Most of the people who have experienced OBE,s, describe a situation in whicch they virtually abandon their bodies and even they can see themselves sleeping in their beds. That is not may case.&nbsp;What I describe&nbsp;have happened to me&nbsp;many times ( more of a dozen) but I am not sure&nbsp;if those experiences are OBE.s<br><br><br>" All of the sudden in&nbsp;the middle of a normal dream&nbsp; &nbsp;I realize that I can not move. Sometimes is not exactly in the middle of a dream on those cases the&nbsp;sensantion of being paralized awakes me in the middle of the night. After that I feel that my body is lifted from my bed. Explaining better my&nbsp;body&nbsp;changes from an horizontal position to a vertical one. Then I&nbsp;see my self in the middle of the room. The room is always dark but I can see the light coming from ouside through the&nbsp;window. My body in all cases is transported ( i am not walking) &nbsp;in&nbsp;that vertical position&nbsp;from my room to a dining room then to the kitchen and&nbsp;finally to the garage. &nbsp;The garage has two doors and sometimes I abandon the house using the door that goes to the front of the house or the other one that goes to a patio and a small lake. Once outside I am able to walk and move. In most of the cases when I go outside the sky is red and there are many trees with &nbsp;red leaves . During the whole process I am completely sure that I am sleeping , I do not do any RC o anything like that."<br><br>Why I considere that is different is that in all cases I continue to feel my body , I do not abandon it.