Dog Dissipates Into Puddle, She's Bagging Thin Air & I'm Being Asked Dating Advice
, 01-19-2016 at 06:15 PM (967 Views)
14.01.2016Dog Dissipates Into Puddle (DILD)
The atmosphere entails that it’s early morning, or the afternoon that’s shrouded with clouds. There’s an overlay of orange everywhere around me, and everything feels so clean and nice outside.
It’s raining, and there’s a black dog with large quantities of fur that’s stuck in a puddle. I try to save it, but it somehow dissipates into the puddle. For reasons unknown, I’m breaking a banana once, and then again after the event. I think I was grieving for the loss of the dog transiently, and I shift my focus on the next driveway that looks like a place that I currently reside in.
I see three Hispanic entities that come out of nowhere, and I follow them.
14.01.2016She's Bagging Thin Air & Being Asked Dating Advice (DILD)
So, another dream of the girl that I’ll nickname ShaP. She’s glancing at me when I’m not, and then said glancing isn’t contingent on that anymore. She’s bagging for a bit, but isn’t really touching anything. Then, another girl that looks like AngeliT asks me for dating advice.