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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. About to Die, $120 Billion Dachshund, Tutorial, Half Naked at Shrimp Store, Too Early For Work

      by , 12-30-2015 at 05:45 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I'm About To Die (DILD)


      I’m inside of a house with someone that looks oddly familiar, and it made me slightly melancholic over who it was, and what would happen later on. The atmospheric overlay of the dream was this blurry yellow that varied depending on the context of the dream, but things were still pretty realistic.

      We’re navigating through a house, and we’re following someone who seems to want to sell it to us, or at least look around as prospective clients. I believe the person I’m with is wearing a yellow jacket with a dark orange shirt underneath, and some basic, blue skinny jeans. Her hair is tied up, and she seems to be fairly casual in her movements.

      We’re at the backyard of the house, and I noticed there’s a map in front of us. It’s placed on top of this white stoned stand that’s maybe 3-4 feet tall. The color of the fences are brown, and there’s a few accessories outside, but I didn’t pay too much attention to them. I get closer to the map, and started to look at it, and it zooms in to where it’s covering my perspective in the dream. I can see all sorts of things from the bedrooms, the bathrooms, and just how spacious this house seems to potentially be for two people wanting to buy it.

      I started to get weird sensations in my dream body that something ominous will happen. We decided to go inside quickly by opening the glass patio door with a black handle, and we’re finally inside one of the rooms that seems like a conduit to other sections of the house. The carpet seems to be this milky white color that’s saturated with the yellow/orange lighting of the house.

      Naturally, one of us closes the patio door, and noticed one of the doors in front of us is moving sporadically near the golden-brown doorknob. She’s trying to reach out for the door to open it, but is hesitant, but gets tempted the more we have to wait. I’m standing still with my arms around my head looking at her, but not saying anything to her in fear that whoever is on the other side might hear us.

      The tension augments, and her hand gets close and closer, but she keeps retracting. I hear doorbell ringing for a few times, but didn’t trust that this encounter would be friendly whatsoever. The girl unfortunately succumbs to opening the door, and out comes an entity wearing a yellow hoodie, and a Scream mask, and was at least 6’ to 6’ 5’’ tall.

      I see their wielding something, and looks like it could be a long gun, shotgun, or even just a metal bat, but whatever the case, I started to panic. They look at the girl first, but I didn’t hear any gunshots, but I wasn’t able to even concentrate on her existence at all. I was more concerned over mine, and even though it was a dream, I could get over predispositions to want to assume a fetal position, and a state of helplessness. I just wanted to wake up, and even told the entity to just go ahead and do it. They’re looking down on me, but there isn’t an immediate reaction to shoot, or whatever mode of action of injuring me.

      I just wanted to wake up…

      Not in fear over what would happen, no, I'm not going to die in a dream. But more so of what happened to her, even if it may have been a symbolic representation of something else. Whatever it is, it's not good, and is probably something for me to be cautious for.


      Running Away & The $120 Billion Dachshund (DILD)


      This dream is convoluted in some circumstances, and this impression could be that I was shifting my perspective to other people, or something. I’m inside this grandiose educational facility that was revealed to be a rich, High School facility of some sort.

      The first experience that comes to me is being inside of a dark room, but being able to see the auditorium on front of me through an open wall slit that’s about two feet in length, and 5-7 feet wide. I noticed that this area is probably the room for containing some of the musical instruments, and other accessories. I see that there’s some kind of function going on, but it doesn’t involve a lot of people.

      There’s maybe 25-40 people taking a quick glance, and I noticed that I could be on show in front of these people. I can hear muffled sounds for a bit, and then it became a little clearer. The person outside of me would eventually have a Bill Nye type of visage, but there were several nuances later on that would make me think otherwise.

      I feel that I need to escape this area, even though things seem peaceful at first. I just get a weird vibe that I should just get out of this place, but in a casual manner to prevent suspicions.

      But, I go ahead and make a dash out of the room, and went to the left side of the auditorium to catapult myself upwards on the black set of stairs that stretch at least 50-60 feet diagonally. For some reason, I noticed one person sitting down casually with their arms pressed against the side of their stomach, and their hands coming together to clasp each other. He was Hispanic, bald, and had a thin goatee. He’s wearing a red worker shirt, and some black pants, and as I’m continuing to dash, he glances at me for a second in shock.

      The audience seems to have their attention towards me now, but I didn’t care. I finally reach the top of a semi-dark room with a dim, white/yellow lighting on the top right side of me. As I’m preparing to plan my course of action, I figure that going straight down to the right was practical. At the onset of this, I hear someone telling me,

      “Brandon, I have pictures from your profile/phone…” I stop for a moment with eyes wide open, and started to question if there was any inappropriate content, but I reconciled with myself once more that it’s nothing to worry about indirectly due to it being a dream.

      I shifted back to being apathetic once more, but took a quick glance over to see the visage that matched the voice that declared this to me. It was a slightly obese, Hispanic female that I work with at the time with long, black curly hair. She’s wearing her worker uniform, and I’ll just nickname her MT for now. MT thinks said profession would have me tempted to give up, and she tries to look over when she’s like 150-200 feet away from me.

      I continue moving forward, and notice more random dream characters show up, and all of them have realistic visages, and a believable existence so clear and crisp. I could see the detail of their shirts, the sub-surface scattering from where the white/orange lighting is the conduit in emitting it on their body.

      For some reason, I think there was a rendezvous point to meet someone, but for most of the dream, it was me running for my own sake. I noticed other people were following me, but they weren’t after me, presumably. I continue running in varying degrees, and moving around in directions I can’t really have a mental map over. The first exit outside I see is to my right, and outside is just absolutely beautiful in spite of the bland setting the moment I step out.

      For the first few 20 feet or so, there’s gray concrete along with some gray walls with no stylization to them; just a pasty looking appearance. There are a few fancy umbrellas in the middle of some tables with metal chairs stacked around them that were black barred, or had a gray metallic composition with some strong fabric for the seating and back rest.

      I’m running, and aiming to go up, or down the stairs in this fairly long area of the environment. It leads to other areas inside, as if rooms were built underneath the natural landscape of the region that’s presumed to be a fall overtone.

      At some point in the dream, I noticed there’s this girl that’s oddly familiar, and we’ll just nickname her AriW for now. AriW has her short hairstyle that seems to garner a lot of men her way to compliment, but this is just a characterization of her. She’s wearing this dark, golden leather jacket with this shirt that is a mix of red, orange, and black, and she’s wearing either light blue skinny jeans, or black ones.

      She’s following me, and I felt a natural ease around her, but as I’m trying to escape, I noticed that she’s catapulting herself to latch onto my back. She starts to get obsessive towards me, and I can’t make out what she’s telling me. I just hear her giggles, and she had a strong resistance to hold me back.

      I’m struggling to get her off of me, even though it wouldn’t have been difficult to continue running. Her bonding with me seemed way too strong, and it was an unsolicited one. I was going off of predisposition to deter away from her in spite of her attractive visage in waking life.

      Unfortunately, in order to get her off my back, literally, I had to twist around, or something, and use my arms to grab some portion of her body, and throw her on the ground. She still maintains that fucking disturbing visage that I just can’t get out of my mind even after what I did to her; just an entity with no soul inside of her; like all she could do was have her eyes open, and the smile implanted into her visage.

      The creepiness lingered on for a few seconds, and I reign in my sense of self, and managed to get out of this area. I noticed that I’m wearing a black shirt, and basic blue jeans at the moment, but the style may have fluctuated throughout the dream.

      Now that this part was accomplish, the next event involves me looking inside that same auditorium, and this time, I think I’m in a spectate point of view where I don’t pay too much attention on whether or not I’m in my dream body. There’s this Plexiglas that’s rectangular, and is around 10 feet tall, and 15-20 feet wide. There’s someone inside that’s being treated like this circus freak for some reason.

      Things become equivocal in the dream in relation to the context of what’s going on. There’s this bald man that’s wearing this fancy gray dress jacket and pants, and a red dress shirt with a white collar of some sort, and a jet black with a mélange of blue tie. He has this position where he is upright, and is blabbering on about the subject inside the Plexiglas container.

      The person inside seems to be a dimwit; completely devoid of any cognitive ability that indicates that he has some kind of awareness over what’s going on. All he’s staring at is this thin bordered green rectangle in front of him that’s probably 12 inches tall, and 15 inches wide. There’s a holographic vibe to it, and the more he presses it, it emits this voom, woom sound that’s pulsating. He seems to enjoy doing this, and how he gets out is very contrived.

      The man that was outside somehow got his way into the Plexiglas container, and was probably going to do some maintenance for either the person, or the container itself. There’s this piece of paper that has this small cut at the edge, and there’s random black font around it. There’s a green strip at the opposite edge of it, and for some reason, I think putting the piece of paper near the green rectangle can activate something. And I don’t know who’s doing it, but it’s being done, and there’s a gap that’s being opened up to where the seemingly incompetent dimwit is holding it, and maintains a position where his hands are holding both sides of the paper, and he bends his knees to where he dolphin dives his way out of the container.

      He somehow runs and escapes, and everyone starts to panic a bit, but he’s no threat. The man that was inside quickly came outside to profess a manhunt for this individual. And he brings out some documentation, or check, and he professes that this “dog” is actually worth $120 billion dollars.

      I zoom in on the check/documentation, and it’s at least $120,607,XXX,XXX. It looks like a cashier’s check now that I think about it more, and the guy is offering $50 billion dollars that would be divided in 2 if anyone can capture this individual.

      I decided to dissipate from the environment, and felt there wasn’t much meaning to it at all.


      Tutorial/Model Melanged Together (DILD)


      I’m looking at a tutorial I made in real life, and navigated through the video only to realize I’m also capable of rotating the model at will.


      Wearing Underwear At The Shrimp Store (DILD)NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID

      So, I and a few people have intentions to go out somewhere, specifically the shrimp store for something. I had a feeling it would be a section from a larger retail store similar to one I work at. It was nighttime in the dream, and things felt pretty realistic, but I had some assurance that it’s merely a dream. I noticed that I was paying attention to my body more without even looking at it; there was just these feelings coming out for me to pay attention to my body, but I shrugging it off.

      We end up going inside the large grocery retail store, and proceeded to go to the shrimp store, presumably. We had to sit around for a bit, and the people I was with were probably gone. I noticed that as I’m lurking around the area randomly, there’s this guy that looks like one of my previous boss’s boss at another store that I’ll nickname Veg for now. He’s wearing a light blue dress shirt, and has the same bald spot as ever, and is looking at me funny like I’m doing something funny.

      He picks up his phone, which prompts me to want to pick up mine, and I noticed that he’s trying to call me, but there’s some difficulty. So I get close to him, and tried to structure a query of what he felt was peculiar about me. He was on his laptop going through YouTube videos of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds parodies, and had a playlist of “Things to say to Yu-Gi-Oh! Card traders” or something like that.

      I see an image of Yusei Fudo in one of the thumbnails with his face at an angle towards the bottom left corner of the screen, and with the movement of his visage, it’s like he’s moving fast, or something with huge eyes trying to drawing a card for exaggerated theatrics.

      Then, something came over me, and I realized that I was only wearing underwear, and maybe some long boots. I felt awkward, but the dream characters didn’t mind. I believe I called someone to tell them that I’ll be going inside the car for the time being until they’re done, which they didn’t mind.


      Too Early For Work (DILD)


      So, I’m inside a store again, and this feels like a continuation of the previous dream. It’s morning time, and I feel that I need to arrive to work around 11:15AM or so. I start doing things around the store, but nothing related to working at all. I’m walking around with a blue shirt, and brown pants, and I noticed a co-worker, that I’ll nickname ShaP, who tells me that they’re a little t
      Naturally, I look down, and they’re kind of saggy, and don’t really feel tight at all. She starts professing other stuff in this trailing voice as if she’s really into me. I shrug this off, and get pissed off at her apprehension for personal reasons that I rather not talk about. I move on, and turn around to get away from her. Then, I realized that I work at 12PM instead, and quickly ran to the nearest person that could be in a similar position as I am.

      I see it’s the short girl that should be a cashier in waking life, and she’s holding the iPhone with the scheduling for co-workers. I try to tell her about this, and she seems pre-occupied with things, or maybe is flustered with people coming towards her for help, and other inquiries. I try to tell her several times again, but gave up, and presumed she got it.

      I go outside while feeling ShaP is still glancing over me, which is really different than the other dream above this one where I thought we were going to die. Ugh.

      So, I go outside to my car, and decided to start it while thinking of where I could go for the time being.

      Updated 12-30-2015 at 05:49 PM by 47756

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. Eating Popsicles, Random Jury Duty, Pissed off at Cheerleaders and Black Dachshund Dog Licking Me

      by , 12-03-2013 at 06:56 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Eating a Green Apple Flavored Popsicle (DILD)


      I don't know where in the world I had lucidity, but the experience was so real that it just felt really out of place compared to waking life. And this dream probably occurred after the one I had where I was inside of a room where I was probably doing jury duty or something.

      I'm hanging around with some male child, and I believe I'm with one or two more individuals about my age or much older as well. It seems that we're preparing to go to an ice cream truck, and it definitely feels as if this dream initiated after the weird jury duty related dream.

      It seems that we're at an area that is close to a forest that would be fairly difficult to traverse through, and although I didn't pay attention anything beyond my horizon for too long, it was clear things were a bit foggy. I was standing on dark brown dirt and could hear the small cackling, snapping, and grinding sounds of the surface as well.

      Me and the 1-2 people along with the random child proceeded to the ice cream truck, and the person inside the vehicle immediately prepared ice-cold popsicles for us to have. I think it was for free as well, and we all ended up eating green apple flavored popsicles for some reason.

      I don't know how I came to the conclusion that it was green apple since I could barely manage getting anything with my taste buds within this dream. Either it was a random association with something I heard on television with green apples helping with claustrophobia, or something else entirely. It seems I was quick to finish the Popsicle and probably managed to eat it all in maybe 3-5 bites.

      I guess brain freeze is non-existent, and I guess if it were to occur in the dream, it would just be a psychosomatic experience. After that,
      recall of anything else after that is a bit blurry and too difficult to extend on.


      Random Jury Duty (DILD)


      Throughout the dream, I seemed to have went through random climbing with boxes and trying to reach edges of higher flooring that had 3 feet of space between us.

      It felt like this area was fairly busy with random dream characters, and I managed to see one entity that looked like an individual I met at a wedding one time. She seemed to represent her waking life counterpart fairly well, and I recall she was looking up at me for a few seconds before going about her separate way.

      The boxes I was climbing on top of seemed to be fairly heavy in order to actually stay solid and firm. They looked like regular office boxes with the base with a U-shaped edge loop on the two sides or something. After having constant struggling with trying to get to the higher edge flooring safely, I decided to call it quits and resorted to asking random dream characters.

      I managed to encounter a dream character that looked like the boyfriend of the same female I mentioned above me. It's abbreviate him as "Rl." He was wearing a gray suit with a yellow dress shirt and a red and black striped tie going diagonally from the top right to bottom left along with gray dress pants. He has dark brown shoes as well, probably lace-less, but I didn't bother to pay attention to his feet for too long.

      I asked him a question on where I could find a particular individual/room/event/etc., I can't really pinpoint my actual query unfortunately. He started to point in some directions and informed me I could start by going up the sloped floor that was about 30 feet away from us. I leave, but I'm not sure if I said thanks to him, and proceeded to go up the slope.

      Seemed I had another fiasco with finding where the hell I was trying to get to in the first place. Seemed pretty futile asking questions for a place when all the dream character does is pointing you in one direction and not giving a detailed set of information. The overall environment for the dream was fairly bland with walls consisting of milk turquoise textured painting and regular gray floors.

      After going around like a headless chicken, I miraculously found some area I felt I was "supposed" to arrive at. At this point, it felt like it was a jury duty in a regular high corporation office. I'm not sure when I was lucid, but the
      cluster of emotions ranging from anxiousness, feeling rushed, worried on the arrival for another dream character and such made me lucid at some point.

