Well, better than staying up three nights straight you might just spend one cold night out with little clothes on! Then you'll get really sick and if you have a really huge fever you'll allucinate. My friend had one of these a few weeks ago, she said she was lying in her dad's lap at the hospital and she saw and heard a man and her father speaking. Later, she found out there was no man at all. The funniest thing is she said she totally believes she was there, that it seemed real. When her dad said that there was no man at all at the hospital she just couldn't believe it!

About the higher self meditation, do the following: Lie down, take some time doing deep breathing to relax your body, then imagine you're in a very peaceful landscape. In that landscape imagina a rainbow appearing, go up the rainbow. At the top of the rainbow you should see your sanctuary (which is different for everyone, just let it be whatever it is). Then sometimes your higher self is there and it can be a light or an old man dressed in white or something like that. If it's not there, try seeing a wall and breaking it, believing your higher self will be behind that wall. At first nothing much will happen, but as you start creating a bond with your higher self you can have really cool experiences.