Fragment of Dreams
November 22, 2010 Lucid fragment involving me trying to choose a dream. I kept getting "Dream Serial # 2250." I was trying to upgrade my dream to "Dream Serial # 5000." November 23, 2010 I don't remember anything before this, but I remember pinching my nose to check for dreaming. I could breathe, so I tried again to be sure. I sucked in a huge long breath through my pinched nose and I was satisfied. It's too bad I couldn't see anything. I calmly waiting for a scene to take shape around me. I tried to imagine maybe being inside a room or something. Nothing, and I soon woke up.
October 30, 2010 Not much to report. I remember some co-workers being present, and there being a bright room, possibly a cafeteria. October 31, 2010 Dangling Spiders (DILD) There was some kind of event going on the 4th floor of my building.I helped the kitchen staff set up. We were then all in the basement, and one of the guys asked me to get something across the room. It was then, that I noticed little spiders dangling from the ceiling. I didn't want to walk through them, and complained, and started freaking out. The other guy was all like, "Whatever, it's fine! I like spiders!" Well... I don't. There was some other bit in the dream where I stood there, talking with one of the guys and I was doing something socially awkward (that's all I'm going to say!). I realized that it was something that I randomly do sometimes when dreaming, so I recognized it as a dream sign. I continued talking with the guy and woke up not too long, after. I'm a bit perturbed by my lucidity this month. It's probably down to the fact that I slept during the day and worked at night, most days... but I felt like I had no focus for goals, and even when I got lucid, the clarity of thought was really low for the majority of the month. Here's to a better November! November 1, 2010
October 28, 2010 The injured chick (NLD) I was at a school, and some of the cast members from the play I was just in were my classmates. I found a baby chick in the hall, and picked it up. I wanted to make sure I could put him somewhere where he wouldn't get trampled. I can't remember where that was, it may've been on a ledge or something. I remember going to class, but not much about that. I came back to the chick, and he was wearing a splint, now. I decided it was time to release him back outside. As I was holding him, he was doing his best to escape. I ended up cupping my hands right around him until I got right outside. I held my hand out, and the little chick blinked and looked around, but didn't move. "Go on," I encouraged him. But still, he just happily sat on my outstretched hand. I was then approached by a beautiful white fluffy duck. I held the baby chick out to her, and she took him in her beak. But before she left, she was really a white fluffy shih-tzu. I then recall overhearing some gossip that a dog ate a baby chick for lunch, and I thought, "No, no, no... that was a duck! I did not just hand over a baby chick to be ate by a dog!" and the dream ended. Topless fragment (aggravatingly NLD) I'm sitting in a coffee shop and realize I'm shirtless. "This happens in dreams a lot to me, but for some reason I did this in real life. Why am I walking around without my shirt on?" I thought. I'm so embarrassed by this. I leaned into the table so no one could see me. Mike came in and sat down across from me. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked. "Shield me so I can get my shirt back on," I responded. I did my best to wiggle into my shirt without revealing anything. Success. Dream end. Farm fragment (NLD) There's a farm full of different types of animals. I see my baby chick is around, with his mother duck. Yay! But, what catches my attention in this dream, is this... dog? He looks odd. Kinda cute. Like a pug, but... not... in some way. "What kind of dog are you?" I asked him. "I'm a pitbull," the dog says. "You are not," I say. Sailormoon fragment (NLD) At a school again. In a basement area of some sort? Mamoru is down there, and the senshi and I (untransformed) find him. He says something about being attacked, and wanting to fight them. I told him we will take care of it. To calm him down, I held him in my arms and whispered-sang a japanese song to him. It wasn't this song, but it was a lot like it... Forest path fragment (NLD) I was in a natural park-type area. There were certain animals that were "zoned," if you will. And for some reason, I was moving ones from one area and putting them into this other. I ran back and forth between the two areas a few times. On my last trip, I noticed some animals grouped up, staring at this one... at first I thought it was a wolf, but then realized it was a coyote. The coyote looked like he was ready to jump me. Dream ended before anything happened.
