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    Thread: SilverBullet's Key to Lucid Dreaming Revived

    1. #1
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      SilverBullet's Key to Lucid Dreaming Revived

      Hey guys, I came across one of SilverBullet's threads a while back and thought it needed a little more attention, so here I am bringing it back to life as a new thread. I decided to do this because, 1. For new Oneironauts. 2. Everyone in a dry spell. and 3. To let people know about their own ability

      As an overview, SilverBullets technique requires two things:
      1. Intention
      2. Belief in yourself(As a modification, instead of believing in yourself, you need to KNOW that you can do this)

      Now, below I am going to put the full technique with all the steps, however I will add my own input as well. So no, this is not just a plain copy of SilverBullet's technique, but a revised version changed by me. This technique is for all of those people who find that they don't want to do those other techniques that everyone else uses. Maybe they don't want to do them, maybe they cant do them, or maybe they are simply just lazy, but that's ok. This method(I've tried and can say for myself it does indeed bring results) goes around all of the hard work that normal LD'ers will usually put in. The only draw back in this method is that it only works when you truly recognize what you are capable of.

      Two main things that I have realized in my journey to become Lucid every night is that- Everyone goes to the Dream World EVERY night, so you have multiple chances to become lucid every night. The other main thing I came to acknowledge was that it only takes ONE THOUGHT in order to become Lucid in a dream, nothing more, that's it. As SilverBullet originally stated, Lucid Dreaming IS NOT hard, everyone else just says it is, and nowadays its like a disease, this lie had spread and a lot of people are believing that they need weeks or even months of hard work before they feel they can become lucid. The truth is, you don't. The only thing that I would add onto this method personally, is keeping a Dream Journal. SilverBullet, however, did not keep a dream journal and still got results. Now, to get to this technique-

      Step 1: First, you need to get rid of the idea that lucid dreaming is hard. Because it's actually VERY easy. The only thing stopping you from lucid dreaming is you. I don't like that fact that most people on this website spread the idea that lucid dreaming is hard, it's like a disease. Stop spreading it.

      Step 2(this step is most important): FEEL that you were born a natural lucid dreaming master. That you are a Lucid dreamer with every cell in your body, like it's your destiny to lucid dream! Imagine that you have already attained your goal. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference between what you are imagining and what is happening. There must be absolutely NO doubt in your mind that you are a natural lucid dreamer, or lucid dreaming master(whichever is easier for you too feel) because you CAN do this.

      Step 3: Do things as if you already have the "becoming aware in a dream" part down. Think about what you want to do once you are in a lucid dream. It can be anything. One good one is looking at your hands in a dream. Try to look at your hands once you are in a dream. You don't need to make a habit of looking at your hands in daily life. Just do it when you are in a dream. It may sound like this makes no sense, but it works. Just have the intention of doing so, and it will come.

      Step 4(optional, but recommended): If you are lucid and the dream starts fading, remember to not move and don't open your eyes when you when you wake up, because then you can re-enter the dream quickly. You can do this many times and get many lucids. You can try this same thing with waking from non-lucid sleep, but I find it easier when you are lucid in the first place. (DEILD)

      The reason why there isn't that many steps is because lucid dreaming is easy.
      You don't need to be a rocket scientist to do it.

      You can use these steps in combination with any technique you want, or no techniques at all. You can also use it for what kind of lucid you want. Personally, I use Self Awareness with this method, but it still worked way before I even started having self awareness. Also, if you really want to remember all of your dreams, still keep a dream journal along with this, its a plus in this case but it can still be of use.
      Remember- many people cant have LD's every night because of that schema they have placed in their psyche. Many new Onieronauts today have been taught that you HAVE to do all these techniques to become lucid in your dreams, and because so many people agree and also believe that, new LD'ers believe it as well. Now, for some, there will be a strong sense in your mind telling you that you cant do this, its impossible, and that is your schema with Lucid Dreaming that is telling you that. Block that out, and once you do, you'll have success. Every one has this ability, but you can only do what you truly believe(or KNOW) you can do, nothing more.
      Last edited by OneUp; 07-16-2014 at 02:27 AM.

