• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Oh, never-mind. I see what they did now. . .
    2. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      This makes me all the more happy that I began changing names in my DJ.... >.>
      Are you guys getting stalked?
    3. GabrielG's Avatar
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      Is hazel someone you share dreams with? cuz that seems cool, i havent had any LD's yet but i really want to make friends with someone completely made up in a dream and see them in a bunch of my lucid dreams and have them as a friend
    4. Serenity's Avatar
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      Also: Facebook, guys? Really?
      This makes me all the more happy that I began changing names in my DJ.... >.>
    5. Samael's Avatar
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      Hollow Earth? I thought I might have ended up on an asteroid. The timing's right; I think I had this dream on April 2.

      I took a break from trying for the moon for a while to work on my teleportation skills. I think I'm getting there, and I'll be trying again before the end of the summer.

      @mowglycdb: Doors have never really worked for me. I'm trying something out right now where I just imagine the location and sort of slowly drift toward it. Kind of like dissolving the dream.
    6. Samael's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc
      That's some tough grass right there. =P
      I caught that inconsistency during a quick proofread. That's actually what happened, though. Dream-logic, what can you do?

      Quote Originally Posted by Requiem
      I like to reality check when I witness emotional extremes.
      I'll have to try that.

      Quote Originally Posted by Requiem
      How is the month treating you, Sam? I am still in recovery mode but I am getting better. Not there yet to attempt a dream battle goal but I need to figure out what is going on with my neighbor and the aliens (potential dream guide) first.
      I'm still averaging one lucid per three days or so. I'll have to write those down, though. I'm getting better at shifting scenes in lucids (teleporting), so that's pretty cool.

      Wait, aliens? I'm going to have to catch up on your DJ entries, aren't I?
    7. Requiem's Avatar
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      "The four boys are swearing at each other, and the situation is about to escalate into violence."

      I like to reality check when I witness emotional extremes.

      How is the month treating you, Sam? I am still in recovery mode but I am getting better. Not there yet to attempt a dream battle goal but I need to figure out what is going on with my neighbor and the aliens (potential dream guide) first.
    8. mowglycdb's Avatar
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      Portals didn't really make the cut for me, I preffer imagining a door and seeing the moon on the other side, opening the door and getting there.
    9. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Sounds like you ended up in Hollow Earth. Please keep trying to come to the Moon.
    10. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      A couple classmates look at me incredulously.

      "Time travel." I shrug.
      Haha, those reactions are always great.

      The moment ends. The two thugs are a charred mass of bone, strewn about the untouched grass.
      That's some tough grass right there. =P
    11. Hazel's Avatar
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      Later, I find out that Quickton has enacted a new law: hair colour has been declared illegal. I immediately dye my hair blue.
      And if they arrest you, you should claim that it's your natural hair color.

      "As long as I don't step on any butterflies."
      That confused me until I read MadMonkey's reply.

      ETA: I took this as a sign that I should die my hair blue today. So I did.
    12. Hazel's Avatar
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      I had forgotten about that show; I sort of miss it.

      I'm not moping. I'm looking out the window, plotting, when Serenity slams open the heavy wooden double-doors to my study. She looks around and hurries into the room, explains to me that she's hunting after an enemy DC.
      I could picture her doing that.
    13. Samael's Avatar
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      What can I say? My life needs more excitement.

      You should see my pain scale. Broken ankles are 4/10.
    14. Samael's Avatar
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      How did you dismantle the dream? Make objects disappear one by one until nothing was left? What was the location? Similar to the one the FA took place in? Why do you think the FA happened like that?
      I think I shifted my focus to another place (I don't really remember where; I think it was a bird's eye view of my city), and just waited to wake up in bed. My recall wasn't great for that particular part.

      Also, I "woke up" in my bedroom. With, of course, slight alterations that I didn't notice until I actually woke up.

      As opposed to fancy air-swipes, I suppose?
      No flynning for me! I could have done with a different sword, though; foils aren't very good for decapitation.

      Zombie dreams don't bother me much. Then again, I've never been worried about being bitten, since invulnerability seems to carry over from my lucids.
    15. Serenity's Avatar
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      ETA: I took this as a sign that I should die my hair blue today. So I did.
    16. Serenity's Avatar
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      I feel like Zorro, only with more stabbing.
      As opposed to fancy air-swipes, I suppose?

      And bleagh, zombies
    17. Requiem's Avatar
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      How did you dismantle the dream? Make objects disappear one by one until nothing was left? What was the location? Similar to the one the FA took place in? Why do you think the FA happened like that?
    18. Hidden's Avatar
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      It's been far too long since someone tried to kill me.

      Epic dream. Trying to drive on the wrong side of the road... Now that's a bit different. I like that it only has a scare factor of 3.
    19. Samael's Avatar
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      For some reason, the spark seems to me like a metaphor for something more grandiose. Don't know why.
      It does, doesn't it? Must be the commonly used metaphor, keeping a spark of hope/passion/whatever alive. Whether it actually means anything, IDK.
    20. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      For some reason, the spark seems to me like a metaphor for something more grandiose. Don't know why.

      The first time I woke up last night, I had such a feeling of contentment and happiness that it was unreal. I couldn't remember the dream that I had, but the feeling followed me throughout the day.
      I'm quite jealous.

      I had such a great night, guys. Still, this only slightly counts as a drunk post.
      Haha, still jealous. XD
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