October 25, 2010 Nothing? Can't remember. No notes. October 26, 2010 Walms fragment (NLD) I'm an observer in this dream. Walms is driving a car with other people in it. They stop somewhere to camp, but the others are being rowdy and noisy. Walms is upset because he can't sleep. Hair fragment (NLD) I have short blue hair like Sailor Mercury's. Raccoon fragment (NLD) I have a pet raccoon. May have been somewhat lucid in this fragment, as I recall wondering where this raccoon came from (my city doesn't have many... in fact, I've never seen one here, and I live way out in the suburbs). The raccoon is quite well trained. Like a dog. Even scratches on the door to be let out so he can do his business. English Vacation (NLD) The dream starts out at a bus terminal. I'm with Jack and his parents. We chatter there for a bit until the bus comes. It has the same logos as my city's transit, which confuses me, a little. The bus takes us to Southport (fun fact: since I don't know UK geography very well... I actually thought Southport was... well, southern. I didn't realize it was close to Blackpool. This is actually somewhat relevant... read on). It drops us off at this swimming pool. I don't recall much here, other than being in the deep end and trying to use this red ball to float. I see Jack's brother there too. I also have the strong urge to text Julia, figuring that Southport and London aren't too far from each other (ha!)... I want us to meet up. I remind myself to text her once we're done with the pool. Jack and I spy a hot tub off to the side. On the way, I see this little girl eyeballing my red ball. I asked her, "Did you want to play with this?" "Yeah!" she says, excitedly. "Here you go," I said, and handed it to her. I thought to myself, "This is weird for me... now I'm the one with the accent..." We get to the hot tub, but it's kind of weird... there isn't much to it, other than to dip your feet into, but there are also two jellyfish in there! One of them pokes his head above water, looking like I got my feet out of the water, and the jelly fish floated towards me. It landed on me, and I held it by it's tentacle-thingies. I felt shooting pain in my arms (like the same pain you get from an electric shock), and attempted to throw it back into the water. The grabby tentacles stopped it from going very far, though, and it came back for round 2. I woke up. October 27, 2010 I have a goal to try and complete the advanced challenge in the next couple of days, so I tried to focus on a goal of chatting with a ghost in a Victorian house (this house is a reoccuring location in my dreams, and it IS haunted. One of my dream guides used to take me there all the time). An Extremely Riveting dream... (NLD) Jack had to get to his mum's to help her with something, but he said he could be there whenever. I decided to plan around this, and meet my mum for chats, too. However, as the dream gets on, it's coming up to 4pm, which is kind of a let-down, because my mum won't hang out that late (for reals, she's obsessed with Warcraft raiding :bored: ). During this time span, there was some kind of work related thing in there, but I can't really remember it. I do recall seeing Rachael, and I had a slight lucid moment where I thought, "At least I got her right, this time." (Hearkening back to a dream from a few nights ago where she appeared, but her DC didn't resemble her at all, so I had to rack my sleeping brain for what she really looks like, and change her). At some point, I went down to a basement. It was completely bare, except for some hanging lightbulbs. I pulled each cord. Some worked and some didn't. I wanted them all to work, because if it was dark at all, then I might encounter some ghosts, which I didn't want (apparently). :sad1: I also recall squeezing around this intentionally too narrow play apparatus of some sort.
October 22, 2010 Fragment (DILD?) I remember Rachael wanting to talk at my site. She came up to my desk and I was astounded - she looked like a complete stranger (in retrospect, she looked a lot like an ex's mum). I realized this wasn't Rachael, and managed to convince the dream to change her into the real Rachael. My thought process was much like, "That's not the way Rachael looks! How does Rachael look? *Search memory, come up with image* That's what Rachael looks like. *Dream obliges; I watch the DC change into the real Rachael* Okay, continue."