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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    2. #2
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      IDK.. I can keep telling myself that I'm a born lucid dreamer for however long I want to, but it won't make me truly believe it. Every time I catch myself thinking that I'm not going to lucid dream because I didn't do this or that technique enough etc. I can make myself think that I still will get an LD, but I don't think this is truly believing. I just wish I wasn't so lazy lol.
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      Gonna give this a try, will post back when i get progress.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Cubellius View Post
      IDK.. I can keep telling myself that I'm a born lucid dreamer for however long I want to, but it won't make me truly believe it. Every time I catch myself thinking that I'm not going to lucid dream because I didn't do this or that technique enough etc. I can make myself think that I still will get an LD, but I don't think this is truly believing. I just wish I wasn't so lazy lol.
      Hey Cubellius, the way this method works man is that there must be ZERO doubt on your mind. Some may find this hard to do at first, but that first night that you go to sleep with no doubt, you'll be surprised what happens. And once you get the hang of that feeling with no doubt the first time, you'll know that you can do it from then on. Many people may not get this technique down simply because of that schema I mentioned. you have to know you can do it man. If I did it from scratch, then you can do it as well, just as easily. Remember, know that you can do it for sure.
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      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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      Quote Originally Posted by TheAssassin56 View Post
      Gonna give this a try, will post back when i get progress.
      No, dont give it a try man, just DO it.

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      I know how you feel about this thread Sensei, I saw your thread. And I know it goes against all that we have been taught as Lucid Dreamers, but you should give it a try man. Then again though you probably already have a method that you're sticking with, so it'd makes sense if you don't want to.

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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    8. #8
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      Intention and belief are important, but if that is all you have, then you're in trouble. A quadriplegic can intend to walk (and even believe they can--this is called insanity), but without reconstructive technology, this is not happening.

      On the other hand, if you have absolutely no belief in yourself, then lucid dreaming is not happening. The key is to balance things out.

      SilverBullet has a point. We all ARE lucid dreamers, and all of us (unless we, due to trauma, don't dream) have this capability. Telling yourself that lucid dreaming is hard is stupid, because you will make it hard. But there is a learning curve, and pretending like it doesn't exist is equally stupid.

      The problem with this is when people tell themselves they will lucid dream, or that they are a lucid dreamer, and then have no dreams, frustration and doubt set in, which kills their entire impetus to lucid dream. Most of the time, there is a lack of persistence here. People tell themselves lucid dreaming will be easy, and when they don't have a lucid dream in one or two weeks, they decide it is hard and give up.

      I agree with Sensei's little face; telling yourself you will lucid dream, and even going to sleep BELIEVING that it will happen isn't enough most of the time. You need to study the techniques, get some experience under your belt, keep a dream journal, talk to other dreamers, edit your techniques, reconsider your techniques, maybe purchase a sleep mask, try some supplements, try different sleeping positions, try different WBTB times, try different WBTB time lengths, try different WBTB activities, try auditory cues, try having a partner cue you, set some alarms, train yourself to be calm in the dream state, do your reality checks . . . . and everything else I'm not going to mention. Once you see some consistency, belief will flow naturally.

      Quote Originally Posted by OneUpBoy71 View Post
      I know how you feel about this thread Sensei, I saw your thread. And I know it goes against all that we have been taught as Lucid Dreamers, but you should give it a try man. Then again though you probably already have a method that you're sticking with, so it'd makes sense if you don't want to.
      This doesn't really go against common understanding of lucid dream practice. Belief is important--some people have lucid dreams after hearing another person talk about it (like my wife!). Stephen LaBerge, Charlie Morley, and other lucid dream teachers emphasize the importance of positive thinking. But it is by no means the secret to LDing.
      Last edited by ThreeCat; 07-16-2014 at 06:26 PM. Reason: want to say all the things!
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      Yea I'm with the others one this one... (Oh hey everyone), you can't truly BELIEVE something right off the bat, its just lying to yourself. However belief mixed with practice and experiences does breed KNOWING. I have just come out of a few month hot-streak of lucid dreaming where every night I wanted to I knew I would lucid dream.