      I wasn't fully aware of my body moving, I just seemed to shift my awareness towards the head focal region and just scanned the area. I was waiting for a certain dream character that presumably is a doctor of some sort. It seemed that they were arriving pretty late, and it seemed that they were most likely important for whatever event was occurring in here.

      The room itself had a seating format where it would be a | _ | arrangement. Imagine that same format flipped over the Y-axis. Now imagine me on the left side sitting down looking down towards nothingness with the flooring desperately wondering if the random doctor dream character would show up.

      Eventually, I see an individual in a white coat and presumed that was the doctor. I believe he was a Black male that looked oddly familiar to a character from the "Meet the Browns" television sitcom (or lame-com) that was one of the main characters and a doctor. He was holding a document in his hand, and it didn't seem like he had a lot of information contained in it other than a dark gray piece of paper in between the manila folder.

      After that, I had a sigh of relief, though I never contemplated why in the world I would be relieved to know a random doctor showed up. Either way, whatever happen, if this was even a jury duty in the first place, happened.

      I can't remember anything else after that.

      Cheerleaders, Guards, and a Black Dachshund Licking Me (DILD)


      Wow, I guess all those hours of militant image streaming training is starting to help tremendously with the dream recall and filling in the gaps that would've taken longer just to recall decently. I thought I wouldn't be able to devote so much time into recall this, but it seems my mind is connecting things at a faster rate, which is always good I guess.

      It's getting easier to know when I'm lucid now, which is another bonus, but even though I did at least 20+ hours image streaming, I might have to push it more in the near future if I ever get as much time. Or maybe I can just go back one hour of image streaming a day instead of doing like 3 hours one day and 1 hour the next, and then nothing for a few months.

      I'm outside with a group of people, one of which resembled one of my close relatives. It seems that there was some kind of rush built up throughout the dream, as if I wanted to start a raid that would descend into some short metaphorical adventure into exploring deeper into my mind.

      I believe I'm wearing some type of milky cool colored dress shirt that was most likely blue or something of that nature along with a dark vanilla suit and dress pants. I also was wearing a light brown shoes with a yellow rubbery sole texture on the bottom as well.

      The environment surrounding me was a mix of two High Schools that I used to go to. The ground itself consisted of a light gray color, but the sky above me seemed to have some sort of ambient lighting to it that made it look a bit more of a very milky and light violet color.

      It was very spacious, and I there were all sorts of structures surrounding me that I didn't bother to absorb them into my perception in great detail. What was about 30-40 feet away from me was a building where the front had a series of glass blocks. There was double glass door with light gray metal bars for the door handle to push in, and the tint of the glasses consisted of a dark brown color.

      The individual that accurately resembled a close relative of mine was wearing a simple black shirt along with Khaki-colored long pants that was a little baggy around the knee and ankle regions. He's wearing a pair of glasses and has a hairstyle that looks exactly like what my relative would conform to if he got a haircut.

      The hairline makes an "M" shape that's more rounded and spread out which leaves a pretty large gap around his forehead. I forget what color the shoes he's wearing, but I'm presuming he's wearing something similar to mine.

      I get closer and closer to the double glass doors and pushed them in an aggressive manner and I heard the clashing sounds of the small metal gears opening the door. The area inside was pretty dark, but in the dream setting, it seems it was early morning I believe.

      It was easy to spot some backlight that was probably 100-200 feet away from my current position within this school building. The area I'm at looked like a cafeteria similar to what the two High school had the same model for.

      It was very spacious, and continued to become more spacious the more I paid close attention to the environment with peripheral vision. There's some weird dark brown atmospheric overlay as well that adds on to the darkness in the middle of the cafeteria that was fairly empty.

      In front of me were a group of females that looked as if they were practicing some choreographed moves for cheerleading or for some kind of dance squad. There were about two females that I was able to identify on the spot without actually having to pay attention to their visage in extreme detail.