(0/0/1) October 3, 2010 Asleep by 10am All I got are notes, really - Getting apple core traps for mice. The necessity of this item was uttered by a female DC who appeared spanish. - I'm sure that my dad, Jack and a co-worker were all involved in the dream at some point. - Being at school, and I see Jules (radio instructor). He tells me he's going to be meeting the 2010 first semester radio students, as it's the first day of school. Woke up at 3:30 (0/0/0) October 4, 2010 Slept between 6:30am-12:30pm
October 1, 2010 Asleep by 2:00-ish WBTB around 7am. Didn't really do a proper one. Coffee I'm making coffee for myself and Mike. I used the same cream for mine and his, but for some reason, his has little white floaters in it, and mine doesn't. Upset, I ditch our coffees and start over. Another work dream I was at the house, and my parents were holding a birthday party for me. I got a call on my cell, and it was from one of our security sites. Dream plot told me I'm working from home, it seems, and handling dispatch issues, here. Dad gets upset that I'm handling work calls on my birthday, and asks me to pass the buck to one of my employees for today. I call my co-worker, and ask her if she wouldn't mind taking it for the rest of the night, and she says she's cool with it. I went into the kitchen and started mixing up some whip cream for my cake. I take a taste of it, and it seems a little off. But I keep mixing. These two were some late-morning dream chains, as I tried to DEILD for about 30 minutes. Total fail. Dinner (Dream chain) I'm at the old apartment, sitting at my computer and contemplating this slab of raw roast sitting on my computer desk. Jack and his parents are now in the room, and his mother suggests that someone make dinner. I'm unhappy, because I work a lot, so it shouldn't be up to me to cook, so I voice this opinion. His mother says she won't do it either. Jack remains silent and his dad says if no one is going to cook, we'll just go out then. Concert (Dream chain) I'm in a crowd, and I see a familiar blonde come on the big screen. What's her name again? She kind of looks like Lindsay. The announcer confirms that she's Lindsay Ell, and she bursts into a pop song, which confuses me, because that isn't really Lindsay's style of music.
September 30, 2010 Asleep by 1:30am Some fragment about me talking to feist about Darren's hair. Don't remember why. WBTB 6:30am. Tried to MILD, but I was feeling rather awake all night... Anyways, didn't work out so well. Some work dream There was a dude who worked for my security company (as a driver) who had a desk in my office site. Dunno why. I had a crush on him and we started kissing. Then, I remembered I'm still with Jack... I either just totally led this guy on, or I need to break up with Jack. Neither was looking very awesome. Some other scene where I saw one of my co-workers get jumped (on camera). I actually radio'd him to watch out, so at least he was prepared. I called 911, but they weren't answering. My co-worker made it out alright. In fact, the guys who jumped him shook his hand and congratulated him on a good fight
September 29, 2010 G/C Asleep by 1:00am. WBTB at 4:00am. Took 8/400 G/C and this sleep aid called Melissa, which is 900mg lemon balm, 180mg l-theanine and a combo of B-vitamins. Ate a small 100-calorie bag of baked Cheetos to help swallow everything. Back to bed. My recall is kind of low, because I didn't experience much in the way of dreams. Everything tipped off with an INRALD. I was laying in bed, listening to Jack breathing next to me (which made me think I was awake). I also thought I heard my dad thumping around upstairs, getting ready for work. Regardless, I heard ringing in my ears... the volume would sometimes jump. I relaxed and saw a swirly void behind my eye lids. When I focused on it the first time, I felt my body whoosh into a full on SP transition. The noises got louder and my entire body felt like it was buzzing. It subsided, but the swirly was still there, so I focused on it again, and the same experience happened again. Tentatively, I wondered if I was asleep, but kind of lost myself, and drifted off a bit. I felt a book at my feet. I don't remember falling asleep with a book on my bed, but I guess I did? I pushed the book off my bed, gently, so it wouldn't slam to the floor. I realized my head felt kind of voidy, so I decided to reality check by biting my tongue. My tongue didn't feel any sharp piercing where it should (since I use that pointier tooth that sits next to the first molar)... I tried biting a few times, and it was the same. I knew now that I was asleep, but I decided to nose pinch. First time, I could breathe, second time, I could breathe. Sweet, alright. Now to move. The SP was still kind of strong, so I started moving with my ankles first, but unfortunately, it woke me up I tried to fall back to sleep, but couldn't, as my dad actually was getting ready for work at this point About 6:20 I decided to move to the couch for a bit, and by 6:40 I was waking up more, so I took a half-mg of melatonin and passed out at some point. I had a