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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #252 - Airport / Plane

      by , 06-30-2016 at 08:49 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I remember it was night and me, my friend Lajja and some other guy were hanging out. I had flown to Wellington in order to hang out with her, we were all going to fly back to Auckland tomorrow.
      I woke up in the morning and there was some issue with the flight, like Lajja had forgotten to book her tickets or we missed the plane. We have to go and get new tickets, I'm not really stressed about any of this though. We're in the waiting room which is split in two by a set of folding shutter doors. I sit in the second room while everyone else sits in the first room. I think I did it because it was quieter? The air hostess comes to tell the next few people to proceed, this happens a couple times but not once does she alert the 2nd room. I'm aware she's not doing this, the first time it happens I opened up the shutter doors a bit so she wouldn't ignore it. The 2nd time she still ignores it, so I pull the doors open all the way... The 3rd time she does it again, fucks sake. I just get up and head out instead of waiting, telling myself to just go ahead since Lajja and the other guy went with the hostess the 3rd time. I see them down on the floor below, connected to my floor by a set of escalators. Lajja and the guy are holding hands for some reason, I find this weird since they're not dating and Lajja has a boyfriend already. I head down to meet them and ask if they got the tickets, the guy says "Oh yeh, but uhh whoops I forgot yours, sorry mate". I instantly pick up that he did it on purpose, he's trying to sit alone with Lajja on the plane. I have to go buy my own ticket now.

      I'm on board of a plane, it's a sort of continuation from the last dream (though I definitely recall waking up between them). The plane is quite small with 1 or 2 seats on either side of the walkway. My dad is on the plane next to me or in front of me, we're talking and I briefly look away from him mid-conversation. When I look back at him it's my mum instead. What the...? I'm a bit confused, wasn't I just talking to my dad? Or maybe it was my mum.. Everything feels real, I decide that 'maybe' it's a dream (although I don't even feel like it is). I do a reality check and it succeeds much to my surprise. I stand up and try to stabilise, recalling some advice about making the most of lucids by maximising lucidity and awareness. My mind is a bit chaotic though... I try to force the lucidity to the max and it sort of works but the dream isn't very stable. I can tell because it was bright at first and the world was gradually getting darker and darker. I'm in my flat room now, kind of feels like everything is spinning. I try to escape the room, thinking that maybe moving and engaging the dream will help extend it. I fly out through the window but end up awake. Crap. I do a reality check and succeed, I guess I just had a false awakening. I'm in my bed, I clamber out of it and I'm wearing heaps of clothes which are a bit restricting, it's quite dark and getting darker... I wake up for real.
    2. #191 - flat street

      by , 01-21-2016 at 12:10 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream - Flat street
      It was night time and I'm I'm walking out of a party with some people, the street we're on is the typical student flatting area. I remember seeing some random person driving a car. The person was obviously drunk as hell as they couldn't park their car, she was just ramming it backward into another car, then forward into a tree. Over and over and over O_O. Me and the people I was with crossed the road to get to a house on the other side (I think we were going to another party). As I made my way across, the drunk driver ran me over :/ I knew that this had to be a dream since I was semi-awakened from the shock. But it just didn't stop and I couldn't feel the pressure, discomfort and pain from this 4WD ute running me over. It really felt horrible, but I managed to shake myself awake in the end.
    3. #188 - Mission Possible

      by , 01-16-2016 at 08:09 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      In retrospect the whole idea of this dream just cracks me up

      Dream - Mission Possible
      It's day time and I'm outside the school building with 2 friends (one of them is Matt). We're being very sneaky, we're on a mission given to all students to form small groups and obtain a bunch of certain items. We're down to the last item: a can of tuna from the school fridge! Ever so sneakily we walk down a gravel path between two buildings, the building we need to infiltrate is the one on the left. I turn back to see my companions, then looking ahead I see a person suddenly round the corner. My heart skips a beat, OH **** is it a teacher?!?!? Nope it's a student, phew. I ask him something and he tells us there's no point in sneaking, we can literally just walk in there and take the can of tuna. Hmm, I think about his for a second...
      Of course you can just walk in there... Why would the teachers guard a fridge stocked with tuna . We casually continue now, and turn left and walk through the front door of the building. Honestly this place just resembles a 2 story red brick flat, there's nothing school-like about it. It's absolute chaos in here as students are cramming to get by the fridge which is rapidly being depleted of tuna cans. There's 2 types of tuna containers in there, one is a can and the other is plastic, we can only succeed with the can variety. My 2 companions stop to take their shoes off since that's apparently what you're supposed to do. I realize that the cans are almost gone though and decide to rebel a little I keep my shoes on and walk straight to the room with the fridge. There's a girl in front of me who gets one of the last cans, I ask her if she can see any more in there and she kindly looks for me. She grabs one at the back and hands me it, while continuing to search for some other people too. The dream gets a bit distorted now as my daughter is now one of my companions, I stoop down to let her hold onto 2 of the cans of plastic tuna (which I didn't actually pick up in the first place) since she wanted to help. In her own words "I can do it myshwelf" so cute.
    4. #128 - just one dream recalled...

      by , 10-13-2015 at 09:53 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      I tried a new dream journal app on my phone and it turns out that it's a bastard because it only stores one dream entry per day. So I lost my other dreams and can't recall them either. I tried to SSILD last night but it was pretty ineffective as I just couldn't focus through the cycles, was still way too fatigued.

      Dream - Girlfriend and daughter
      I seem to be in my flat (this is pretty rare, I don't usually have dreams about my flat) and in my bed, just lying down with my laptop out messaging my girlfriend on skype. We send pictures and are just chilling out. She tells me that I should probably break up with her because another guy groped her against her will. I'm pretty shocked, but I tell her that I want to punch that guy and I wouldn't break up with her over that since she stopped him. The situation was that actually she had a sticker on her ass and she asked her friend to help get it off (it was a girl), and then the guy kind of swooped in on the situation. I told her not to let it happen again because it makes me worry when I'm so far away (we study at different universities). I also realize that as I typed it out to her, I actually sent it through text instead of skype. I had been a little disoriented by the whole 'break up with me' message I guess . I return to the skype conversation and see she has replied to my message, I tell her that I goofed up and sent the message before through text (not that it mattered). We continue talking I think, but I also think I start looking at old photos and videos of her. There were random pictures of her in a bikini, another where she had a real hairy stomach (this one I tried to ignore lol ). There were even some where she was posing on the bed . A video also started playing, it was one where I think I was videoing Arya playing with her mum and grandparents. They all charged at Arya and made a sort of dog pile and Arya loved it, she was giggling lots. Then I flick to another video where we're on a beach, my girlfriend looked really pretty. It seemed to be a grey day, and the wind was blowing a bit hard. We were climbing along the wave-cut platform of rocks, the video seemed to follow her (non-existent-in-real-life) cousin, I think she was 10ish?
    5. #101 - lucid, I climbed out of my window

      by , 07-27-2015 at 07:19 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      I managed to get lucid last night, not a great deal happened as it was my first real attempt in a long time. I get out of my bed and think 'hey, this is a dream' despite the fact that I was in my room and in my bed with nothing out of the ordinary. I'm actually a little skeptical, like maybe I sleep-walked out of my window? But surely not... Anyways, I decide to go outside which proved pretty easy, I clambered out and walked down the path towards the clothing-line. As I do this I decide to do a reality check, I was still so skeptical of the dream... I bring up the palm of my right hand and push a finger into it, my skin stretches in the way it shouldn't
      "So it IS a dream..." I thought to myself
      A few seconds later I decide that I had to make sure though, and redid the reality check, this time pushing even harder to be certain that it wasn't just my eyes playing tricks on me while I was in a sleepy state. Raising my right hand, I push my finger straight through it. Deciding this was convincing enough I think of a dream goal, I knew that I had one but I couldn't recall it... I think of trying to see that girl again but decide that it isn't the RIGHT dream goal, but before I can think of anything else
      I wake up.

