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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

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    1. Walking backwards and stumbling against a wall of bushes.

      by , 11-27-2014 at 11:06 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Walking backwards and stumbling against a wall of bushes. (WBTB)


      This was an odd way to get lucid, well, not really but the situation is. Having here a bit of a hard time adjusting to the winter in my new place, it is humid and very cool, and the heat at the house is not strong enough for me (I am used to San Diego year round summer) So I woke up around 5am after waking up a million times earlier and feeling the cold hitting my bones... got frustrated and got into the computer. After 30 minutes or so, I went back to bed, hoping i would fall asleep fast as I was sleepy. As I was falling asleep, I was thinking like "some WBTB... maybe I turn lucid."

      And pretty much I found myself in a dream, however, it was not a WILD but I had a false awakening and I felt that I was in a dream, even though, I was still feeling cold. I grabbed a little lamp that I had and I figured it would no longer work. As I turned it on, it started to do a very weird play of random colored lights, knowing I was indeed dreaming.

      I got out from bed and glided outside from home. I was happy I finally fell asleep and I was feeling refreshed from the lucid. I was in the middle of the road and it was night. This was similar to the road in front of my house, and there were no cars. I saw a wall of bushes, similar to this:

      I recalled
      "Walk backwards until you bump into something/someone. Turn around to see what it is. (Jenkees)" so I turned around and start walking backwards, assuming I would stumble against the bushes. It took (what it felt) a while to even hit something. As I did several steps back, way more than the distance from where I was at first place and the bushes. I was tempted to look back to see what was going on, but I figured I could fail the task, so I just kept walking backwards for a while until I hit a ton of leaves. The bushes were different now, as it was like branches with autumm brownish leaves. I felt satisfied as accomplishing this task.

      I focused it was time to go kick Dark Vather's butt (a new dare I just got) and maybe fly to the sun in the process (an anyone dare and old goal of mine) but as soon as I started levitating to fly to space, I lost the dream like instantly and woke up.

      From here, I had a chain of mini-lucids and double consciousness state, with a very blurr memory of what happened.
    2. Nastiest driving storm

      by , 04-13-2011 at 07:23 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Nastiest driving storm (Non-lucid)


      I needed to go to work or somewhere else. I entered my car and started to drive. It was day and there was a horrible ice storm. I could see all the cars on the street, crushing several times. Everything was like in slow motion, but the crashes looked kinda bad.

      I was driving, very uncomfortably, as the cars behind me were not driving as careful as the should, however, my car never got hit.

      My wife was riding a red bike. She went into the worst traffic area, where the road was almost sunken. I saw how the whole bike was covered with icy water. My wife ran to me. She was mad at me and blamed me for what happened. I got mad at her and ignored her trashing.

      After a while, my wife picked up the bike and brought it to me. The bike's engine was still working fine.
    3. The legendary cooking tray

      by , 04-03-2011 at 06:01 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The legendary cooking tray (Non-lucid)


      For some reason, I was going inside a cold storage. It was one of this huge walk-in refrigerators.
      I walked some stairs to the door. The stairs were wooden and crackly. They were painted in white and some of them looked cracked.

      I reached the cold storage's door. The door was metallic and very cold. The metal looked rusted and dented. The handle was also made out of steel.

      I entered the cold storage. I could see some fog of the sheer cold inside. I could feel the cold in my skin. The ground of the cold storage was frozen solid. The tiles looked white with ice around them. Inside the cold storage I found boxes, most of them were made out of cardboard, but some where wooden too. I also found a few small carts with some food on them.

      I found a cooking tray and picked it up. I was looking for it because it very important and it was needed somewhere.
      I left the cold storage, walked down the same stairs and entered inside a one story building. The store looked like a bakery.

      Some stuff happened with customers that I cannot recall well. I remember there was a big line and I walked towards the employee, who was a good made up friend of mine.

      He was surprised of what I was doing. I knew I had some sort of legendary try that one is placed in the oven, it could generate a lot of candies right away. I threw a bag of chocolate candies in front of the employee and told him he wanted the tray.

      Something else happened, but I woke up.