series of false awakenings again. Each one, I tried to catch by biting my tongue, but each time it hurt like it should have, so I missed them all But at the same time, I knew that it was a false awakening, throughout the whole thing... it may have just been low-level lucidity. It's kind of confusing. I had a dream that Jack was cleaning up our apartment. I noticed our bedroom door was closed. I opened it, and there were boxes piled about shoulder-height to me (I'm 5'2"). I went to our kitchen, and everything had been cleaned out. Except there were leaves covering the floor (probably because I was watching Glee last night, and one of the music scenes had leaves all over the floor). Another dream, Joe's sister, Becky was at my house for some reason. I don't remember much about that. I remember being at work, and trying to follow my family. I was trying to leave through the loading dock door. Each time, I would open it partially, and attempt to duck under the door as it was closing, but before I could even set the door in close motion, it would fall shut on its own. I finally got out, and I noticed some dodgy teens in the alley. I started jogging, and they didn't want anything to do with me. Overall, I don't think I'll do 8/400 again. The night wasn't too much different than the first time I did 4/200, but this time, I woke up with a massive headache and I feel a bit nauseous.
September 28, 2010 Asleep by 1:30am My notes are confusing me... Anyways... New apartment Jack and I were moving into a new place (this has been coming up a lot lately. I think I must really desire living on my own, or our own; as opposed to my current location, which is my parent's basement suite). It seems like we're moving into the university residence apartments. I remember us moving boxes. That's about it. Overpass of doom There is a pedestrian overpass. It's a bi-level, metal and not very.... safe. It doesn't have much in the way of guard rails, and it tends to sway. And for some reason, Tim was out in the middle of this overpass (lower level), over traffic, and not moving. I went out onto the upper level to help him out. I was crawling along it, cos the thing was very scary, and I had more stability this way. I reached Tim (who I couldn't see, since he was on the lower level). We both sat there for a bit, taking it easy so we wouldn't fall. I looked below and saw the cars passing underneath. I started to sing, to calm my nerves, and felt the overpass shake, because Tim started drumming to it I shouted at him to stop drumming, he's going to shake us off of here! We both started inching along, and made it off the overpass, safely. As I descended from the steps, I caught sight of Darren, who had been watching us, tensely. His face lit up when he saw that we were okay, and we ran towards each other. I jumped at him and he swung me around, and he held me tight and told me how worried he was while I was up there. Dream ended Awake at 4:30-ish, natural. I reviewed my goal for the night (instead of using the front door idea, I wonder if I will have any luck in finding my brother if I ask a DC to point me in his direction? Anyways, it would also kill off the advanced task, cos if they say they haven't seen him, I was going to plant the idea that they would offer their help. DC's are always around in my dreams, so... it's worth a shot). All in all, it was a good WBTB and actually a good MILD mantra while falling back to sleep, but in the end, it wasn't successful. Breakfast fragment I was cooking sausage in a frying pan, but not at the stove Rather, I was somehow cooking it while sitting on a couch. I got up when it was done, and Jack got upset that it was the only thing I was eating. He made me cook off some tater hashbrowns. Theatre fragment I recall being in a line up with the crew of a play I was working on. Unfortunately, I can't remember much else about this dream, other than this... being with the crew. The theatre walls had dark drapes hanging from them.
September 26, 2010 Just some fragments, today... Slept between 9am-4pm Theatre fragment I was with mum at a show. We both had iPods with us. I was listening to something with mine, on headphones, but for some reason, I kept trying to play something on hers, out loud. This guy in front of us was getting upset, and I got pissed off at him for touching mum's iPod. Work Glee Club fragment Walking through my current work site, I see this old radio classmate is there with a group of people. They are in the glee club for work, and I'm silently jealous, because I want to be in it, but because I'm a contracted security guard, I can't. Downtown fragment I'm downtown, on a street corner. I see my reflection in a shop window and notice my shirt is on inside out. I had a "sudden snap of awareness" but I ignored all the tell-tale signs to get lucid, because I was lost in thought with something. Picture of a lake fragment Staring at a blue-green mountain lake (surrounded by red rocks). The water was so clear, you could see to the bottom. At first, I thought I was looking at Warcraft graphics, but then realized it was real.