      The contours of their face had an immediate association to the ones I had some interaction with in waking life in the past. The first contour was one of a Black female that was probably around the age of 16-17, at least based on her body composition alone. I'll just label her as "Chels" for the sake of anonymity.

      She had the same radiant personality she used to exhibit to others in general, and the second person that I recalled was a blonde female. Since her name is a bit shorter than the previous, I'll just label her as "Sarah."

      She had the same hairstyle as her waking life counterpart, where most of her hair was bundled up into a ball. Then there were regions of her hair that were spread out and had a tangle, wavy, and spiraling effect at the bevels of the ball's curvature.

      Other than those two, the rest seemed to have a very opaque composition, almost to the point of being pure silhouettes. It was almost as if they barely had life in them, and I wonder as I'm recalling this why I wouldn't be able to identify the other visages except for the two noticeable ones when I was probably a sophomore or junior in High School.

      The cheerleaders or dance squad seemed to be performing very mechanically, almost to near perfection with synching, though this was all presumed based with a mix of peripheral and 360 vision that's fairly difficult to articulate properly into words.

      I believe there's a series of light brown cardboard boxes that were flattened and spread out and most likely taped to the floor as some kind of cheap dancing pad for them to practice on. The floor itself consisted of a weird milky mix of light pink with a barely noticeable overlay of light milky violet as well.

      The tiling for the floor consisted of maybe 3x3 inch squares that were separated with black lines that had a few inches depth to it as well, which adds on to how it matched perfectly with the sounds of footsteps and echoing as well.

      Now, let's focus back to my perspective of being filled with a cluster of emotions in relation to adrenaline, passive-aggressiveness (somewhat), and just a few seconds from a monumental rage that would end off anticlimactically with submissiveness.

      I asked the blonde female Sarah a general question in a fairly rushed and aggressive tonality on whether or not if I could proceed further into the building. She immediately shifts her awareness to me and makes a head motion for "No." I believe she was saying something after doing so, but by then, my emotional responses were so quick that I ended up drowning out my auditory awareness of her voice tremendously.

      I was already in rage and started to scream abruptly which ended up with the room being in complete silence for a while. As I'm reaching the apex of the scream, the same relative I mentioned before seemed to have an expression that seemed intimidated or irritated slightly from the scream.

      To the right of me at about 20-30 feet away from me would be a small set of stairs that would lead to a slightly higher flooring that would be maybe 3-4 feet tall. There were metal bars that were spaced out 6-10 feet wide and had a weird contour where the pole on the top region would go straight up, horizontal, diagonal to be parallel to the small set of stairs, and then downwards to the lower floor.

      I make a power walk towards the stairs while sustaining the weird cluster of emotions, and then I noticed that my close relative started to get ahead of me. He proceeded to the top of the stairs and scanned left and right.

      He seemed to have been paralyzed for a few seconds, and I wondered what was going on. He ended up turning to his right and trying to make a dash towards some area. Most likely the other set of double doors presuming this dream modeled the two High Schools to exact specifications in generalizations.

      I could sense there were going to be a group of individuals where a huge column to my left was blocking me from visualizing. That column and the rest had the similar color of the tile flooring inside the building as well, and for some odd reason, my emotions shifted abruptly.

      From the auditory awareness of a group of men yelling at the dream character that resembled my close relative, I decided to prepare for an immediate surrender. I probably even had a mental rendering within the dream of how it would turn out to be as well, which just added on to me promptly lowering my body slowly while having my hands up.

      Sustaining the 360 vision while having my back facing the set of dream characters that would eventually find me, I paid attention to their details. They were fairly bland and dull for the visage aspect and had a default clothes setting of black shirt and black long pants. I believe there was a white font across their chests, but I can't recall what was stated specifically.

      And as I'm continuing my descent to the floor, I'm finally down on my knees and end up lying down on my stomach. At this point, this is where things started to get really awkward. I have my hands placed on my back and the top of my rear waiting for the guards to do whatever they needed to do since we seemed to have been intruders.

      But it doesn't seem they're coming in my direction, and were probably busy taking care of the relative of mine that probably escaped already. In the meantime while I'm still lying down on the floor, a random Black Dachshund dog appears on my right side.

