task of the month dreams
Here! This is an 11 minutes voice recording hehe: https://www.dropbox.com/s/36kkkzos9c...31-15.mp3?dl=0
Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/faq89o6amv...30-15.mp3?dl=0
Here! https://www.dropbox.com/s/2htzjraq18...29-15.mp3?dl=0
Due lack of time I am going to post voice recorded dreams: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0uk3g96zk7...18-15.mp3?dl=0 Point count: 3 fragments 1.5 pts WBTB 2 pts First WILD 10 pts RC 1 pts Interact DC 2 pts Advance flying 10 pts Advance Teleport 10 pts Advanced Leauge: Teleport to a place that you have seen, but never been, in waking life (real or fictional). 20 pts Banishing a demon + 10 Bonus task 15 pts Summon Dreamer (enemy) 10 pts Pillow fight 20 pts L-DEILD (2ND WILD) 5 pts Eat something 5pts Try a computer in a store 5pts Total Points: 126.5 pts ~ Total Competition: 126.5 pts
Updated 08-19-2015 at 06:02 PM by 31830
23.06.2015Zooming the mirror (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID This was a very long and most of it, personal, but there was a lucid part of the dream and I remembered to do the advanced task since it was undone, so I am sharing this part: After coming out from the house since I needed to go to the big event I wondered if I was ready and all set. As I was gliding I saw a lot of lights and circus-alike tents. The entrance was like an old creepy campsite welcome sign. There were some pot-a-potties nearbie and I did not recognize the place so I turned lucid. I looked up into the sky, and as usual, it was full of stars, I wanted to take a flight but I remembered I had my advanced task undone. So I got into the pot-a-potty and on the inside it was huge and like a normal bathroom. I looked myself into the mirror and at first nothing happened, but then, the top of my head started to inflate like a balloon. I wondered if I could change myself entirely if I looked away from the mirror and started at it again, so I did. I saw no changes, other than being deformed and/or having a lot more facial hair. I wanted to see if I could be absorved by the mirror somehow if I started at it, which I did for quite some time. Nothing happened other than a "zoom" effect on my reflection. A little after I left the bathroom satisfied with the task completed. Lost lucidity shortly after and/or woke up/dont recall.
12.06.2015Soccer, UFOs and more soccer (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Been extremely busy doing many new improvements in my business and other personal stuff. Finished yesterday and already worked back on dreams Did the basic task here. I was in some place and there was a soccer goal and I told myself why not doing some keeper training. Someone started to shot some penalty kicks and other type of chuts and I was doing pretty well, blocking all the soccerballs from hitting the goal. I felt happy and suddenly, a couple small kids spawned and started to throw soccerballs at me as well. I stopped them all. After a while doing this, some random soccer players came and started to throw a massive amount of soccer balls, but I think I blocked them all as well. One of them told me that they were going to come tomorrow and use additional balls such as baseballs, footballs, tennisballs, and more... I was wondering that it was such a crazy challenge. This turned me lucid, but I was enjoying very much my dream, so I kind of said, "Alright, I will just spawn some goal keeper gloves to be able to have better control of my skills." However, I failed. I tried to do it a few times, but when I looked to my hands, I had no gloves on. My hands and fingers changed almost every time I looked at them, just hopping for some gloves. I went outside and I saw a tree and remembered the basic task. I climbed the tree (hopping to find some gloves) but no gloves. I saw my surroundings. It was a busy city in terms of buildings and lights, but it was silent. I also saw the sky. It was night and it was beautiful. I felt like taking a flight, but wanted to do the soccer thing. However, I saw a few clouds with the shapes of UFOs, some of them where amazing. The UFOs were real, as they had lights and everything, but they were made out of clouds. I decided to fly to one of the UFOs but as I approached at it, it vanished. I decided to land and look for my gloves. I saw two female characters who appeared to be attracted to me, as they were staring at me in a sexy stance. I approached at them and said, "Do you have my goalkeeper gloves?" One of them said, "Yes, here:" She spawned some gloves similar to these: I put my gloves on, but it was super hard to puy them on. I lost lucidity at some point, and after a while, I was able to get my gloves on, but now I was in the car, my wife was driving and we were in one of the north San Diego neighborhoods. I saw Gianluigi Buffon moving in a huge house: I told my wife to stop as I wanted to meet him. We got inside the house and it was under construction still. I was hopping to meet Buffon so he could sign my gloves. I figured that since the gloves were dream-gloves I wouldn't need to return them and if I held tight to them, I could take them out from the dream world to the waking word. We got inside the main lobby of the house and I saw a TV in the distance showing The Simpsons. I was waiting for meet with Buffon until my wife woke me up.
28.04.2015Emptying the lake = Undin Entite (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was flying and I believe it was to Geneva as I was going to be teaching there for a few days. Suddenly, I freaked out because I noticed I had no luggage with me. I also looked at a bag and apparently, i only had clothes. I did not have any of the manuals I wanted to give to my students and I neither had my signing bowls / crystals with me. I felt terrible until I noticed and wondered how did I get into the plane, and wondered about my passport too. I did a reality check and turned lucid right away, as not only my hands were weird, but despite the plane flying and making its regular noise, the inside of the plane itself looked like a bus. I felt very relieved and very happy because it was all a dream and well, I was lucid. I decided to take a flight to make the dream stable as usual, so I went to the front of the bus-plane. Now, it was like a plane as I could see the locked cabin and the exit door was on the left, as usual on the planes. I opened the door and one fly attendant freak out (Funny how my subconscious knows opening the door of a flying plane is a bad idea...) but I opened the door anyway (which looked like the front door of a house.) Nothing happened to the plane, I think it either vanished or flew away, but I glided through the clouds and even though I felted tempted to go to space, I wanted to do the ToTM Bonus, which was awesome this month. As I was flying, I saw a lot of mountains and a lake. I landed next to the lake and imagined water coming out from my hands. At first, nothing happened, but after a while, water and ice were coming our from my hands. I froze everything around and also flooded a forest. I was not sure if it was rightly done, I felt so, but I also felt it could be a false memory, so just in case, did the other way around. I imagined water and ice again coming out from my hands and I pointed at the lake. I visualized a bubble absorbing all the water in the lake until I saw something like this: I found it funny, because it is an enemy from a final fantasy game (a very nasty one actually, Undin Entite for those final fantasy fans) however, it did not attack me or anything, it was just floating above. I looked at the lake and it was completely empty, but funny enough, I saw what looked like treasure chests, even though I believe they were empty. After a while of observing this scenic view, I saw a weird light in the sky and flew to it. I believe I lost both lucidity and recall from here.
28.02.2015Mirror to the world o' jell-o to mirror the dark realm (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Been very busy with dentists and literally swamped by readings and healing sessions, I have hours worth of dream in my paper journal and I need to update here... but this one has to come as it is the ToTM! I was going to some meeting with a friend. It was some sort of meeting to do a banishing ritual in a house, as they had some evil spirits messing up with their lifes and I had to get rid of them. My twim flame was with me to do the work and we were driving to the house. Out of this, I turned lucid because I realized that it was a different car that my own or my twin's, and upon checking my hand, I was able to validate that I was dreaming. The dream quality was okay, not amazing so I took a flight to bring more quality into it. After flying for a while, I recalled the ToTM so I landed in some suburbian area. Most of the houses were brown and white with small bushes and cacti as their front yards. I went to the house I had the closest to me. I opened the door (I believe it was like an indoors door, a regular door to a bedroom) and luckily, I was able to open it with no issues apparently going on. Inside the house, there was a small dog, who apparently was super happy to see me. The house did not have a lot of furniture, but it did have a x-mas tree and a lot of crystals, mainly quartz. I went to a couple rooms to find no one, but furniture. The house looked like one of those model homes that you can see when you want to buy a new house, as each room was featured with one theme and it was spotless and lifeless. Satisfied with the basic done, I looked for the bathroom (I believe there was a mirror in one of the bedrooms but did not think of it.) I placed myself in front of the mirror and pushed it with my hands and head. At first nothing happened, but then it felt like jell-o and it started to move in an odd way. I started to fly through it and I got inside of the mirror. Everything was super blurry and wavy and I almost woke up. After a while, I was in another room, said room was very old, dusty and very dark, even though I could see fine. There was a huge wardrobe that had one old school creepy mirror: Much more creepier and very dusty but can't find a better one. This whole world was made of jell-o as all the stuff was waivy. I thought of exiting the house as it would be cool to see the world I was in, but I decided to go through the creepy mirror once more. I was able to easily get inside this one and I was in a void of nothingness... all darkness, I could feel wind in my face, as now I was flying, but it was all blackness until I woke up.
01.02.2015Microwaving myself after blasting Darth Vader and destroying Chicago downtown (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Win Bet (+5 pts) Full Dream (+1 pts) First DILD (+10 pts) WBTB (+2 pts) Advanced Flight (+10 pts) Dream Stabilization (+1 pts) Advance Summoning (+10 pts) Teleport (+7 pts) Dream Character Interaction (+2 pts) Unespecified (blast) (+3 pts) Element Manipulation (+8 pts) Mass Telekinesis (+10 pts) Eat something (+4 pts) Use an Electronic (+4 pts) Partial Transformation (shrinking) (+4 pts) Time Control (+10 pts) Meet a teammate (+7 pts) Show your teammate a previous dream (+10 pts) *Personal dare: Darth Vader is hiding in a spaceship with evil plans. Find and defeat him to save humanity. (dolphin) *Personal dare: Visit a big city at night. Then fly into a cloud, find some lightning bolts and throw them down at the city to provoke a blackout. (dolphin) * Personal dare: Find/conjure a goldfish and swallow it whole! (blobularwindmil) * Bonus Task of February: Microwave. Finally after a few weak nights, a good one. I still forgot to write one dream down, and can't recall it. Somehow I was in a big house with my wife, I believe that the house was in a small village and there was a barn outside. As I was walking around the house, there was a wall that was literally breathing. It would move like breath and I was a little afraid. There was a tank of gas behind this room and I fear that the whole room was full of gas and about to explode, which it was why the wall was moving. As I walked closer to the wall, I could feel waves of energy, like a massive amount of pressure and suddenly, I heard an explosion. I was in the middle of nowhere, thinking I died when I suddenly turned lucid because I realized the whole non-sense of the situation. The dream quality was decent but I still decided to take a flight in order to make it more stable, however, I decided to fly to space, as it is something that I truly enjoy and I have not been able to make it decently lately. Flying came very easy to me, it was very cloudy outside but soon I could see the blue sky as I flew above the clouds and a few moments after, I started to seeing the stars and some strange shapes around that were moving. After flying for a while, I started to think about the ToTM, but I was having a hard time remenbering it. I felt it had something to do with finding a planet or something, but I could not remember well. As I kept flying for a little bit in space (even though there were clouds around like if it was earth, but it was space as it was black with stars) I remember one personal dare that I forgot to do which was to kick Dark Vader's butt. I imagine he would be around me somewhere, but I really did not see him and neither saw a spaceship. While I was floating, I imagine the Death Star, I wanted to try to summon it moving my hands a few times without much success. I then imagined that it was right behind me when I turned back. As I turned back, there it was... even though it was not like the "real thing" Around the Death Star there was like a massive purple-black dark mist. It was foggy and I could feel the dream quality lowering. I rubbed my hands to keep anchored to the dream, as I had literally nothing to hold (which is what I prefer) I did not feel comfortable flying through that mist, as it happened many times that I woke myself up after going through some thick fog or dark stuff. I intended to teleport, something normally is easy for me, but I wanted to teleport inside the Death Star and find Darth Vader. I placed my hands in front of my forehead and "made strength" (I do not know how to explain this, something similar like when in Dragon Ball Z they pump up, but without a scream.) Suddenly, I saw a lot of lights, like starship alike and I saw Darth Vader right in front of me. He was holding a gun (yep... I know... weird...) and it was kind of a normal gun. I tried to transform into Luke without any success. I tried to summon him, but I realized I had to kill Darth Vader myself. I tried to throw an energy blast at him, and once again, as usual it failed. I really tried hard, instead of just throwing the blast, I imagined the energy coming out from inside my hand. I felt like my hand burning, but also like being cut at the same time, it was not very pleasant but a thin orange alike beam came out from within my hand hitting Darth Vader. There was an explosion and I heard like a scream (I assume Darth Vader's) and then, I saw a lot of smoke and there were like small black pieces of plastic, they looked like plastic pieces from Dark Vader's helped. I felt it was a pretty lame way to kill him, I wanted to do something epic but oh well, it is a dream and sometimes can't help it. I decided it was a good time to go bak to Earth. My dream quality was good and I felt I could do a lot more stuff. I flew away from the Death Star that now it had a sky similar to Earth and I really do not know exactly how (dream randomness I guess) I was flying already above Chicago downtown, or at least, it looked similar: I recalled I had another personal dare to make a thunderstorm and create a blackout. I imagined electricity coming out from my hands and I felt little sparks around my hands, then my entire body and then there was some random lightningbolts falling all over downtown. It was a similar thing like when in the game Hyrule Warriors Ganon is summoned. There was some fire and I saw a few buildings that were out of light, creating a blackout. However, it was more of a destruction than a blackout, but I felt satisfied. I kept flying for a while, a few moments I felt I was going to wake up, but rubbing my hands prevented my awakening. I believe I might have lost lucidity for a while here, because I was in some sort of store, I believe it was a blend of a grocery store and a Bed, Bath and Beyond. I was talking with a few employees, maybe doing a customer service test service or something. Until I turned lucid again because I realize that I no longer do any mystery shopping. I saw that I could score some points using Telekinesis. I rose my hands and I imagined a few beach tables there were in the store raising and moving around. At first I could only get them to shake, but after a while, they levitaded and I believe there was other items too, even though it was not of a a high quality now. The employee asked me what was I doing and I told her to just shut up. She said she was going to call the manager and get me fired (okay... whatever...) I left the store and I was in a familiar shopping mall. I realized that I have been dreaming for a long time and still did not do the ToTM and I was going to loose my wings. I could not remember the tasks, but only the Microwave task. I went into a restaurant looking for a microwave. It was a Japanese restaurant I believe. It had some decent decor and a fish tank. I recalled I had to eat a gold fish whole, and well, some of the fishes looked similar to a gold fish, just bigger. I grabbed one and surprisingly, it did not try to escape and I ate it. It tasted like an oyster, including having the same texture. It was gross so I just swallowed it without chewing it. I felt grossed out for a while. I saw one of those waiters computers and touched it. I could see some stuff from my own personal computer and then suddenly it turned into a slot machine. I went to the kitchen and even though there were employees, they ignored me. I saw a huge door where the walk-in fridge is supposed to be, but I pretended it was a microwave. Upon opening the door, I only found frozen food, but there was like a long aisle inside the very own refrigerator and it lead to what I believe was an employee lounge. I saw there was a microwave and some toys laying around. I tried to get in, despite being the size of a normal microwave. I did put my head inside of it and I imagined I would push myself in it. I felt suddenly like if my legs were hanging and getting smaller, until I was able to push myself entirely inside the microwave. It felt a lot bigger once I was inside, so I probably have shrunk. I believe the microwave started by itself, because I heard the noise of the microwave and I felt it was getting very warm. I also felt a little dizzy for some reason and the whole dream was fuzzy, but nothing really happened other than that. However, for some reason I could not get out from the microwave, and I wanted to do more things. I wanted to go back in time, and I did the same thing I do in non lucid dreams when I something bad happens, which is closing my eyes, jumping very hard and thinking I went back in time. I was again at the shopping mall. I wanted to look for Sensei to ask him for a duel and I pretended I would find him in the shopping mall. He (thank you subconscious) told me, "Thanks, I just got 7 points because I am meeting a team mate." I told him that I already had a dream with him and I explained him briefly the other dream were we fought pirates. I also told him we needed to do a duel and we started looking for a room in the shopping mall to do a shadow game. There was a store called Game Empire (that I know from real life) and I asked them if they had a room for a shadow duel. From here, I recall litttle, but I believe I lost lucidity ad shortly after I woke up.
25.01.2015Banishing a spirit and beating the god of wine to a drink contest (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was called to check one home's paranormal activity because apparently, the people living there had a very hard time every day, hearing noises, feeling drained and very tired. As soon as I got into the house I could feel that the energy was pretty bad and pretty low. I also checked on the auras of the people living there and I could see they had several negative sentient beings to them. I toured around the house sensing the energy and to get started to perform a spirit banishing ritual. Since the tenants were in a negative energetic shape, I felt that I had no other choice but to banish whatever spirits were lurking in there. I told them to follow me as I was cleansing the house but just do not touch me nor look directly at me, just to gaze and follow my steps behind me. Everything was going fine ultil I entered into a room and sensed a very strong spirit who apparently was evil. He was at first showing like a being of light, as I saw white orbs around the room, but the energy emanated from these was awful. I closed the door behind me asking them to stay outside and I was getting ready to fight them with a behavior like, "Bring it on." (This is not done this way in waking life, but well, it was a non-lucid dream...) I started to channel white light directed to the different orbs and they would just vanish away, making the banishing ritual a success. The people of the house was very happy and they invited me to some sort of dancing event. At first I was watching the event, but then, I found myself dancing break dance and other weird modalities. However, the music was soft and classical and there was some sort of trainer/guy who was getting pissed at me and he told me, "I am tired of this, I quit!" I realized the nonsense of the whole dancing thing, so I realized I was in a dream. I did a couple reality checks to make sure I was indeed dreaming and to score points. I checked my hands, and I had a mising pinkie and my second reality check was a gravity test, which I floated for a few moments knowing that indeed I was in a dream. I took off flying, to make my dream stable. And took a nice flight (It was a nice smooth flying, so I will not count it as advance flying.) I considered if doing the ToTM or since this month I have been so busy with work and still did not do them, to go ahead and do a ToTY instead. I remembered one of them, where I had to challenge Baco/Dionisius to a drinking contest and win it. So i decided to land and pretend the god of wine was going to be there. As I was landing, I saw a table similar to alice in wonderland: And there was some guy with grapes on his head and he was huge. I told him if he was the god of wine. Upon saying yes, I told him to do a drinking contest. I saw a lot of different bottles of wine and different liquors. I recalled that I was going to do the basic ToTM as well, while I was at it. I also recalled someone did an anyone dare to drink a whole bottle of vodka down. I grabbed a bottle of wine and chucked it in one blow. It tasted similar to raspberry juice, but I felt nothing really going on. The same I did with the bottle of vodka, and this one tasted like water, but if like the water was extremely cold, almost frozen. I felt heat in my throat but nothing apparently seemed to happen here. The god of wine did not seem to be very thrilled with this, so I just kept drinking, one bottle after another. My dream stomach started to bother me for some reason, but the dream imaginary was the same (maybe a little blurry, but I blame dream quality to it.) Suddenly, the god of wine turned into an old teacher a had years ago, who I a vodka-only drinking contest. I saw how he was throwing a bottle of vodka away saying, "I can't, I am going to puke." I asked him if he was still the god of wine, to make sure, he said yes and that he felt pretty bad, that he was done. I was happy I got a few things done in this dream. I started to focus on more personal dares but I lost the dream and woke up abruptly.
08.12.2014Throwing snowballs, Gizmo songs and massive six combo of lucid task dares done!!! (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I think I did it again and surpassed my plateau of length of lucid as well as goals accomplished during a single lucid. As I have been saying for the last three days, I had the feeling of a lucid coming, and I did not have a good sleep a few nights ago (getting adjusted to the new house) but yesterday's night I slept well, yet no lucid, which surprised me, and last night, turned lucid. I remember faintly how did I exactly turned lucid and I neither recall what I was dreaming before that. I believe I was in some wax museum and the sculptures were talking. I exited the museum and, fully lucid I took a small flight to make the dream stable. I was very happy that I turned lucid and that finally I broke my dry spell. The quality of the dream was exceptional and I was exited to get finally my wings back and hit some dares while I was at it. I started to walk down the street. The road was made out of little stones, pretty much like on the roman ages. All the buildings were made out of stone as well and there was no lightning, however, it was a warm morning. It looked something like this: I started to think about the tasks of the month. I thought of throwing a snowball at a dream character, however, it was warm. I reminded myself that in a dream, all could happen. I started looking for snow, and after walking for a while (I was no longer flying now) I saw a little bit of snow on the road. It was like when almost all snow is gone an melted, that you can find a flake here and there. I turned the corner and I saw a small plaza, that had a decent amount of snow. Lucky me, there was a lot of people around, so I grabbed some snow from the ground and made a snowball. I approached at a female character (no, she did not fell back with her legs in the air first!, and I would have tossed the ball before anything else...) She was looking at my snowball and hit her on the face. She was shocked for a brief moment and then, she continued walking like if nothing happened. (Talk about dummy DCs hahaha.) This officially completed my basic Task of the Month: Originally Posted by Basic ToTM Hit a DC with a snowball and report their reaction - (kilham) It was time for the advanced task of the month. Despite I am almost as Christmas freak as Elf is, I did not feel like going hunting for Santa and sneak into his sleigh and I neither wanted do to do the snow globe task. Only Gizmo was left, not very excited but a very easy task. I saw a store, it was pretty old on the outside. When I entered the store, it looked like a Winery store I worked when I was 18 but much bigger. I told them I wanted to buy a present where Gizmo was wrapped up in. I was taken to the backroom, which looked exactly like the backroom from the Winery store, but much larger. A female employee handed me a green box with a golden ribbon. I felt it was going to be an awesome present for someone, but I knew that my task did not ended here and realized that it was a dream gift anyway, so I could not actually give it to anyone in waking life. I left the store holding the box, and apparently, no one cared that I just walked by the register without the intents to pay... oh well. There was a bench right next to the store. I could hear a little voice inside the box, like if it was signing. I opened the box and Gizmo was in there, and I believe it was actually the real thing and not a plastic toy. I started to pet it and it felt soft and warm: I told Gizmo to teach me a new song. Unfortunately, I forgot most of it because there is a long way to go still on this massive dream. But I believe it was something like. "One, two, three, gizmo, gizmo, four, five, six, gizmo, gizmo." Then, I think he sang a mantra from Lord Ganesha, at least, the lyrics were familiar to me, but my recall for the actual song is vague... I remember I sang the song back to gizmo and he was happy. I sang it a few more times to keep it in my mind and write it down once I woke up. Advanced ToTM, checked! Originally Posted by Advanced ToTM Find which present Gizmo is wrapped up in, and get him to teach you a new song. - (ThreeCat) I started to explore the new place I was at. Instead of a roman old school city, I was now in Chicago downtown. It was easy to recognize as I was next to Marina City: So much for the Roman city into Chicago!! My mind amazes me sometimes! I focused on hitting some of the easy lucid dares for anyone to get more bonus points. At this stage of the dream, I did not remember I had outstanding personal dares to complete. I first though of an easy task, to summon Nfri. Which I did. I rose my hand, sorcerer style and asked for Nfri to show up. A tall and slim female showed up. I could not tell her hair color because she wore winter clothing (once again, amazing mind dressed the summoned dream character accordly to the weather on December at Chicago, lol.) Her clothing was all pink and she was dressed very sexy. She smiled at me and she was standing, which a sexy look. She looked something like this (but her hair was covered, and the raincoat was a clearer pink. I was happy because I completed one dare already (funny to find upon checking the dares thread that Nfri is a dude.) Originally Posted by Anyone dare Completed Summon Nfri and describe how he looks (Nfri) As this female version of Nfri kept approaching at me, I knew right away what was going on, but my dream quality was high and I did not want to waste time, so I recalled another anyone dare I could get done. I walked by hear and faced her, face to face. She tried to get intimate with me (yes, in the middle of Chicago downtown!) but I refused to interact and just turned her my back and walking away. It was actually easy task, I think my drive to make a big record was strong! Originally Posted by Anyone Dare Completed Face an attractive DC and refuse to have any interaction with her/him. (NyxCC) I kept walking down the street and I recalled another anyone dare. I was unsure if I using my phone as a catalyst for dream control was an anyone or someone's else personal task. I took my phone out from my pocket, which looked like my waking life phone. I was in front of a cross street and traffic was very heavy, but cars were driving fast. I pointed at one of the roads with my phone and with my thumb, I slide it right to left, with the intents to push all the cars to go in reverse. Amazingly, it worked first try, and even more amazingly, no one crashed. I started to swing my cell phone left and right very fast, with the intent of accelerating the traffic, which happened, but neither no one crashed (I wasn't thinking they would crash neither trying, probably the reason it did not happen.) I tapped my screen to see what would happen, and the whole dream froze, I think even dream went silent. The whole thing was frozen. That was some amazing effects from just a phone! Originally Posted by Anyone Dare Completed Use your phone as a catalyst for dream control. (Sensei) It was exciting, but I suddenly found my dream getting obliterated in seconds. I did not have time to even to try to save it. I had a false awakening in bed, I felt satisfied about the dream and getting two ToTM and three dares done. I reached my journal to write down the dream and tried to turn the lamp on that I have in waking life. (the green one) Not working. I tapped it a couple more times. Nothing. I turned lucid right away. I exalted "Lamp not working... hahaha, these lamps always work." My wife woke up and asked me what was wrong, if I was cold or something. I told her that I just got tricked with a false awakening and that I was still dreaming. My wife told me that I was talking nonsense. I checked my hands and indeed I was lucid, they looked like a hologram. I jumped off bed and recalled since I was able to remember the whole lucid dream, I decided to continue my dreaming. My wife followed me, pretty upset stating I was asleep. We exited the house and we were in a modern city surrounded by trees, definitely not the same as waking, proving I was indeed dreaming. Wife kept insisting I wasn't. I rose my hand and pointed at it with my other hand saying, "Do you think my hand is supposed to look like this?" My ring finger was like a quarter inch long. I took of to fly, but for some odd and rare reason, I could only bounce about 10 feet tops or so. My wife kept telling me, "See, you can't fly, you are awake, go back to bed before someone calls the cops." Like if jumping 10 feet was normal. I just walked away ignoring my wife, after all she was a dumb DC reflected by my mind. I saw a UFO saucer gliding above some trees. It was semi-transparent and it was vanishing: I grabbed it before it took off and I thought of the next dare. To fly to the sun. I felt it would be easy to use this vehicle to get there faster, so I set that intent and the saucer to take me there. It was going at high speed and I could feel fire all around me. Now, the saucer looked like a regular shuttle from NASA. I was already in space and realized I was in my pajamas... oh well, big deal. We were getting closer to the sun and I released the shuttle, as in theory, I had to fly through the sun. I kept flying and I entered the sun. I could see my whole being burning, but it did not hurt, I kept flying until I passed through it and I was on the other side of the sun. I could see a whole lot of different planets that were not from our solar system. This is nonsense in waking since all the planets surround the sun, but in the dream, is like all the planets were in front of the sun (what we see) and others (unknown) behind it. Originally Posted by Anyone Dare Completed Fly into the sun (CanisLucidus) I felt free, I was away from Earth and I felt I wanted to fly home (not Earth...) and a huge smile and feeling of freedom and bliss surrounded my whole being. However, I recalled right away that I had personal dares and they were still to be done. I freaked out a bit because I wanted to give priority to those and I forgot, so I remembered one of them, and since I was in space, I started to glide north until the whole space turned white, so I asked to be taking to the Creator of the Dream. I was taking to God, or what I had a impression of god, a huge amount of white light, made of pure love, light and bliss, it was a massive consciousness with a very powerful energy. I asked this energy/God, "What does this dream mean?" The creator replied to me, but funny enough, instead of through normal words, he did it through my clairsentient ability (psychic hearing) and he told me, "You are like Messi, breaking records all the time." I laughed because I never thought of it, but it was true that I was trying to break a record indeed, and Messi, just broke another record in the soccer match I watched yesterday." Originally Posted by Personal Dare Completed Find the creator of the dream you are in and ask what the dream means. (Marce) I was happy that my dream was still stable so I decided to go back to Earth to get my two more personal dares done (Too bad I was realizing that one of them was an anyone dare that I challenged everybody else too and that I was missing to kick Dark Vather's ass as it was one of my dares and being at space, I had a golden chance to do it, oh well.) I flew back to Earth and got very quickly back to it. I entered Earth in a kind of an odd way, shoulder first and I heard a massive noise and saw fire all around me. I was like a fireball and I thought, "This is not going to end well! But I laugher." A few moments later, I was inside a house (what the heck???) There was some dude who was pretty pissed of at me. He wanted me to study and do my homework (I finished school many years ago, lol.) I wanted to get out the house. I did not feel it had good energy. I feel this house was in the middle of nowhere, somewhere around Texas among massive corn wheat fields. I wanted to explore the area. The dude tried his best to prevent me to leave. I saw there was a bar right next to me. The back of this bar was made out of windows and I could see a ton of futuristic buildings (so much for "middle of nowhere") and a huge pool with a lot of people around. There were three stools and three young woman having a drink. These woman appeared to be also pissed at me. I tried another of my personal dares. I rose my hands and started channeling energy, to the intent to make time go faster. At first, nothing happened, but then I realized that these ladies looked like they were on their 50s and they kept aging fast. Some shrunk in size and one of them had her hair turn white. I kept pushing energy and set the intent for hundreds of years to happen. I saw through the windows how all of the people on the pool and walking by were also aging. However, they never died, turned into skeletons (or dust, zombies... nothing) they just went as old as you can imagine and even older than that The building and other inanimate objects did not seem to be affected at all. I was very surprised this worked. Originally Posted by Personal Task Completed Force a city and its inhabitants to age in front of you for some hundred years. I'm curious to know what could your mind will come up with when their age exceed the average life span. (Box77) They all kept aging, getting more wrinkles and looking more like a skull, but they remained alive and they kept doing whatever they were doing prior to do this. I felt it was enough of the aging and released the energy. They progressively went back to their original ages, except for the ladies next to me sitting on the bar, which stopped de-aging at the age of 50s. Suddenly, everybody got on their knees and started to adore me like I was a God. I believed this was another of my personal dares (without knowing it was my dare, and the requires of my dare were different.) I kept thanking people for adoring me and they brought me x-mas gifts (lol) I felt happy and I thought I had all my personal dares done, so I decided to wake myself up, as I seemed to still be with a decent quality dream, but I was risking too much if I continued working on more dares and not getting my butt out of my real bed to write all down.
Updated 12-08-2014 at 03:37 PM by 31830
13.11.2014Speed-run ToTM and a dare dream, one-shot killing a turkey and brief chat with a DC (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I believe this is possibly the lamest ToTM I have ever worked on, and to be honest, I did not even see this coming. I have been coding for a new dream journal software like a maniac... and well, every time I woke up in the middle of the night, all I had in my mind was a bunch of code (that I wont paste here lol) and yet, I got a lucid dream. I naturally woke up around 7:30am (alarm clock triggers at 8:00am) and I was laying on my back, just relaxing to wait for the clock. After a while I found myself driving down the street. I was in what I believe to be a manual transmission car, as I had to switch gears manually. I got inside a building and I was driving down the stars, but now, I was riding a red bike: I was driving through aisles and up and down the stairs, and yet, I had a manual transmission strick to switch gears, realizing how it could be even possible... realizing that it was impossible for a bike and realizing that my car just turned into a bike and I was indoors, so I turned lucid. I was surprised by the dream, and feared that anytime soon the alarm clock was going to trigger. I saw a small child in the middle of a big empty room and I asked him: - "What are you grateful for?" - Chocolate! - he replied. I was like, okay... and then realized that asking that was not a ToTM. - What is my name? - I asked him. - Manolo, like the supermarket - He replied (That is not my name nor I have seen a super market named like that. I recalled I had to tell him that it was a dream, so: - This is a dream - I exalted. - No, I am awake, we are not dreaming - He replied. I rose my hand and showed it to him, claiming we were in a dream. My hand looked perfectly fine, five perfect fingers... so I was like, what the hell. I looked at my hand again, perfect... another false positive. I knew we were dreaming because of the bike, I looked a third time and then, two of my fingers were overlaying each other and they were like holograms. I realized that the child was doing his own business, but since he replied, I was done. I then decided to walk backwards, as I believed it was a dare. Simple task... I walked a good 50 steps backwards, but nothing out of the blue happened. I then went ahead to remember the other ToTM without much success... so much coding, so little reading I told to myself. I believed that the bonus task was to steal the turkey that the President saved and decide its fate. I figured if I tried to fly outside the building and look for the White House I was not going to make it in time and the alarm clock would ruin it. I pretended that behind a door I was going to find the White House. I opened the door and I could see grass and heard birds chirping. I was able to see the White House (even though it was a mix of the white house and Congress, looking something like this I saw the President, but it was not Obama. It was a made up African American dude, dressed in business attire. The First lady was next to him, but also made up. I think she looked Chinese. There was a turkey standing next to them, so I figured it was the turkey they saved. I started feeling my cats in bed and started to feel I was waking up rapidly, so I had to do something... I just grabbed the turkey's neck and said, "Your fate is to die." I started to strangle it and little after, I woke up. Since the dare is to decide the fate, I'd say I completed it, as I have decided it would die. I wouldn't have made the choice though if I wasn't waking up, I would have done something much more exciting. This is somewhat short entry, this dream felt quick, very quick.