More Beatles... September 25, 2010 Asleep by 1:30-ish Fly on the wall I was watching the Beatles create harmonies to a new song (circa 1964-ish, judging by their looks). Paul was at the piano, John was writing everything down. They would each add their voice in single-y, then try it together. Then, I was looking through Paul's eyes, and reading sheet music while we were recording the song. WBTB at 5:30 (natural wake-up). Tried to WILD, but failed (I need to stop lying on my side, it's too comfy). 7am, alarm rang. Back to bed. This part of the morning was long, as I didn't do any note-taking, I just needed to sleep (night shift tonight). McDonalds I was working at McDonalds. The store was in chaos, but I was quite calm. I started cleaning meat trays, prepping them for the lunch rush. I barely got through one, when apparently, orders had already been taken, now I'm the one behind. I tried my best to catch up, but I had to wait for fries to cook, because apparently, those all fell on my shoulders, too. I started catching up, though, by keeping my cool. However, before the dream ended, I was serving out cold food It's only McDonalds, though, so I didn't really feel too bad. McDonalds/Beatles fragment Dream chain. Ringo was working the till. I asked him if I could have small fries and drink with my meal. Paul was in the back making food. Evil book fragment Dream chain. It started out from the McDonalds. These people were being haunted by this evil book they had discovered. I think it was a book on black magic (thanks Walms). I offered to replace the book where they found it. I was in this stuffy and pitch black cave. I placed the book into this large crevice in the wall, and was pulling on a cord. This closed a rock wall to seal in the book, but it was like closing a window shade. I was very uneasy about being in the pitch darkness with an evil book, but nothing happened.
September 23, 2010 Asleep by 2am? Beatles fragment I recall there being some Beatles-related dream, but had a lot of difficulties with recall at the WBTB today. I recalled the dream fully when I woke up, and when I got out of bed to record it, it was already gone WBTB at 5am. Took two green tea extract caps, but have since found out my Co-op stuff has a very weak amount of EGCG in it Set my alarm for 6:40am and settled in for a WILD. Fell asleep at some point. Pets fighting Mum had a large white parrot and a tiny black budgie in a rabbit cage together. The budgie was doing it's best to piss off the parrot, by pulling on his wings and such. The parrot started trying to harm the budgie by pressing him into the wall of the cage with his beak. Mum got worried, so she held the parrot off while I got the budgie out of the cage. I noticed mum had tied some string around the budgie's wings to prevent him from flying off, but I still held him protectively. I remember her saying his breed was called an anteater, because he's all black. False awakening happened between these two dreams. It may have even been real, but I just remember waking up, and attempting to redo the WILD. Music class I was attending a music class with a kid. The teacher wrote a staff on the board with some sharp signs. She wrote some notes to a classical piece (she even called it "boring classical piece" or something like that) and told us we could figure out which notes came next By looking back and seeing which notes have been changed already, like a pattern. Not being very good at patterns, I racked my brain trying to see which note would be changed. I thought I had it, but the dream dissolved before I could hear the answer. After this dream (ended via alarm), I thought that perhaps I hadn't woken up at all. It didn't feel like I had. Back in bed... Work dream I was at this basement of a warehouse. I was with a co-worker, and she was taking off for food, but said she'd be back. Only, she never did come back. I had a lot of extra duties, since I was trying to run Dispatch from this new place I'd never been before. I'm talking with this new field supervisor on the phone. We listen to some messages, and he hears that one of his mobile drivers scheduled to work tonight, left a message saying he can't work mobile anymore (just a few hours before his shift was supposed to start). This upset me. It' completely unfair of staff to do that (it's happened before IRL!). This guy hasn't outright quit, he just wants off mobile, but tell him to suck it up for another night. He's still responsible for this shift! We started reviewing a list of people on his team currently, who (in my opinion) were trustworthy staff, and who have been fickle. I'm out at a family gathering with Jack and some family of his (all DC's). There's a girl who's never been there before, and says something about ghosts, and we all take in a breath, because the kitchen, in particular, has seen some haunted activity in seances past. I say we should try the ouija, but it needs to be fast, since I leave in 10 minutes. I'm throwing something in the trash, and my arm seizes up and feels like it is stuck to the cabinet door. I manage to break