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    Serenity's Silver Millennium

    Posting my lucids

    1. June 3, 2010 - Part Two

      by , 07-04-2010 at 05:17 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      Slept between 11:30p-6:00a.

      DV-related fragment

      Just a short fragment here. I was in a car with Naiya and possibly Akono. We all had DV going on our cellphones and we were checking up on people. Someone was helping out on some top-secret projects, but they kept leaking info on the forums by way of asking people to help them gather information on certain topics.

      Had decided to try a DEILD this morning, so my lucid weaver alarm was what woke me. Unfortunately, I was quite confused at the sound of the alarm and wasn't sure why I was hearing beeping noises. Once they stopped I remembered, "Oh right, it's supposed to be a DEILD... What was I dreaming about?" and it was mostly gone I should probably remember to do an auto-suggestion before sleeping if I'm going to try a DEILD

      Decided to turn the DEILD into a WILD using a suggestion I had gotten from someone using music (in my head) as an anchor, rather than music on earphones (since on earphones tends to carry over into dreams, so they say, and it gets annoying, I guess. I honestly don't think I would mind it, but I couldn't use my earphones, anyways).

      It is definitely too difficult for me to WILD with the BF next to me To be fair, it wasn't a very serious attempt. I only got a light SP, barely any vibrations, and I found it hard to roll out due to that. Gave up, RC'd, just in case, then dozed very lightly and woke up for work, at 6am.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 05:19 PM by 28724

      Tags: akono, naiya
      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment