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    4th DJ-Attempt

    It's a new attempt to keep focused on my dream world, this time I would like to share as long as possible some of my experiences with other people who could get interested. Comments are welcome. I apologize if my English is not too good. I hope I do it at least understandable. Hope you enjoy it!

    My code of colors:

    - Non-lucid
    - Lucid
    - Semi-Lucid
    - False Awakening
    - Hypnagogic Hallucinations and thoughts while falling asleep
    - SP, awake and/or observations.


    1. Too busy to pay attention

      by , 05-20-2014 at 09:32 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      .../I'm in a familiar dreamscape which is composed by lot of rooms connected with each other. I get to an elevator and see a rough graffiti of a black cat on it's interior when the doors open. I got scared because of it's a known weird place in WL/...

      .../I get a package with my new cap a second time. I show my fellow cousin how it was the first time and I try to reproduce the same sequence. I remember the package box. Apparently there was some mistake at the store. The delivery guy looks like a reggae hip hop artist. We are in my grand parents old house. My cousin likes the cap, it is slightly different than the first one. I try on the old one. I see it's deteriorated. The dream scenario changes to my cousin's parents house where I lived for a while before the university. His brother argues with my unfriendly aunt. Once again I live the whole situation. I take the phone and start recording something there before I call. Their older brother hangs up the phone telling me that I should be more respectful or some. I go out and find my fellow cousin out there. His brother goes away pulling a small rolling suitcase. My unfriendly aunt yells something but he shuts her up saying he will go no matter what. I see him walking down the street thinking to my self "he did it again". He still has long hair/...

      * Alarm clock went off. I almost fell asleep again before going to work. I remembered that at the bus stop and wrote down some notes on the bus.
      * I didn't remember about the package box until I dreamed about it.

      Nap after work:

      .../A woman with a beehive hairstyle gets closer and slaps my knee, telling me "You will be the Nacky"...

      .../I'm putting some things into place, getting stressed because of there's no more time left when the fake artist comes to say me I have to take it easy/...

      * I know there was a lot of activity although I cannot remember but the last few seconds before waking up.

      Updated 05-20-2014 at 09:39 AM by 18736 (Remembered the first fragment)

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment