So I kinda did a bit too offensive topic earlier today, and now I decided to do a more calm one. One of the mods actually told me to do this, so it is weird if this gets locked... But anyway:

So I believe in god. I am a lutherin, and I think, that our ways are quite right. But god is the only "higher" thing, that I belive in. Now, after reading quite a lot of these threads here, I just need the urge to talk about these things. Because for me, it all seems so obvious, that there are no "higher" things. And it seems so obvious, that the things, that are being talked right here, have a scientifical purpose. Like the "magical rocks". It has been proven, that the rocks have no effect whatsoever to the human brain (brain = mind). But that the actual effect comes from the placebo effect. It basically means, that when the brain (subconscious) thinks something, it acts like it. So if you´d think, that you have cought the fever, you will provoke a fever (this is actually true). The placebo effect has been widely used in medical science too, for about half of the effect of any drug comes from the placebo effect. So the rock only makes the brain think, that the rock has an effect, and the brain acts like it. For example, if you have a rock, that makes you sleep better, then your brain may, just for this effect, be more alert to melatonin.

And basically, just about all of these "magical" things can be explained with the placebo effect or another simple fact.

And here is the core of this article: When just about all of the stuff here can be explained by science, then why would it not be only, simple science, and nothing "higher"?
Why do you believe, that it is not just science?