      I found myself in a fairly awkward position where I was worried that this dog would probably maul my entire face off or something. Fortunately, it seemed the dog had a liking for me and ended up just licking the right side of my ear and face occasionally while looking up.

      I wanted to look up to see what it was looking at, but I was paying more attention in making sure the dog wouldn't do something random and change its demeanor from friendly to rip-your-face-off. I could feel the body head for the dog as well, and I could tell that out of all the dream characters within this dream, this dog had more lively nature to it.

      It's almost as if I could feel its tail wagging and breathing to some extend compared to the lifeless and air-filled dream characters around me. After a while, I can't recall what happened next because things ended in a blur.

      There was probably a dream shift where I was captured and in a different location, but that's all I remember unfortunately.
    3. Frost Dragon Bones in a Lecture? Casino (Possible Shared Attempt to find Alyzarin?), Dog Pooping

      by , 05-29-2012 at 05:57 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Frost Dragon Bones in a Lecture? (Non-lucid)


      Okay, this dream was completely associated with me playing Runescape late at night trying to do Fight Kiln with only a Unicorn and three Saradomin Brew Flasks (6 doses).

      Horrible move. Not only did do well with getting my ass handed to me, but still come out smelling like roses until wave 20 (there's 37 waves in total), I also managed to barely survive....and then I fucking realized I had two invulnerability crystals, but I didn't use them AT ALL, I decided to ignore them against the Jad on Wave 20....LOL.

      Anyway, on to the dream, since I actually remember a few!

      All right, I'm in a lecture room, and it seems I'm a little early. Go me for being goody two shoes and going to lecture rooms early!

      There are a lot of dream characters that look familiar to me. There was one that stood out to me, and the other was just a random person I didn't even know about.

      Both were blonde, what is my obessesion with blondes man? Anyway, while more people were getting inside the lecture room, for some reason, I decided to cover myself in pink cloth.

      Now get this, I.....for some reason I can feel every sensation as I'm pulling the pink cloth over my face and body. What's funny is that I could still see perfectly fine, it's like I didn't even have a pink cloth over me.

      What kind of logic is this?!?!?!? As I'm randomly looking at people (and I think I turned my back around or probably somehow to turn my whole body completely), I finally turn back in front of the screen.

      I look to my left, and I see another blonde girl in the same row as me. She looked nerdy, had glasses, blue or green eyes, wearing a light swamp-ish green sweater, and a long Khaki/beige skirt/dress that probably went all the wait down a few inches past her knees.

      She was looking at me for a while, and it was hard if she was spacing out and forgot that she was looking at me, or if she was just confident with herself and didn't care if I saw her.

      I look at her the whole time, see her glance away by looking on the floor in the row she's in, and then she looks at me again.


      Glasses, Khaki/Beige skirt/dress, and blonde?


      Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, didn't even look close to her, she was honestly not someone with any kind of sex appeal.

      I wonder if she was dressed like that on purpose or something....oh well.

      Apparently, students are doing presentations, and I think I was starting with mine, seeing as when the dream shifts, I had to pick up this miniature sized Frost Dragon bone on the long desk.

      The bone was a transparent and cyan object, and I'm not sure I even picked it up, but I was done with my presentation....but I don't remember even saying anything....

      Anyway, the boyfriend of this other blonde girl that caught my eye, let's call her Sammy, goes up for his presentation.

      I honestly don't know how a beautiful girl like her would be going out with someone below average....maybe she wants someone lower on the attractive spectrum to be loyal to her.


      Sorry, being a little too cocky there.

      I honestly thought this guy was going to give a horrible presentation, the way his face was, his hair, I think I compared him to myself too much. I probably was jealous because he had a cute girlfriend, and I probably wanted her to be my girlfriend in the dream.

      Don't try to steal another man's girlfriend Link......

      As I'm moving out of the way for him to get ready with his presentation,

      He actually knows his stuff, and he's talking about Beetles, not The Beetles, BEETLES, insects. I don't know if he's pulling out these terms out of his ass or something, but he knows his stuff! At least he sounded smart, because that seems to be the only way to scare a few people who have to do presentations after as well.