Updated 11-13-2014 at 12:19 PM by 31830
07.10.2014Carving pumpkins, playing made up instruments, fighting a dragon, visiting the zoo and finding Dreamer after several secret theaters (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID This is probably one of the longest lucids in my life (well, I cannot remember when I was a children, but as a grown up probably it is, plus I made so many challenges tonight that I can feel them vanishing from my memories, so I got into my PC, giving up my last hour to sleep to write this whole thing down. I have been through a minor dry spell of lucids and good recall as I had some very busy days. Yesyterday, Monday the 6th of October 2014 I had the day starting pretty bad, but it had a great ending and I felt today was gonna be a good day, so I wanted to start the day awesomely with a nice lucid. I woke up at 5am and I had memories of a dream (now, with this mega-dream is totally forgotten) and I felt too tired to write it down. I went to the bathroom and then it was very hard for me to fall back asleep (this is not normal, I usually fall asleep fast.) I layed on my back to meditate (since I could not sleep) and I ended up falling asleep. I believe this lucid might have lasted about 1h 30 minutes, as I woke up from it at 7am. I do not even recall very well the non lucid part with this dream. I have vague memories of being with a friend, who was male and I believe we either were going to meditate or we were going to look for our wives. It was afternoon and it was sunny. We were in a park somewhere and we were about to go to an apartment and have a couple drinks, I believe until our wives met with us. As we were talking, I told him that I felt weird like if I was in a dream, like I did not feel awake. He started to laugh and I rose my hands. I had six fingers on each hand and no thumbs. Where the thumb was supposed to be I had a very long finger (over than one feet long) and told him, "See! I am dreaming!" I right away started to fly away from him. The dream quality was very high and I realized I was in the suburbs of some town. It was day and the air felt very clean. There was not a single cloud on the sky and I felt happy to have broken the dry spell I had. I immediately recalled I needed to get the ToTM done and so I would collect my wings, and then, I planned to get as many dares as I could also, I wanted to break my record. I recalled the first one opening a pumpkin and finding what was inside (which ended up being one of the tasks) so I saw a big house with a massive backyard (it was about 30 yards wide) and a lot of pumpkins (also pretty big.) So I floated and landed in the garden. I glided towards the pumpkins and pulled a carving knife out from my pocket (lucky me!) The pumpkin looked better than this, pretty much perfect and it was standing. As I approached it and carved the top of it, it was loaded with sour strips, different sour candy, some chewing gum and I believe I saw a mithrill vest from the lord of the rings. Even though I saw that, I felt that opening the pumpkin was good enough and wanted to get done other tasks (I did not remember that trying on a costume was another ToTM.) I heard some voices approaching at me and I figured I could do another ToTM, which it was doing trick or treat to the people living in that house (which ended up not being one of the ToTM.) So, I glided silently behind one old woman that was looking where the noise came from and I roared like a vampire. I believe I might had even vamp teeth as she freaked out for a few seconds, but then I announced "Trick or treat!" as I landed again on the ground. The lady started to laugh and to look at me with a smile and she started walking to her house. I followed her, now walking, to collect my treat. There was also an old man at the house asking what was going on. As she collected the treats (some similar candies as I found inside the pumpkin earlier) I was able to spot a goblet sitting on an altar with two candles: I figured it would have blood and I would accomplish one of the Advanced tasks of the month (which ended up being another basic task.) I found funny that my dream put that inside this house and if I would not be lucid, I would find these old couple to be very weird, lol. So I just entered the house, and I believe that this old couple was outside, they were okay with me entering the house. I approached at the Goblet and looked inside. Yep, it was blood indeed and I found also some blood over the altar. I just took a sip and it tasted pretty much like blood taste. I did not feel any effects and I was glad about it, but since it was another ToTM I went ahead and celebrated I succeeded at it. From here, I recalled that I needed to confront my greatest fear through summoning a boggart. I did not feel like doing this, for some reason I felt this could threaten my dream and provide premature awakening, so I passed on this. Since I felt I did accomplish already one advanced task, I was happy (lucky me I completed the bonus, or I would be wearing only one pair of wings...) and I focused on the last ToTM. I recalled it was a bonus tasks to play a made up instrument that does not exist in waking life. I saw laying on the ground like a large semi-transparent stick, made out of plastic. I grabbed it and pretended it was a flute, but the noise it made it was like when you try to blow air through a stick! I figured that was way too lame for a bonus task and I could do better, so I went ahead to the old man and asking him, "Can you please show me an instrument that does not exist in waking life, please?" He smiled and said, sure thing! He walked me towards the front deck of the house where he had a small portable kitchen. He turned on the fire and placed a brass bowl on the fire, filling it up with water. From here, he got some of these lab tubs and placed them inside the bowl. All the tubes were standing (despite they were placed in a bowl) and the tubes had different heights. Suddenly, after a small while, vapor started to come out from the tubes, but some tubes would release a denser vapor than others and all these had different tones of white and gray. The old man told me to start blowing through one of the handles on the brass bowl. I figured I would not burn myself. As I started blowing, I could hear some music, but it was a mix of the noises that a boat makes (just not as loud) plus the noise from a harmonica and then I believe from a bag pipe. It was some instrument alright, weird indeed but I was able to pull it off!! I still had a huge quality of the dream, so I wanted to get some dares also and hit the jackpot. First of all, I wanted to get an easy one done, since I did it on the past, so I went ahead and laid down in bed to WILD within a lucid dream in order to accomplish (Induce a dream within a dream, Inception style (Maxis) ) As I laid down, I felt the dream fading fast, but I focused in just going into a deeper layer of a lucid dream, which I successfully did. I heard some nature sounds but I had no vision, so I demanded for vision. After a while, it came back successfully completing one dare. With this dare done, I recalled that I wanted to look for the blue room that I visited back in 2011 with Dreamer. (Revisit the blue room where you first met me in your dream (early 2011.) Get me to show you how I draw portals with my finger, then jump through with me and see where it takes us! (Dreamer) ) So I started to look for a way to do this, I noticed I was with my wife and she was acting like hypnotized, she was pretty much motionless and not talking. So I told her to wake up and give me some conversation. We were now in downtown, probably appeared there after from inducing a dream within a dream, so I started to look for a portal or maybe attempt to make one and see where it took me. I