New here. Lucid dreaming seems pretty cool if I can pull it off without it running my life. Going back to bed for an hour or two after sleeping for 6-8 is impossible when you run your own business.
Is it possible to do a WBTB or even DILD while sleeping only for 6 hours? I figured out my REM cycle, it's 2.5 hours (yes, I have awaken from dreams at 2.5 hours and remember them vividly), 4 hours, 5.5 hours, 7 hours, etc. My question with this is, if I awake from 4 hours of sleep (at the end of my REM cycle) and I stay up for 90 minutes, will I re-enter in REM, or do I have to go back to bed for another 90 minutes? What confuses me is how sleep cycles work after you wake up; ie. if I'm awake for 10 minutes or 60 minutes or even 113 minutes, in which case is REM a greater chance to enter? (60 would be just under 90 but 113 over.)
If I could enter lucid dreams while in a dream that would be ideal. I find that doing reality checks during the day somewhat retarded, as my entire day is focusing around doing reality checks every half hour, when I should be concentrating on working. Is there any way to know you're in a dream without having to train yourself with reality checks every minute of every day?
When I was a kid I was able to lucid at will. It spawned from nightmares and when I found out I could enter/exit dreams at will, I took advantage of it and became god. I want that back. It just seems that now I'm unable to do that.
I've also tried auto-suggestion, but it's hard because I can't wild when first going to bed, and keeping that in my mind for hours is a little difficult.
Any ideas would be great. Thank you all for your help. I want this so bad.