      Casino (Possible Shared Dreaming Attempt to find Alyzarin?) (Non-lucid)


      Ah...despite my horrible recall from this dream, it felt kind of cool being in a Casino.

      Lol, as I was in the middle of typing this, apparently, Alyzarin had a dream where she owed someone money.....I wonder if this could've been a potential shared dreaming attempt that my non-lucid state seems to do at random times.

      Anyway, I think took the body of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop, or at least, had the voice of him (if I could imitate his voice, he'd be the only accent I would use in waking life, just an awesome voice to have! Cam Clarke doing Kratos' voice in Tales of Vesperia would come in a close tie or second).

      But let's just assume I'm me in the dream, body and all. I'm in an apartment, and there's a few people in the room, but I can't remember if I interacted with them, or just tried to blend in the crowd. It seemed I had a goal in mind, but I don't know what exactly.

      I decided to go to a door, open it slowly, and peek through to my right to see there's a few guys in Black Suits and fully armed.


      Close the door quickly!

      Nothing happens.


      Open the door slowly again, seeing as they aren't out to randomly shoot whatever door pops up, which saves me the trouble of killing people not out to get anyone.

      Guess I should give myself a pat on the back for not actually killing someone randomly!

      I walk casually upstairs, and I finally get on the top floor to see that these guys kind looked like Bouncers, in a way, just armed.

      It seems I had a Gun Belt attached to my body, along with suspenders for the belt. So the gun that was contained in the case of the gun belt was actually on the sides of my torso region.

      I'd expect the armed Bouncer guys to be a little more serious, because I have a gun, and I could've just decided to shoot all of them at once, but again, I probably would've been riddled with bullets if I did try to.

      They were surprisingly calm, very calm, it almost scared me to the point where I thought this thing could be staged.

      Anyway, I put my hands up in that position where someone would tell you "Freeze!", but they didn't say anything, I just decided to be smart and raise them up.

      In fact, I was surprisingly calm as well.

      When Dreamprofesser saw me in a dream one time, he said I had a very calm personality...

      Hm....I wonder if I was watching my non-lucid state that has all sorts of behavior was exhibiting this quality for a good reason, or I'm probably just over-analyzing things again...probably the latter.

      I guess you could say I had the calming personality because I wasn't afraid to die or something. They take my gun, and they give me the OK the go inside this Casino section.

      The floor was green, carpet green, classic color for a Casino. I see some poker chips on a few tables as well. And from this point, I don't really remember anything else other than being inside a mini Casino.

      After going through those bouncers, I felt a huge load of stress coming off, and I guess I spent the time playing around in a Casino.

      But I don't think I would be the type to do gambling, I willing to put down some money to say my non-lucid state was looking for Alyzarin, since she remembered being at a casino/water park-ish area as well.

      Lol. I just contradicted my statement of not gambling, when I'm betting that this was a possible shared dream attempt.


      Dog Pooping (Non-lucid)


      I don't want to go into much detail here....I'm in an area that looks a lot like College Station, and as I'm getting closer to an intersection, there are a few cars waiting for who got to the stop sign first before moving.

      This made it awkward for me, so to prevent myself from going at the wrong time, I sat down near the end of the sidewalk, and pretended I had something to do until the small traffic cleared up.

      LMAO....Socially Awkward Penguin trait right there...

      I shift myself to the right, because I found myself realizing I was blocking a walk way for people to pass by. But the sidewalk was wide enough for me not being a barricade though. Guess I just did it out of Courtesy.

      I feel that there going to be some people passing by me, and I was right. It was just a random group of older teenagers, and one girl was holding a dog.

      It looked like those Dachshund dogs, or the Sausage dog .

      The girl has the dog contained around her left arm, as if she made a circular gap with her arm for it rest in between.

      It started taking a shit, and I'm walking behind them as well.

      Come on woman, put the dog down and let it do its business instead of messing up the sidewalks!

      I didn't want to say anything, I just spend the time trying to dodge the dog pooping at random areas on the sidewalk.
