My finger-through-palm reality check sometimes decides to not work. So I gotta go check my phone and see if anything’s wonky. One time, my clock was like “screw it” and just disappeared altogether. |
When I saw this a while ago, it made me do an RC. |
With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!
“It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”
My finger-through-palm reality check sometimes decides to not work. So I gotta go check my phone and see if anything’s wonky. One time, my clock was like “screw it” and just disappeared altogether. |
I looked in the mirror and noticed I had a full on beard... Yuck. lol. |
That sounds tougher than what most of us are probably experiencing. Weird times, helps provide extra dream signs I guess. |
Something important for every newbie:
Listen while you work or before bed?
More great audio:
My lucid dreaming journey:
I actually really needed the break. |
Last edited by Caradon; 05-29-2020 at 12:39 PM.
Lately, instead of RC's, I have been doing "Stop The Flow" practice during the day. |
The more I gaze....the more I crave to see
When you next stand at cliff's edge....will you finally learn to fly?
I like how you put it. "Stop the flow." Sounds similar to what I do with my awareness meditations. When I'm well focused on the task I try to stay in that frame of mind as much as possible. Occasionally what happens is I'll start doing it in a dream like you describe and not even get lucid. While slightly frustrating when that happens I still consider it a win. Anytime I think of dreaming in a dream I consider it a win weather I end up lucid or not. For me usually those kinds of close calls means a full blown lucid is soon is imminent. |
Last edited by Caradon; 05-30-2020 at 07:13 AM.
Another Netflix reality check. |
And then just now I look at my phone and it says there is a curfew being implemented in my area due to a state of emergency. I just assumed it was something virus related until I looked into it. Apparently riots going on and police were nearly completely overwhelmed and national guard is involved. WTF. Sounds like it's another case of someone wrongfully killed by the police and people going nuts over it. |
Last edited by Caradon; 05-30-2020 at 02:50 PM.
I didn't have my computer on so decided to look up DV on my phone which I usually never do. The text on the main forum page on my phone was all messed up when I looked at it. Sentences were overlapping each other so it looked all scrambled and hieroglyphic like. |
A crack of thunder so loud it shook the house hard enough to knock a picture in a picture frame hanging from a nail on the wall off the wall and crashing to the floor, knocking over a couple of other things in the process. |
Dream: I had a dream last night about randomly taking sour cream from the fridge and then smearing it all over my face to get a reaction from my DCs. There is no explaining it. I just did it for the hell of it. I recall just standing in front of my down stairs bathroom, in the dream, and layered it all over my face with my fingers like I was putting on face cream. I went back into the kitchen and looked at my DCs. |
Last edited by Lang; 06-03-2020 at 04:34 AM.
With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!
“It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”
I had a similar experience yesterday. I had a really strange dream about seeing a miniature person swallowed by a normal sized person and traveling through their body. Later the same day I was watching a live stream of a musician playing a guitar and singing. In between songs the music starts talking about wanting to be a miniature person traveling through someone's body. And I was WTF I was just dreaming that. lol. |
On Youtube I came across this page that said live stream piano. I'm watching it and it's just an awesome and beautiful piano music. All you see is two hands playing a piano that is glowing with green colored lights. I didn't think it was an actual live person playing just thought it was a live stream recording kind of like Metallica does with their concerts. |
Last edited by Caradon; 06-10-2020 at 01:11 AM.
On Sunday night. (I had skipped recording dreams from that night) But Sunday night I had a rather mundane dream that this guy I know named Rick that in reality helps my step dad with cheap work on his rental properties. He has helped me with some plumbing work here. In my dream he showed up at my place to help work on some plumbing. Which I don't actually need right now. But last time he was here in reality he helped me put in a new faucet in my kitchen. |
Last edited by Caradon; 06-11-2020 at 07:50 PM.
For me, I was sitting at my desk and I had a Monomorium minimum crawl on my forearm, and it pinched me like to say, "Are you dreaming?" Not much fear but, just a question? I had to do an RC after that in Real life. It didn't hurt that much but, I recall seeing it pinch me. I mean I do that in my dreams a lot. That is one of my dream control things but, not so much in reality. I must be so sweet! |
With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!
“It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”
I was just making a long thought out post about some meaningful/memorable lucid experiences I had. I have no idea what combination of buttons I must have accidentally hit in order to cause all this craziness on my screen. But my screen went all wonky and it was like I accidentally hacked into some hackers digital universe. I sat there forever trying to figure out how to save my post and get back to normality and simple forum posting. But ultimately ended up just backing out of it all and lost everything I was trying to write. lol. whatever. |
Last edited by Caradon; 06-11-2020 at 11:52 PM.
Back in 2016 when, there was a brush fire at the farm where I lived, I recall asking my mom I'm dreaming. I know it sounds nuts, it made me stop for a moment to do Several RCs while I carried water to this put out this fire, it was at a time where the pipes were frozen but, there was no snow on the ground, it was dry that day. Luckily, there was some watering horse trough. We got most of it put out before the Fire department came but, there were some hot spots. It was a burn pile that went wrong. It was windy that day and they forgot to get a burn permit. |
Last edited by Lang; 06-12-2020 at 07:38 AM.
With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!
“It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”
Nice example Lang! I was just now downstairs and the lighting kept changing quickly and I did some thorough reality checks even though my mind was telling me that the sun was probably just going behind some clouds...we should never assume! |
Something important for every newbie:
Listen while you work or before bed?
More great audio:
My lucid dreaming journey:
My f**ing computer is acting up again!! Errr!! I had to do an RC because I was frustrated by this stupid thing. I thought to myself, perhaps I fell asleep. I was kind of entertaining that thought earlier. It is about 6 years old and I'm having so many problems with it, at times I want to throw it across the room. Instead, I did an RC. I stopped and check the temp of both of my feet, (HOOF). Cool actually. |
With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!
“It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”
I read somewhere those mushrooms are supposed to be good for dreams. |
Last edited by Caradon; 06-14-2020 at 04:26 PM.
You know I do everything in my power to save the spiders in the bathroom from dying from the shower water? Gah. You know they can't hurt you, right? And they eat bugs that get in the house. I would hate to get squashed. Now roaches on the other hand . . . they go in the toilet. |
Lol. I know but they're everywhere. I have taken a few outside before but there is way too many for that. It's war lol. They multiply fast. One time I let one live behind the toilet didn't think it was bothering anything until one day I look back there and it's swarming with spiders and I was like nope that's enough of that. I actually feel worse about the mice. But they take over fast when nothing is done about it. Too bad they can't just stay outside. But I live near the woods and it's a never ending stream of mice coming in especially in the fall and winter. You just can't let mice take over. |