I have been on and off with lucid dreaming for the past several years. The funny thing is that I never really 'quit' lucid dreaming, I just sort of fall out of it since my life gets carried away and I forget. What's shocking is looking back and realizing that you have completely forgotten to do something over the past several months.

It seems as though when I focus on my dreams and attempt to lucid dream I am more at peace with myself and the world around me. Everything feels spiritual. You know that feeling when you wake up after a dream and you are suspended between wakefulness and dream-land? That magical feeling? Gosh, it's been months since I've had that (besides a quick reminder last night) and it seems to make all my stress go away. How desperately do I want to feel that night after night.

Has lucid dreaming (and dream study in general) improved anyone's life, besides the obvious fun factor? My depression and stress seems to subside, regardless if I lucid dream or not (just the fact that I can record 5 dreams a night is wonderful to me). I feel a deep connection with my soul when I do this and was just curious to see if anyone else feels the same way.

I can't wait to get started again.