      Not bad for a lucid, it feels so much more natural now compared to when I started... Like I know right buttons to push on a playstation game to get a cheat to work . Now I need to focus on clarity and stability in these lucids, along with overall recall.
      Tags: bedroom, flat, lucid
    6. #83 - Another unexpected lucid

      by , 04-13-2015 at 08:20 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream - Another unexpected lucid
      I've recently acquired a new surfboard and wetsuit, which is true in both my dream and real life. I'm in my flat and I see my flatmate Oliver scoot out the door in his own wetsuit with a surfboard (he doesn't have them IRL), it seems that he acquired a surfboard after me and is going to test-drive his surfboard before I've tested mine (been too busy sadly ). I decide that I'll meet him at the beach since it's a nice day, I head there and he's absolutely ripping it up - except instead of it being Oliver it's my friend Isaac... I don't notice the transition though. The cut of his board suits his skill level and the wave types there... But my surfboard isn't quite right, I'm having a hard time paddling and can't turn properly, I swim about for a while but the tide is starting to come in (which, where I live, can be a predicament as it comes right up to the wall which would suck to smash into...). I climb up a hill to rest and at the the top there's a slooty bar with a name in glowing red neon, can't recall the name though >_<. I look down and see Isaac leaving, for some reason I think to myself it might be a dream, which my rational says "No way man, this is so realistic, there's no way it's a dream!". I do a reality check anyways, pushing my finger through my hand, it goes through but I'm not convinced... I decide to try something NEW, something that can only be done in a dream. I put my hands in front of me separated with my fingers splayed and curving. I turn them to face each other, finger tips an inch apart, then try to summon electricity. Sparking occurs, stretching between the tips of my fingers from one hand to the other crackling with energy.

      "Hmmm... Okay, I'm convinced, this is a dream" I narrate to myself, the dreamworld around me so convincing that I'm still not so sure. The reality of lucidity doesn't quite dawn on me, I don't really DO anything except follow the dream normally, never truly being in contro
      l. At some point I actually lose lucidity and continue on oblivious, which leads to a situation where I'm swimming with friends and we need to get out the water for some reason. Oh well.

      Note: 4th lucid dream recently that has been unexpected, might be related to simple breathing meditation I randomly did before going to sleep - which I primarily did just so I could slow down my racing thoughts and focus on a 'day-dream' to help myself fall asleep.
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. #72 - School bus trip, Kissed at high school, Some kind of false awakening

      by , 03-04-2015 at 09:51 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1
      So I think I was on bus and we stopped off at this care centre, I left my bag on the bus since we were supposed to get back on in 10 minutes. I went inside and something happened (forgot this detail) where I couldn't really continue on with everyone else to the next stop, it was related to me not being able to hear (My hearing aids have both just broken in real life). Instead, a lady asks if I want to help out and entertain some of the old people at the care centre, I accept (in a nonchalant manner) but I need to change my clothes first (my clothes got dirty somehow). I head back to the bus as it's preparing to leave, but my lack of hearing makes communicating difficult and I ask my friend Matt to help me out. He kind of just ignores me at first, then it's like he's being a jerk or trying to be funny and the whole thing is out of character. The starts to leave and drive down the road and I start to feel helpless.

      Dream 2
      In my old high school there was a circular brick wall about 40cm high with a pohutuawa tree in the middle surrounded by a bark surface. I was sitting on the bricks and it seemed to be during lunch time, a friend was next to me too. I noticed two girls who were approaching, they were my close friends mikayla and kashifa. We hugged and said hello and then kissed each other on the forehead for some reason... Next thing I know, the bell has rung and we're all heading off to our next classes. My friend who was sitting next to me is crawling on the ground and now there's a feeling like we're in primary school, and some people around him are saying "Wow that's weird what's he doing".

      Possibly a dream but not sure 3
      So I had kind of woken up, I'm currently sick with a head cold and I got really disorientated. I was drifting sleepily and kind of falling back asleep but waking up, and I must have dozed off for a few minutes... I thought that my gf and daughter were in the house and that I had forgotten where my daughter was, and I got really panicky since I don't think she was in the her cot. It was dark and I tried to get up to turn the light on, and then I woke up and opened my eyes -.- so false awakening?