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    1. Getting some Dream Recall

      by , 04-14-2012 at 01:26 PM
      April 14, 2012

      Wrote my affirmation before bed in my dream journal: I remember and record my dreams upon waking.

      [I woke several times from about 3am onward. Several dreams woke me, but I moved, and like smoke, the dream vanished. I figured out that I had to say something to bring myself into a waking stating so that I could remember and write. A few other times, I simply fell back to sleep. ;P After a few times of waking and not remembering once I moved, I decided to speak aloud and mentally recall my affirmation.]

      1. A man I knew from High School was sitting on front porch steps with his Norwegian ex-wife and their daughter. She was very pretty - fair haired, light blue eyes, clear complexion. They were getting their picture taken and kept switching places.

      -back to sleep-

      2. [This one almost slipped away] Something about a guy. I was telling him to do something. I woke up and remembered what I told him and what we were doing - then I moved and forgot.

      -back to sleep-

      3. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - an avalanche occurred and the eldest brother was taking the captured women back home. (I watched this movie the previous night.)

      back to sleep-

      4. Saw the Earth from space. Watched the Earth rotate. It was so beautiful and blue. Saw space...blackness.

      -back to sleep-

      5. I was in a hospital and I was giving an RN something (I knew as soon as I woke but as I moved to record this I forgot). She asked me, "Got anything new?" (Seriously? I give you a gift and you ask for something else?)

      -back to sleep-

      6. Someone [name was not even in my dream] on this forum was pointing to the dates in my older entries and saying, "Aren't you gonna have some new ones?" It was in a critical way.


      Side note: I'm not sure if this is just how dream recall develops as it's been so long, or whether my affirmation needs tweaking? Because waking about every 20 minutes to half hour was really annoying!
    2. More Affirmations

      by , 04-13-2012 at 03:04 PM
      April 13, 2012
      Last night, I wrote my affirmation: I remember my dreams vividly and recall them in detail when I wake.

      Then, I drew a line beneath the affirmation, read for a while, and before I fell asleep I repeated the affirmation.

      It seems I forgot to clue my subconscious in on a few things:

      1. I need to actually write the dream down.
      2. -or maybe this should be #1 - I need to stay awake long enough to do #1.


      I woke several times during the night and I KNOW each time I woke it was because I had a dream. I remembered the dream when I woke .... BUT...I rolled right over and went back to sleep.

      Tonight, I will adjust the affirmation to INCLUDE staying awake to record the dream.