      Lucid dreaming is not difficult. Motivation is. Thats all lucid dreaming and most other hobbies are - keeping motivation and faith for long enough to see it through.

      So yes, belief is very important, but belief with nothing else is nothing.

    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by ThreeCat View Post
      Intention and belief are important, but if that is all you have, then you're in trouble. A quadriplegic can intend to walk (and even believe they can--this is called insanity), but without reconstructive technology, this is not happening.

      On the other hand, if you have absolutely no belief in yourself, then lucid dreaming is not happening. The key is to balance things out.

      SilverBullet has a point. We all ARE lucid dreamers, and all of us (unless we, due to trauma, don't dream) have this capability. Telling yourself that lucid dreaming is hard is stupid, because you will make it hard. But there is a learning curve, and pretending like it doesn't exist is equally stupid.

      The problem with this is when people tell themselves they will lucid dream, or that they are a lucid dreamer, and then have no dreams, frustration and doubt set in, which kills their entire impetus to lucid dream. Most of the time, there is a lack of persistence here. People tell themselves lucid dreaming will be easy, and when they don't have a lucid dream in one or two weeks, they decide it is hard and give up.

      I agree with Sensei's little face; telling yourself you will lucid dream, and even going to sleep BELIEVING that it will happen isn't enough most of the time. You need to study the techniques, get some experience under your belt, keep a dream journal, talk to other dreamers, edit your techniques, reconsider your techniques, maybe purchase a sleep mask, try some supplements, try different sleeping positions, try different WBTB times, try different WBTB time lengths, try different WBTB activities, try auditory cues, try having a partner cue you, set some alarms, train yourself to be calm in the dream state, do your reality checks . . . . and everything else I'm not going to mention. Once you see some consistency, belief will flow naturally.

      This doesn't really go against common understanding of lucid dream practice. Belief is important--some people have lucid dreams after hearing another person talk about it (like my wife!). Stephen LaBerge, Charlie Morley, and other lucid dream teachers emphasize the importance of positive thinking. But it is by no means the secret to LDing.

      Youve failed ThreeCat to understand the point here. A quadriplegic can have all the belief he wants and still not make progress because what he is trying to do deals with the physical. Your argument doesnt fit this thread. This technique is all MENTAL, not physical. The secret to LDing is the mindset, the psyche, you clearly dont see that. It is all psychological, many DV members take it beyond that to where they think, "Oh, well I cant lucid dream straight off because no one else here believes that." Almost ALL lucid dreamers now a days have that schema set in their mind. Of course you cant do it if you have any doubt, or frustration. But you arent understanding the technique right. SilverBullet based his original thread off his studies of how the brain works as well as Carlo's Castenedas book, "The Art of Dreaming". In this book he explains from the perspective of his teacher, Don Juan, that many things that are psychological, and are simple, yet we make them difficult by placing those mental blocks there. Don Juan taught in the book(He was a sorcerer) that pure intention is what got him into the Dream world, but this type of serious intention takes a little practice. Carlos Casteneda continued in the book to use merely intention to get him into the dream world(in the book the dream world and astral projection are viewed as the same), and by that principle is what SilverBullet based part of this technique on. He even stated himself that he wouldnt be the lucid dreamer he were today if it wasn't for the teachings inside of that book. Why am I mentioning the book so much? Because it teaches the exact mindset that I and SilverBullet have attained, and have become successful with. SilverBullet did nothing and said himself he was the laziest there was when it came to LDing. Now, as for the believing part, its even in the technique(the subconscious mention) that its not all believing. For this technique you go to bed believing, but thats it. You simply just trust your subconscious mind to do the work. Theres no over thinking. And yes ThreeCat, this level of intention and belief does go beyond the common understanding of Lucid Dreaming, otherwise there wouldnt be all the techniques there are today, so no its not common understanding. The foundation of this technique lies on the mindset of a person that already has Lucid Dreams every night. The point is to give yourself that mindset of someone that has already "made it" and that is what brings the results. I do respect all of those Lucid Dreaming teachers you mentioned, but I do not think the whole concept of this method came to them at the time. I hope I dont sound offensive or anything man, thats not what I intended. But I will say, unless you have the correct mindset for this method, it wont work. However, I do think the fundamentals mentioned by Sageous are needed, they're always needed. so there is a little more i forgot to mention in this method. But it really was all based off of the mindset of a true natural Lucid Dreamer, who does absolutely no work or any practice, and yet becomes lucid every night. As you can see it is possible

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

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      Quote Originally Posted by RavenOfShadow View Post
      Yea I'm with the others one this one... (Oh hey everyone), you can't truly BELIEVE something right off the bat, its just lying to yourself. However belief mixed with practice and experiences does breed KNOWING. I have just come out of a few month hot-streak of lucid dreaming where every night I wanted to I knew I would lucid dream.

      Lucid dreaming is not difficult. Motivation is. Thats all lucid dreaming and most other hobbies are - keeping motivation and faith for long enough to see it through.

      So yes, belief is very important, but belief with nothing else is nothing.
      Thats why intention was apart of the technique as well. The importance of that is in my reply to ThreeCat. You cant "want to know", that doesnt work. You have to know, with 0 doubt. I can see where you're coming from with the whole "lying to yourself thing" but that is part of that mental block that most lucid dreamers have taken. But my god, we are talking about DREAMS here, you have them every night, no doubt. It shouldnt be as hard of a task as alot of people make it. It doesnt make sense.
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      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
      -Perfect the time dilation watch
      -Continue to have a dream plan for most of my lucid dreams

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      Quote Originally Posted by ThreeCat View Post
      This doesn't really go against common understanding of lucid dream practice. Belief is important--some people have lucid dreams after hearing another person talk about it (like my wife!). Stephen LaBerge, Charlie Morley, and other lucid dream teachers emphasize the importance of positive thinking. But it is by no means the secret to LDing.
      My bad ThreeCat, I just realized I sounded like a total dick in my last comment. But hey man in the end everyone has something that works for them, and thats why we all do different techniques. I guess you could say this technique is for those who always believe in themselves.
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      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

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      No worries.
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      Yes! I know what you mean and I vehemently agree with you! Whenever I truly believe that I will have a Lucid Dream, I have one. What's hard for me is keeping myself in the mindset. For various reasons I have a hard time maintaining a strong intention. But each night that I lay in bed and "know" that I won't mindlessly fall asleep, but that I will consciously go into the dream world, I Lucid Dream!

      Personally, going this route has featured better results than all the other Techniques. Whenever I try it this way, I have a high success rate. Again, I think the only thing that's difficult for me is getting into this mindset. I've always heard "You need to use these techniques" and "You need to do this and that" and "Lucid Dreaming is hard", so those thoughts are currently blocking me from efficiently utilizing this method.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Brite View Post

      Yes! I know what you mean and I vehemently agree with you! Whenever I truly believe that I will have a Lucid Dream, I have one. What's hard for me is keeping myself in the mindset. For various reasons I have a hard time maintaining a strong intention. But each night that I lay in bed and "know" that I won't mindlessly fall asleep, but that I will consciously go into the dream world, I Lucid Dream!

