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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

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    1. Freaking out a landlady and creating a hurricane

      by , 09-05-2011 at 09:51 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Freaking out a landlady and creating a hurricane (MILD)


      Hi folks!
      No time no see!!! I have been extremely badly trampled with work. I lot changed in my life (in a good way) and now I finally have time for what I like!
      I am going to start recording dreams again. In a switch of PCs, I've lost my old journal file (but not at DV) so I will start a brand new one today!

      I will start out with the ToTM completed:

      I was in downtown trying to use my covert camera for a customer service evaluation at a Property Management Office. The button camera was very flaky and did not start. I checked out the DVR and I could hear one of my mp3 files I use while I am giving a healing to a client. I started to worry the video would malfunction and record the music. I went to the property's restroom to check it out. My shirt was full with wires and buttons... I started to freak out so I walked away from the properly.

      Suddenyl, I realized that it made no sense.
      I was annoyed of about how fool I was becoming in this dream and checked my hands to rub to my subconscious I realized I was dreaming. 12 fingers.

      I entered the property once more without worring about the camera, however, I was not 100% grounded in the dream. I though, "If I record in the dream, will my DVR record it in the Physical plane?" I started the tour with the Agent and when she showed me the pool, I realized that it made no sense that my recording could go from the dream to the physical plane. I told the Agent I was going to show her something. I recalled the advance task of the dream and walked towards the pool. The Agent told me I was going to ruin my hidden camera
      (funny how subconscious work, I real life, the camera is covert, but in the dream plane, both my camera and the Agent came from my subconscious, lol) I laughed and kept walking. Suddenly, I felt my feet wet, but I knew I was not going to sink. I walked around the pool and the Agent turned dumb. She stopped being smart and started to just stare at me.

      I walked towards the agent and realized that I still needed to the basic one. I started to create a PSI ball and focused on ICE. After a few seconds, I had a ice-ball in my hands. I flung it to the Agent. When it arrived to her face, it was snow instead of ice.
      I focused on wind. I already used pyrokinesis and already moved land, so I wanted to try something I never did. I once more focused on a PSI ball and focused on wind. I could see a yellow ball within my hands that moved pretty fast, I focused on it starting to grow. Suddenly, the trees started to move abruptly. I tried to increase the intensity of the wind and knock down a wind. I was not successful, however, I broke several of its branches.

      When I realized I completed both the basic and advanced task, I woke up.
    2. The life of Her

      by , 04-13-2011 at 07:55 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The life of Her (Non-lucid)


      This was an extremely long dream. I can only recall fragments from the first part of the dream. Several days, nights, months and years happened in this dream. I think I was a spirit guide from a lady since she was born until she was old. The whole dream covered the life of her. She had no name, so I call her, "Her" It felt odd to be a dream, I was not lucid and I was not Astral Traveling either.

      - Her was born. Female, blonde, special child. She could see me.
      - Years passed, she had a hard childhood. She only could trust me.

      I was in a hotel with Her. Her was about 10.. The hotel did not have much decor, it was mainly a wooden closet, a bed with a green cover and two brown lamps. There was an odd lamp by the closet that made noises and revealed images from the future when you walked by, but I was uncomfortable, so I left. I started to talk with Her. Music sounded in the dream. She was sad because she had no friends. I told her to be assured people loved her. I told her she had indeed friends.

      Now I was at a swimming pool. Her was about 18. Her was nervous and excited at the same time. She was going to have a race. She jumped on the second aisle of the right of the pool. Two female ladies tried to screw her, however, a third lady, who was Mexican jumped between then and pushed Her to the corner. Her was happy that she did not have to deal with the other two ladies anymore. A gun was shot and the race started. Her dove and started to swim very fast, she arrived second, someone arrived prior to her and received the gold medal.
      Her left the swimming pool to me her only friend, or maybe two friends. I was floating in the middle of the pool, now empty. I could see the spectators seats. The seats were wooden and they had a shape like a pyramid. The sits were so next to each other that I could slide on them and get into the pool. Oddly, I did not splashed.

      Now I was in some gardens. Her was about 40. Her found some hidden stuff of a friend. Her told me she was not a fancy city gal but a more rural gal who grow in the woods. She told me she had to act like a city gal to fit in. There was a small wooden house under a couple of trees. There was a sink in the middle of the house, but not faucets, just the sink. The sink looked old and damaged. There was not pipe on the bottom of the sink. I saw some blood under the sink (on the ground)

      I was in a big forest, but it had almost no trees. Her was on her 80s. One of her last wishes was to take a picture of me, with her. I told her I did not belong to that world and I doubted the camera could picture me, but I tried. There camera had a two inch radius objective that was tried to a cord. She moved the objective and placed it on my forehead. Her said, "Right where the Third Eye is!" Then, she moved the objective back to the camera. It was dawn and after several tries, only her appeared on the photo. I decided to take some pictures of her and I told her that my energy would be within her photos. Her was happy. She smiled, lied down in the ground and died with a smile on her face. Shortly, I woke up.