heard people crying and screaming and I saw a huge red dragon: I also recalled that I had to defeat a dragon for one of the anyone lucid dares (which ended up not being one neither) so I glided to the dragon and landed in front of me. He appeared to call down for some reason. I had no clue how was I going to defeat the dragon, so I hopped I had kinetic powers in my dream. I just pointed at him with the palm of my hands and he crashed in another building, roaring in pain and falling to the ground. From there, I believe it either vanished or turned into ashes... some dragon that was... what a disappointment! I told my wife that the dragon was lame and that I wanted to visit the zoo (Visit a zoo and describe the kinds of animals you come across. (That should be easy but I'm hoping you stumble across interesting or new species ~ NyxCC) I started to walk around downtown and got inside a shopping mall, as for some reason, I felt that I could find a zoo in there. The shopping mall was deserted and there were no people around. I saw a small white building that had a big panel on the top of it that was decorated like if it was a rainforest and I hopped for it to be a zoo. Tough luck, it was not. It was a pet food store that had the appearance of a zoo in order to attract customers. So big bum! I floated high as I figured I could see the zoo from the high and just fly to it. I found no zoo and I realize this whole downtown was just an island. I also saw that the waves were extremely strong, hitting the beaches entirely and creating small Tsunamis. I felt that something was very wrong with this island and felt I was loosing control of my dream. I saw the waves getting bigger until a massive wave covered my head to the point of seeing the light of the sun to vanish. A few seconds later, I saw all darkness and I could hear some noises of people, but did not see a thing. I also felt my body in bed and I knew I was on the verge of waking up. I started to focus on the dream itself and focus on the sound that people was making in order to anchor back in the dream. I then tried very hard to open my eyes, monitoring if the sounds vanished or got louder (waking vs going deeper in the dream) and I started to see day light, so I was happy as I was still dreaming. I was standing in the middle of the road and right behind me, there was a white bus, which was parked. I had a good feeling and I walked behind the bus to find this: I was like, "Awesomeness." That tile wave ported me there. I entered the zoo and recalled I would have no problems at all since it was free (it is the Chicago one that is free, I mixed both) I saw some people monitoring the entrance and we needed to walk through a small machine with a ton of LED lights and a small monochrome screen. I could see a lot of data being stored in there, including my weight and psychic gifts. I figured that since it was free, we were going to get spammed big time on our e-mails at a later time. The zoo here was indoors and I found mainly lizards. But these lizards looked weird, as they were purple and they had several legs. I also noticed some hens walking around where other people was and I could spot feathers and poop on the floor. There were a lot of people selling stuff and trying to get my attention, but I just keep focusing on the zoo to finish my task properly. I also saw a sheep, but instead of its white fuzzy appearance, it had the skin of an elephant. What a twisted blend my mind was making. I felt that was good enough of a zoo visit (I am not a huge fan of zoos in waking life, but this dream was fun and worth it, thanks for the dare!) so I really wanted to get to meet dreamer and that would accomplish all my current personal dares also. I wanted to teleport but I was not successful, so I figured I would look for some aid to be able to do this. I started to look for the color blue, and to find a blue room. I found a somewhat blue room so I entered it hopping it would be the room. But it was not, it was a movie theater. They were showing a movie, I believe it was the Fantastic Four, but I did not get distracted. I heard a noise coming from one of the walls. On the walls, I could see different pictures, all art and I found a huge Mona Lisa: But it was a bit distorted and the vividness of the paint was way more vivid than the real thing. I recalled this was another dare (Jump inside a picture of your choice, what happens? (Hukif) ) So I got excited as I was accomplishing another dare more. I just jump into it and hopped to find the blue world behind this paint. But instead, I have found another theater. I saw a small board that said, "A Secret Theater." I found that mysterious and funny. There were some people watching a different movie. I believe it was either a classic black and white movie or a documentary. But I did not want to focus on that so I kept exploring this room. On the same corner where the Mona Lisa was on the previous room I saw a small hole on the wall and like someone crossing it. You had to crawl to go through. I started to get more excited and I crossed this hole. I saw some stairs, but these were broken and it was impossible to cross, but since I was dreaming, I just glided through the stairs and walked through a door to reach... yes, you guessed, another theater... and another board that said, "An even more secret theater." There were also people inside, but the people here looked in pretty bad shape, like if they were sitting there for hours or even days, as they were dirty also. I was already getting tired of this theaters, but once again, I saw an even more tiny hole on the whole, and I somehow shrunk myself to go throught it. I got into a futuristic room, said room had like futuristic tubes that were elevators. I wondered what was going on and that I really wanted to find dreamer. I also found another board here that said, "Magic proof elevators." I was a bit worried that my dream control would not work here for some reason and I figured I could not go further. But a voice said, "You are in the elevator and you will be trapped here." I tried to break free without being successful and the voice announced me that I was going to be tossed in the huge can pools and I had to stay there. I saw four cans on the ground, but these cans were each like a 20 story building, they were massive as I could see hundreds of people swimming on each of them. Also, the entire room was blue, including the cans and there were blue crystals on the walls and there was a blue mist around. I was tossed in a can with only four-five people. I tried to fly away to look for dreamer but I was not able to do so. I felt bummed as I figured that on the can right in front of us, I would find her because it was loaded with people. While I was looking around, I heard a sweet voice saying, "Percy?" As I looked back, I realized it was Dreamer however, she did not look at all like she is on waking life, she had brown here, blue eyes and two pony tails. She also had very cheeky chicks and was smiling. She wore a brown and green swimsuit. She had a lot of curves and she approached at me. Dreamer told me, "I am glad you finally came." She looked into my eyes and hugged me, giving me a sweet kiss. I felt happy I finally accomplished this one, but my subconscious ended the task for me because Dreamer said, let's open a portal now. I figured it would not work as we were in a magic-proof place (my lucidity was fading fast) Dreamer rose her hand and a small vortex appeared on the edge of the can we were swimming at: She grabbed my hand and said, "Lets go together through it." As we traveled through it, I reached the crystal cave where I first met with her and she gave me another hug and said she was very happy. I started to look around the cave but suddenly, it became very bright until I woke up.
