I use the basic and shortest one, "I lucid dream tonight." For some reason it works like a charm for me. Like I said in my post above I tried awareness techniques, RC's, meditation and I just stopped because being a full time student doesn't let me focus on those stuff as much as I would like it. So I started using mantras, and after a little more than a week I started having LD's. Like you can see in my signature, I so far had 5 lucid dreams and I started using mantras not 2 weeks ago (Spent 30 days on awareness and RC's).
      "No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."
      >DILD-4, DEILD-1, OOBE - 1, WBTB-0, FA-0

    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by ficvic View Post
      I use the basic and shortest one, "I lucid dream tonight." For some reason it works like a charm for me. Like I said in my post above I tried awareness techniques, RC's, meditation and I just stopped because being a full time student doesn't let me focus on those stuff as much as I would like it. So I started using mantras, and after a little more than a week I started having LD's. Like you can see in my signature, I so far had 5 lucid dreams and I started using mantras not 2 weeks ago (Spent 30 days on awareness and RC's).
      Do you repeat your mantras throughout the day, before you go to bed, or while you're doing the DEILD?

    11. #11
      Insomnia ficvic's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by madslash View Post
      Do you repeat your mantras throughout the day, before you go to bed, or while you're doing the DEILD?
      Throughout the day and while in bed, wondering away. They will either help you get lucid in a DILD or repeating mantras will make you aware that you are exiting your dream and you will remember that you need to stay still and just imagine.
      "No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."
      >DILD-4, DEILD-1, OOBE - 1, WBTB-0, FA-0

    12. #12
      First to Dream Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by madslash View Post
      How important is awareness to lucid dreaming? I've tried doing a few awareness techniques, but they never seem to give me any "moment". I also am lazy, and usually do not remember to practice awareness.
      Awareness is very important because awareness is basically LDing in general.
      Marine Recon
      Swift, Silent, Deadly
      DILD-14 WILD -5 FA-6

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