away from the paralysis, and I remain silent about what happened. However, when no one is looking, I check to see if the door was sticky (it wasn't) and tried to mimic the same arm motion to induce the paralysis again (I couldn't). Back at work, I'm talking with someone in HR. She's praising me because the work I do at Dispatch has made her job so much easier. I'm outwardly very humble, but inwardly, I know that I've been rocking my site. She mentions needing to send me back up to the hangar in Airdrie again (the place I started out my dream). I tell her I'm not the best choice, because I don't have a vehicle. I look at the schedules and see that the Field Supervisor shift has been extended, but it falls an hour short of the start of my shift. The HR-lady tells me to give it a shot and ask him to drive me, anyways. It's the new F/S (his name appears as "Isk" on the schedule, but I call him Isaac), so I'm not sure that I can appeal to him, since we don't really know each other yet.
September 22, 2010 G/C night. 4/200 taken with a liquid shot of L-theanine, 200mg. Also followed by a small stick of marble cheese because I always need to eat food with pills. The shot was really gross, btw Melatonin taken 1-hour before bed. Pre-WBTB Excited fragments - Lucid - 4/5 I was having random burst of images and general excitement at the impending G/C. I don't remember much about this other than it being so awesome to watch that I wondered even needing the G/C tonight. Interrupted by Jack coming to bed. I did my best not to check the time, but he was restless and keeping me up. I wondered if he'd still be awake by 3:30? Tried to let it go, and he finally settled down. Odd mish-mash - Partial Lucid - 1/5 Starts out in this psych house. It’s literally a psych house. There are psychologists roaming around booking hour long appointments with patients who are all milling around waiting. I think I must be scheduling them, and one of the doctors gets frustrated with me, because I keep getting his name wrong. The Beatles (younger, yay!) just kind of appear out of nowhere. Shit happens. Some of it was random, like Paul and I writing notes to each other... and I summoned one of Jack's cousins. Some of it didn't really turn out how I wanted it too... >.> We rejoin the rest of the guys. “It’s time to leave,” I announce. “We just got here!” George protests. We’re outside and I ask George if they want to explore around the house, as it looks a little…ramshackle! We went around to the back, and it gets fuzzy. Dream changes at some point, and the guys are gone. I lose lucidity getting whirled into a new scene. I'm now at a children’s party, and some MM members are there, too. We have this pretty awesome bear costume that takes a lot of maneuvering to get in and out of. I get in it and test out some movements. You can even wiggle your own toes, and it wiggles the bear toes! I go to a circle of kids. They’re totally delighted, and I say, “Are you not scared?” “No!!” “Well, maybe I haven’t ROARED enough!!” I didn’t really want to scare them though, cos they were kind of young, so I found this kid who was the spitting image of my oldest nephew (when he was still a toddler) and roared into his tummy and tickled him. I passed off the suit to Snowy. The party was dissolving into another scene, as I hear mental recount Snowy arriving late to the party (he was humoured by it). She came in the rain and demanded clean clothes. And was given a bear costume. In the new scene, I notice Joe is now living with mum, Jack and I. He’s finally come out of his room (false memories told me he’d been hiding away) to socialize. I remember him removing a personal journal from an end table so no one could read it. I also recall hearing mental telling us something about how Joe is doing really well in spite of the schizophrenia (he does have it), and that we should praise and not judge him. WBTB from 3:30-4:30am. Popped the G/C and L-theanine now... Ended up popping a 0.5mg melatonin at 5am cos I was feeling sleepy or relaxed at all... :Oo: Umm... so that was uneventful... I settled in for a WILD... vibrations, came and I was feeling kind of swirly and pleasant... Then, I decided to WILD from my side, cos that's how it worked last time. I passed in and out of sleep with nothing exciting happening. No music, no string of FA's... just me and some scenes I can't recall now. I was feeling too hot, so I pushed off my blankets. More sleep. Woke up at some point really cold, brought the blankets back... Over all, just really sucked. Battleground I was in a war, as a foot soldier. Things were exploding around me everywhere, the ground was shaking, and all that. Then, I was looking from the eyes of a villager the soldiers were trying to save. They were running in to get us, only, they would reach a certain point, expand abnormally large and then collapse and die. Cutlery fragment Sorting out spoons, knives and forks for washing. Hurrah! Also, from this scene, is attached this feeling of borrowing something. Like I was borrowing the house from someone, or a vehicle, or something...
