Fragment of Dreams
04.02.20152-4-15 Fragments - 10 different fragments (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I can say, I lucked out this one. I am on vacation at a hotel spa. Last night, my wife and I drank a whole bottle of wine and two bottles of champagne... We did not get drunk, but I had a bit of a weird stomach. I woke up several times at night feeling fuzzy and I had a small DILD. I do not want to spend the time uploading everything in separate entries because I had ten fragments. DILD in next entry. 10 x Dream Fragment (5 pts) 1- We were at a restaurant and they were out of Flor the Pingus wine. 2- We were driving down the street when a bus came out of nowhere. 3- I was doing something at the computer. 4- I had 500 requests overnight for work. 5- I dreamt of having a massive lucid dream, but that was just the dream. 6- Something related to a roller-coaster. 7- We were going to meet with some friends and as I tried to call one of them, the phone started makng odd noises. 8- I met with my wife who was seeing an old friend. 9- Getting dizzy in a boat. 10 - Something related to oranges, I believe I had to buy some.
Updated 02-04-2015 at 07:32 PM by 31830
03.02.20152-3-15 Fragments - My cats (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) I was trying to find my cats at home, one of them was missing.
03.02.20152-3-15 Fragments - Space (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) Something related with space, most likely a NASA discovery
03.02.20152-3-15 Fragments - Driving (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) I was driving in my car and there was a lot of traffic. We were going to a beach or something.
02.02.20152-2-15 Fragments - Truck broke (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (+0.5) There was some track racing and the trucks also had consciousness. Suddenly, one truck lifted on just the back tires, as was vertically pointing to the sky. One of them had an oil problem due the weird position and broke down.
30.01.20151-30-15 Fragments - A cat escaped (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) One of my cats ran away from home. It was raining and she freaked out and started to run in circles.
30.01.20151-30-15 Fragments - Car not working (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) My car was behaving oddly, it was not driving smoothly and it randomly accelerated or braked.
30.01.20151-30-15 Fragments - Yugioh (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) Something involving a Yugioh tournament I was going to join.
30.01.20151-30-15 Fragments - Late for the concert (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) I was with my wife going to the concert but we were late, there was a lot of traffic.
28.01.20151-28-15 Fragments - Strange diet (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) Something involving a diet with both green and red apples that my wife wanted to start.
28.01.20151-28-15 Fragments - Package received (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) This dream comes from a package that is delayed and my wife is waiting for. I heard the door opening and some delivery man had a package. It was a small brown box, with a lot of tape and about a feet long. My wife was in the kitchen and started to open it. I told her if it was the package she was waiting for and she said yes. I was wondering how it could be so small because it was a big purchase.
27.01.20151-27-15 Something is leeching me (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) Another weird dream. I had a small hole on one of my hips. They were doing some sort of liposuction while I was awake and I could see stuff coming up. Who was doing it? No idea, this is a fragment!
27.01.20151-27-15 Fragments - I am shedding (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream Fragment (0.5 pts) I was in some hospital I believe because my skin was falling apart from my arms. I could see like a very thin membrane of skin. I was afraid it would hurt or something.
26.01.20151-26-15 Fragments - Checking Lucid Tasks (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Fragment (+0.5) I was at Dreamviews checking the lucid dreaming contest. I was checking all the tasks and dares I had to work with.