      Personally, going this route has featured better results than all the other Techniques. Whenever I try it this way, I have a high success rate. Again, I think the only thing that's difficult for me is getting into this mindset. I've always heard "You need to use these techniques" and "You need to do this and that" and "Lucid Dreaming is hard", so those thoughts are currently blocking me from efficiently utilizing this method.
      Yes exactly! Im glad someone other than me has found that this works. Ive even watched videos about how this works, where because wanting to Lucid Dream is a mental goal, it can be achieved immediately. Very interesting video, and it is proven that this works but the problem is people dont believe in themselves because of that mental block that has been placed so strongly in their mind. This is a technique for those who really believe in themselves. The only reason why many people today dont like this method is because they've already spent so much time and effort perfecting these other methods, and thats okay because it works for them. But I have a feeling in the future, this exact technique will be used by many. Its like how people can wake up at the exact time they want to without an alarm clock, because they trust themselves, and they know they can do it, it works. The Power of the Mind is greatly underestimated(not the best word I know) and people need to realize, you can only do as much as you believe.

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

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      It is not that I do not agree. This is the "anime approach". Note Kamina:

      You need this approach to accomplish anything in life, you gotta believe.

      LDing is a lot of "breaking down mental barriers". If someone does believe in themselves, then they don't need a thread like this. If they don't believe in themselves, then a thread like this will just make you frustrated and further from the goal. Especially with phrases like "do or do not, there is no try." In order to do anything, you have to try it. Having motivation will make it easier to try. Having negative expectation will hinder, having good expectation or no expectation will allow you to perform to your ability. So when you said in the "Sensei's secret's thread" that you did it for a few days and you didn't feel like you were gonna LD, you didn't have it on your mind, and you were stressed out (doesn't matter what kind of stress, it effects your dreaming), according to my beliefs in my secrets thread, all of those things will negatively effect your dreaming. The other nights, you didn't have any of those negative things effecting you.
      Last edited by Sensei; 07-19-2014 at 05:34 PM.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      It is not that I do not agree. This is the "anime approach". Note Kamina:

      You need this approach to accomplish anything in life, you gotta believe.

      LDing is a lot of "breaking down mental barriers". If someone does believe in themselves, then they don't need a thread like this. If they don't believe in themselves, then a thread like this will just make you frustrated and further from the goal. Especially with phrases like "do or do not, there is no try." In order to do anything, you have to try it. Having motivation will make it easier to try. Having negative expectation will hinder, having good expectation or no expectation will allow you to perform to your ability. So when you said in the "Sensei's secret's thread" that you did it for a few days and you didn't feel like you were gonna LD, you didn't have it on your mind, and you were stressed out (doesn't matter what kind of stress, it effects your dreaming), according to my beliefs in my secrets thread, all of those things will negatively effect your dreaming. The other nights, you didn't have any of those negative things effecting you.
      When I said "do not try, just do" I was referring to the fact that that dude can "do", no doubt at all. Sometimes the definition of "trying" to some people has a negative meaning, thats the only reason I implied the word "do" into it, to give that guy a positive look at it. But I understand where you're coming from Sensei, but there is some scientific evidence of the brain that also backs up what I tried to cover in this thread, its alot, but if you havent already, read my reply to Brite. I watched this documentary about the Super Conscious mind, very interesting, but it basically covered that if you have a goal that is mental(inside of you) then you can get it almost immediately. I can give you the link if you want.

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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      Dec 2014
      Ok, so this is my first time posting on Dreamviews. I have been into lucid dreaming off and on for a couple years, yielding minimal results so far, but it wasn't until about 5 days ago that I got back into it. I began RCing again, journaling, etc. But apparently it really was the intent that I was lacking! I just read this article this afternoon, and for the rest of the day i was periodically telling myself how easy lucid dreaming was and that I WAS going to do it tonight. Sure enough, here I am at 3:45 a.m. having just woken up from a relatively short (several minute) LD. I would say that it has been my best so far just in terms of how textbook it was.. my awareness was raised, a few things seemed out of whack, and risking looking like a fool (i was at work in front of a bunch of people) i did an RC and watched excitedly as my hand effortlessly passed through my other hand! Overall, ill chalk it up to a success. Now i look forward to maybe pulling off a WBTB!

      Thanks OneUp for reviving SilverBullet's thread, simple but effective!
      OneUp likes this.

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