Lately, I've been waking up early, staying up for a half an hour, and going back to bed. This technique has worked every time for me, and I end up in a lucid dream... |
Spoiler for My Goals: |
^I second that post; the tutorial should help a lot. |
Click on the sig to view my dream journal!
Click here to check out the Facebook page for 'The Lucid Dream' (1 & 2) short films!
"What is an RC-MILD?" Click here to find out!
A big thanks to both of you! |
Spoiler for My Goals:
I think it's not a very good idea to shout in Lucid Dreams. For me at least. When i shout, my voice gets weak, and i can hear myself mutter in my bed and that can wake me up. It's just me though. |
Generally I find that taking a step back is the best thing, and neither getting stuck in the plot or immeadatly teleporting to some other location (unless it's a nightmare). Stay calm as well, as getting excited or panicking can fade dreams. Then, if all else fails, (I know this is probably annoying to hear) bring on Operation Dream Spin. |
Hgld1234 wuz here!
My dream goals
Complete a ToTM [] Hypnotize a DC [] Summon a DC [X] Teleport [X] Play with fire []
Try the tutorial Charmarlw posted. Also, if you find yourself still exiting prematurely from LDs, try the DEILD technique. It's pretty handy. |
We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.
SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique) Guide
Have questions about lucid dreaming? DM me.
A really simple effective way to be able to hold onto a lucid dream for longer, is, once you become lucid just take a few seconds to observe your surroundings.. |
| DEILD:8 | WILD:0 | DILD: 5 | FA: 1 |
You spend your life working for minimum wage but you know... you always get your dreams for free.