September 21, 2010 Long night, decided to skip the WBTB. So as a result, I really only remember things in fragments... Dreamed these between 12a-5a Knee Clinic Jack and I driving to a knee clinic near the train station. This clinic did all sorts of odd surgeries. I also remember having to go in, myself, for my gallbladder (which was removed a year ago). They were going to pump it out somehow without making any incisions?! Lucid aids Names kept getting tossed around in casual conversations in my dreams. Expensive Lunch I was with a DC at a buffet. They were serving sides you couldn't pick (steamed baby carrots and mashed potatoes), but you could choose your meat. He chose a roast chicken with gravy. It looked really good, but I declined eating there, because I was meeting my parents for lunch (so I said). The guy paid for his food and it was $56 Convenience store guard dogs? Jack and I went to a convenience store, cos I was really hungry and still hadn't ate. Approaching the store, I see two dogs leashed up outside. They don't seem to like me, and get visibly upset when I try to step closer. They don't mind Jack, though, so he goes to the door. He doesn't see anyone inside, so, he starts pulling the door open very slowly. The owner sees him and pushes the door open, causing this shelving thingy next to the door (outside, still) to fall over, startling me, Jack, and the dogs. Dreamed between 5am-10am Swimming pool I'm a a large indoor pool with mum. I happen to be holding a garden hose, which we're using to fill the pool with water. It's almost full, I'm waiting for the water to reach a certain number on a display. It has to read 29/30 before I'm done (or something like that). All the while, I'm complaining that a garden hose to fill a swimming pool isn't really the best option. I try to come up with other things, like, the hose is spitting more air than water... No avail though. The reading numbers keep changing oddly, and I decide when it hits 28/32, it's good enough. There's two barrels full of liquid now, to pour into the pool (chlorine? A disinfectant of some sort?). The man over-seeing this whole operation asks us to smell them before we dump them in. Mum smells hers, and it's good to go. Mine smells funny, and it's agreed to not use it. Gym At a gym with Jack or something. Notes say it, I can't recall it, now. At school I'm at my old elementary school in Ottawa. The neighbourhood isn't quite as I remember it, but the school looks the same. I walked across the yard towards the road. I recall to myself that when the buses leave the school, they act much the same as city buses, and they pick people up at stops, and this is where I'm heading... to one of those bus stops (this has no bearing in real life ). As I'm walking on the sidewalk between the road and the school, this large truck comes around the corner pulling a very long... trailer? Load? I dunno what to call it, but I worried that because it was so long, it was going to cut unsafely into my path. The thingy straightened out perpendicular to me, but it actually was off the road now, and on the sidewalk. I walked alongside it, edging away from it, on the grass (it's moving in an opposite direction to me). I pass by this one bit that looks almost like a clothes rack. I tell myself it holds a magnetic field, and as I walk past it, I can feel my earrings being attracted to the field, but no harm done. I reached the bus stop across the road. There are parents with their kids. The parents are upset the buses haven't come by, yet. A Jack Entry Although he isn't writing this... I am He dreamed that he was at a past elementary school, with his actual past classmates, only, everyone was present age. They were learning magic at this school. He recalls having to defeat a dragon. on the recall, babe!