The mind naturally wanders. If you want your awareness to stay still on one thing, those are skills that meditation will teach you. I suggest Culadasa's Enlightenment Mind. We are reading it in our bookclub here:
That said, I don't think there's a need for you to solely and entirely focus on the intention. It's prospective memory. If you want to remember to go grocery shopping after work, you don't have to solely and entirely focus on that intention all the way until after your job. Setting the intention is as simple as that: setting an intention. "What's my intention going to bed? to remember my dreams, to recognize I am dreaming and doing such and such thing" Once you know it, you know it. You can intend to focus on your intent as you fall asleep. That is, whenever you spot your mind wandering, bring your attention toward your intention naturally. You are trying to fall asleep after all so you should not be exerting such important mental power forcing your attention. Let your mind drift asleep and when it remembers to think about your intention, good. Calmly celebrate that you remembered to think about your intention.
[Edit] and because your mind will try to wander, if you want it to wander longer on the subject of your intention, you might let yourself fantasize about lucid dreaming. This is all part of MILD already I guess.