• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Habba's Avatar
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      It's very hard for me to determine whether it was a lucid dream or not. I must of knew if it was a dream because I was thinking to myself I did not want Hannah's mum to wake me up. The bear was sort of my reality check, I was hoping the bear would float, I was doubting that it won't and it did. Then trying to fly. It seemed so vivid and felt so real....
    2. Oneirin's Avatar
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      I agree as this one feels as though it's right on that fence between low level lucid/semi-lucid and dream about LDing. When you say that you think about how strange it feels to be awake in a dream, do you feel as though you simply observed your 'dream self' thinking it, or you were you thinking it with a more rational/conscious mind.
      Just my approach as this one is a little tricky. But like Psionik says, does your mind distinctly understand that it's a dream, or are you simply following along with the dream contents (even if they are about LDing.)
      Maybe others could have better insights to determine.
      Either way, great dream Habba! Looks like you're on track regardless; you're right there.
    3. Psionik's Avatar
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      It depends on whether you distinctly knew that you are dreaming, or you didn't.
    4. Habba's Avatar
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      They may seem a abit dull the way I write them out, but I enjoy them. I have some paranormal dreams, one of my recent dreams where I was possessed in a female body.
    5. Elaineylane's Avatar
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      Good luck!
    6. Elaineylane's Avatar
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      Okay now I'm intrigued. Gonna go read more of your journal entries.
    7. gab's Avatar
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      I took a few after we were done talking
    8. Habba's Avatar
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      My lucid is coming soon!
    9. Elaineylane's Avatar
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      It really is too bad you didn't become lucid in your first dream because that would have been amazing! Oh the things you could have done. Maybe you should reread this journal entry & try to have another one like that w/ the intent on becoming lucid.
    10. Smudgefish's Avatar
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      Well done for having a FA. I had my first lucid a few nights after having one of those!
    11. Smudgefish's Avatar
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      Pleased to see I am not the only one who has supernatural dreams.
    12. Elaineylane's Avatar
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      Supernatural dream. That's actually pretty good. Maybe it has meaning. I'd say it probably does.
    13. DannyCool's Avatar
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      Man you're "killin'" it. That would mean a load of points in the competition. I got only had a fragment last night.
    14. DannyCool's Avatar
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      Daniel Bryan said Kane was one of his best friends in his retirement speech. I met Kane a couple of times in my dreams or devil like people doing all sorts of crazy things to me. They are just trying to freak me out that I am not lucid. They are saying get lucid get lucid get lucid in the strongest possible way. It is the only way to get out of a Choke Slam! Of course sacrificing is a legitimate and easy option. Hugging was a good way though respect to you. Keep being really nice does the job well. I showed one bully in my dreams my ass one time and that ended it. I wasn't scared anymore and knew it was a dream. I think that is thanks to wonderful people I have met recently including those on dreamviews.