Updated 10-07-2014 at 11:21 AM by 31830
21.09.2014The morphing toilet by the dark mirror takes me to call Sensei instead of finding the blue world after failing to Astral project. (WILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID ASTRAL SEPARATION ASTRAL After a brief visit to bathroom at 2am I decided to Astral Project. I relaxed my entire physical body in bed. My mind was already relaxed enough that I could focus well on this task. Within what felt a couple minutes, I started hearing a buzzing within my eyes. I focused on the buzzing in order to make it grow and become more intense. It got to a point that it was decently loud and I experienced vibrations around my entire body. I recalled that a couple of nights ago I was using the same technique (it is a new technique I am working on) and it kind of blew me off due an overcharge of energy (you may want to read here as a reference) Overcharging my body for Astral Projection and failing - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views So I decided not to be -energy greedy- as just start the separation process out. As I focused in my Astral body lifting from my physical body, I could feel the vibrations very intense, but for some reason, I was not completely able to come out. I decided to ask for assistance (you may do this if you struggle to leave your body) and I felt there was an entity around me (I asked who this one and it was one of my Spirit Guides.) I asked her to pull my Astral Body out. I felt here working on my feet and literally like she was pulling my feet, even that it felt physical at some degree, I know it was my Astral Body being pulled. I was able to separate and I found myself floating over my physical body. I had with my dad a conversation about my previous event and he told me that the same would happen to him and that once he projected out, he would charge his physical body with energy for it to feed further the Astral body) As I attempted this, I focused way too much on my physical body and I did return to my physical body. I was back in my body, but still in the WILD stage, so I figured I would once again, pull myself down after charging a bit more extra energy. During the process, my mind lost focus and I found myself thinking about a couple Dares I wanted to complete. I found myself floating above what appeared to be downtown. It was day so I realized that I was not Astral Traveling anymore but I did fall asleep during the process, which I was still happy since I was lucid. Not what I was looking for, but no complains neither! I decided to land as the dream was very stable. I recalled I wanted to work on some dares, since the thread is almost dead. So I entered a building and I wanted to look for a bathroom in order to do "Find a mirror and talk with your reflection." Once I got inside of the building, it appeared like a hardware store and there was almost right by the entrance a toilet and next to it, a sync with a mirror. So I got myself in front of the mirror and said, "Hi, whats up?" It looked like me, but like if on the other side of the mirror there was no light, or like if light did not reflect at all, because it was the same looking as me but it was really dark (in colors, not that it was evil, just like a person looks like in the darkness.) I did not hear any reply, so I attempted again and visualized being answered. This time, I could hear a faint voice coming from the mirror that it said "Mario Party" (what the heck???) and I did not feel like staring more into the mirror and wake up, since it replied to me, I figured it was valid. I also recalled the Advanced task of the Month. Even though I already completed it within the first week (my super-lousy lame patronus Expecto Patronum at Downtown - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views ) I wanted to complete also the toilet one as I told to Ophelia, and well... I had a (not so beautiful and dirty toilet) right next to me. An awesome gift from my subconscious. It was not extremely gross, just dirty and old looking: I just step over it after opening the lid and I hoped it would not break, as I recalled someone trying to do this and getting the toilet broken in the process, thus failing the task. Luckily it did not break. I visualized getting pulled inside the toilet. I could feel my feet shrinking and getting wet and I started to be pulled in, until most of my body was inside the toilet, only my upper chest and head were out. I knew I needed to enter it entirely to pass, so I pulled myself further in, but I was stuck. I tried hard to get in, but I was not successful, I realized the toilet turned into a Urinal: It was sparking clean but I was completely stuck. I tried to flush a few times but the water would come out from it around me. I was thinking what was going on with all the dream toilets for everybody. I jumped out of it and it morphed back into the same old dirty toilet. Since I was in a hardware store I looked for something to help me. I realized that if I could find one of those shrinking mushrooms from Mario it would help a ton: I was able to find some, but they looked like real mushrooms with leaves. I grabbed a bunch of them and step over the toilet right now (and I believe it got bigger) I ate the mushrooms and I shrunk immediately, falling inside the toilet. It flushed itself and I travelled through the pipes at a very hight speed. There were some religious figurines that they were cut in half (I bet I know where this comes from, Ophelia lol) and some other stuff, but the water was not gross at all. I then appeared at some place else, right back in down town. I was happy I did the toilet thing, even though I already had the Advanced ToTM wings. I then focused on Dreamers lucid dare and started to look for the blue dreamworld. I entered another building, pretending it would take me there, but I had no success. It took me to an almost empty office, with just a desk and a pc: But it was much bigger than this. I started to open different doors and going through different rooms. Apparently, I was not inspired enough and did not think to open a portal as I gave up on it and told me I would do it other night. I instead tried to recall more dares to do, as I want to complete all of them. I recalled an easy one, Call Sensei on the phone. I pulled out my cell phone and pushed the call button (dialing is so overrated and unnecessary, lol.) I could hear a voice that said, "Sensei is here..." I said, hello, what's up and I Sensei said something like, "Habla espanol? Alo alo? Mexico?" and suddenly my phone turned off. Well, I did call Sensei, so I guess it is valid, despite the weird call, lol. I then tried something interesting, and I tried to connect with my subconscious through my phone in order to come here and check out more dares as I could not recall any. I was able to get to the dreamviews page, but it looked like an app and I could only see our logo. A little afte that, I managed to get to the thread "Task of the month for September. And I saw some of Box77's posts. I tried hard to look for more dares (never realized that I was in a different thread, my lucidty was falling fast) but I was unsuccessful. I realized I was staring way too much at my phone until I entirely lost lucidity and something related to apples was going on, but I woke up almost immediately right after that.
07.09.2014Expecto Patronum at Downtown (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I had a False Awakening and noticed that my wife was waking up. It was morning, but it was still dark outside. My wife went to the living room, and she appeared to be complaining because none of the lights worked. I asked her what was going on and she said that the lights wont turn on. I figured it was the classic light fail from dreams and double checked with a failed reality check. I jumped out of bed and I planned to go outside and fly away to make the dream stable. As I was about to leave my house I recalled the Basic ToTM to put some shoes on. So I just grabbed a pair of shoes from the entrance and put them on. Easy. I recalled that if they had laces and I tied them both, it was bonus, but my shoes had no laces, as they were the same shoes I am using in waking: As I looked up, I visualized some laces spawning and be able to tie them, but the shoes did not change, and I did not feel wasting my time staring at my shoes, so I just flew away. As I was flying, I tried to recall the advanced Tasks but I was not luckt at it. I demanded a few things to make the dream stable, such as, "Clarity now!" When the dream was clear enough, I tried, "Remember Advanced ToTM" but I had no lucky. I recalled the Robin Williams one, but I do not care at all for Celebrities and I did not feel like it. So I kept flying to downtown and landed in a busy street. Still trying to remember the advanced task of the month, I recalled Dreamer's Dare so I planned to teleport myself to the blue world. As I was focusing on this, I heard some background voice saying, "Percy is a psychic, so he ain't no muggle!" As I heard that, I instantly recalled that I needed to cast the Expecto Patronum spell. I was going to cast it but I believed I needed a wand or I would fail the task. I tried to look for a wand and to spawn one myself with little luck, but then, I found a branch laying on the ground and I grabbed it and I would pretend it was a wand. As I held it for a few moments, the branch turned into a black wand: So, as lifted the wand and chanted, "Expecto Patronum!" Lucky me, a white mist started to form and what appeared to be the face of an Elephant started to spawn. It floated around me for a while until it vanished. Not a very exciting thing, but oh well, task is done. No one around me seemed to noticed this spell. As I centered myself into working on Dreamer's Dare, I woke up.