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    Thread: Woke up today ... No results

    1. #1
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      Woke up today ... No results

      So I woke up at four o'clock to take my gal / cho supp but once again I was like fuck it I got work at 730 . Wen I woke up I barely remembered any dreams but I new I had several and one of them had chucky in it the fucking creepy doll that kill people and it made me realise if I can't figure out that I'm dreaming from seeing chucky how am I ever gonna LD . Tomorow I will try the supplement finally but every time I wake up from a night of sleep I realized I am never even close to have a cognitive thought in my dream not only is the dream world acting out of my control it feels like my thought In the dream world are out of my controls... So how can I realize I'm dreaming if I can even think for my self ... I still have hope cause I had lengthy LD experinece once and I still to try the supplements and also I need to work on my DJ and my RC s .... I guess I need stay positive and convince my self that this ain't hard cause if u think it's hard ull get discourage and won't stick with it though right now it seems really hard ... Words of advise ?,,, similar thought?

    2. #2
      A man's shadow Achievements:
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      Try to calm down. Inspect your mind, get the feeling of your thoughts. You must study the processes in your brain. Don't take the LD so mechanically.
      If you feel like it, please take a look at my YouTube channel:
      If you don't, hm well have a nice day anyway ^_^

    3. #3
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      Sucks u have to wait all day to try it again

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      You honestly sound like you are way too impatient.
      Learning to lucid dream is actually a completely new mindset and lifestyle to most people, and you really shouldn't expect instant results right when you start practicing.

      Can you learn a new instrument or grasp a completely new math concept from day one?
      No, you need to practice for a while for it to "stick".
      It's the exactly same thing with lucid dreaming.
      Also, there are no "failures", instead you should think of it as "path towards lucidity, getting a step closer each time".

      Let's say that the average person remembers about one lucid dream per year, and that those persons will have a success rate of 5% the first night they try becoming lucid.
      Now, if you keep practicing then this percent unit will increase each night, so that the next night your success rate might be 7.5%, then 12%, then 20%, and so on.
      Your success rate is bound to increase the more you practice.

    5. #5
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      Also this is also an interesting point to me I want to bring up .... Lucid dreaming is possible anything is possible if u want it or try really hard at it but I don't want to consume all of my time in the real world doing it ... I read some people say they would read about it all day and think about it all day and do reallity checks very frequent ...like that's a lil to hardcore for me and to much ....is DJ and RC enough to become successful at LD

    6. #6
      A man's shadow Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by NewWorldLucid View Post
      but I don't want to consume all of my time in the real world doing it ...
      All magic comes with a price dearie....
      If you feel like it, please take a look at my YouTube channel:
      If you don't, hm well have a nice day anyway ^_^

    7. #7
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      Can you elaborate please?

    8. #8
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      Okay so in order to get good at lucidity u dedicated all you real world time to it ?

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      A man's shadow Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by NewWorldLucid View Post
      Okay so in order to get good at lucidity u dedicated all you real world time to it ?
      Not all but you have to spend some time preparing.
      If you feel like it, please take a look at my YouTube channel:
      If you don't, hm well have a nice day anyway ^_^

    10. #10
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      Doing All Day Awareness with RC's might increase slightly your chances
      Results might showup thought after few days

      Also you can always try other lucid dreaming methods like WILD or DEILD
      I'm myself trying to get along with WILD since i'm lazy bastard
      Last edited by MisakaMikoto; 05-11-2014 at 07:17 PM.
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      I'm back! Again? Uhhh..

    11. #11
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      Lucid dreaming is really all about becoming more aware - every single technique that exists out there has something to do with awareness, and the only reason why they have names is so that people can refer to them more easily.
      Getting up earlier than normal and going back to bed again a few minutes later is a popular technique, because it makes it easier to get into the REM period as quickly as possible if you wake up in the middle of it and then fall back to sleep almost right into it again, and this approach happens to be called Wake-Back-To-Bed.
      It's just like calling the recording of dreams "Dream-Journaling" or practicing your critical awareness "Reality Checking".
      They are just names for lots of different ways to enhance your critical awareness.

      In my opinion, one of the best ways to become lucid is to find a common dream event in your dreams, then start asking yourself if you might be dreaming whenever you see that event in waking life.
      After a while you will find yourself going like "WHAT, that event again, could I be dreaming now?!".
      It should be a sincere, "real" skeptic feeling like that.
      Last edited by Laurelindo; 05-11-2014 at 07:42 PM.

    12. #12
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      Others have given good feedback. I'd just emphasize that cultivating a mindset of awareness, a continuous questioning/evaluation of your state, takes some initial investment of time, but once you spend some time doing that it stays with you all the time and takes less conscious effort to maintain. I barely now have moments where I'm not self-aware (except when engrossed in work) in some fashion. I just don't "feel right" unless I'm self-aware, and I'll quickly catch myself. Of course I'm hoping for payoff in LDing, but living life self-aware is its own reward while waking, too.

      Yes, the 3 P's are the key: Practice, Patience, Positive. Practice maintaining self-awareness and accessing life memory (and dream recall). Have Patience for the results to come in, it can take days, weeks, or months. But *know* that they will come. Stay Positive. Negative expectations kills dreaming. Love your dreams, all of them. Look forward to every night.

      Sensei recommends dedicating yourself to try your best for a year in order to give lucid dreaming a serious go. In order to succeed you really need to dedicate some time and not give up.

      You can start just with recall: reach for more and more recall every night. Recall is its own reward and takes in essence basically no time at all. Then you can slowly add in awareness work on your own schedule.

      Do you ever commute? Go for walks? Exercise? Stand in line? Have *any* time during the day when you're not actively mentally concentrating on something? These are all moments to bring up some awareness work.

      You should think of supplements as a push, as a nudge towards vividness and lucidity, but if you don't already have the practice in place, most likely lucidity will not result.
      Fuzzman likes this.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    13. #13
      Australia spd is offline
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      Echoing the last thing that fryingman said, although I have only had experience with one lucid aid (vitamin b6) I noticed its effects when I was really into lucid dreaming and I recently got back into it and for a few nights I tried b6 and had no recall at all. I think it can be compared to taking Protien supplements without regular high intensity training, it just ends up a waste of money unless the work is put in.

      and also reflecting what others have said positivity is key! I have heard some say it is the most important thing to have when trying to LD, it keeps you in a good mental state for MILD and WILD so don't get discouraged.

      Also I think I recall Sageous saying that memory gets almost switched off in a dream which is why things like chucky, you would just accept as reality. If you stay consistent and have a positive attitude your awareness will gradually increase. Everyone can lucid dream my friend but you have to stay consistent to be good and I knoe its hard because I struggle to stay consistent but everytime you try you become better
      Last edited by spd; 05-13-2014 at 12:55 PM.
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