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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. #236 - Bad recall

      by , 04-29-2016 at 09:36 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Finished my first week at work, ended up sleeping heavily this morning.

      Dream fragments
      -Something about a cellphone
      -A party, my friend Sam is there and I greet him

      I figured writing something up is better than nothing, even though it's some pretty terribad recall O_O.
      Tags: cellphone, party, sam
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. #229 - Dream fragments

      by , 04-14-2016 at 12:57 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream fragments
      1- I remember being outside my house on the lawn, we just seeded the ground with new grass seeds IRL so the whole thing is actually just a wasteland of dirt currently. In my dream me and a friend had just walked there and all the grass was fully grown. It looked really cool and I was actually pretty happy with the results.

      2- I remember being on a stage where we were doing a play, the stage was lit and the audience area was completely dark. I apparently hadn't spend much time studying my lines, why would not study them? I was annoyed that I hadn't made better use of my time preparing for this.
      Tags: acting, grass, home, play
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. #195 - Oh god I waited too long to write this..

      by , 01-28-2016 at 08:53 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Elf + giant?
      Elf + giant, transform during drought. They're farmers, the giant is a blonde girl. Moving out, building dream lake house (future). Some kind of dark evil re-awakens..
      Okay so this directly what I wrote down during the night. I think it was night time in the dream with a grassy landscape dotted with some trees. I moved out towards a lake area and began constructing a 'dream house' in my mind, thinking about how I'd like it. But this occurs more than once hence the 'future' remark, indicating that the scene occurred twice. Once was when I visited and saw the house, the other happened after when I returned to the present tense to imagine the dream house that would be there in the future. I can't recall anything about the elf and giant though...

      Dream 2 - Rocky Balboa
      Rocky training, wine?
      Okay so this was pretty vague... I watched the first Rocky movie and the dream was influenced by it, I had a 'training montage' where I was seeing Rocky Balboa training or something. Then I think I was drinking wine?

      I think this was 3 days ago?
    4. #196 - Firefly

      by , 01-28-2016 at 08:52 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream - Firefly
      Spaceship, firefly, fight
      So once again I was pretty slow writing this up. I think this was 2 days ago? I was watching the TV series called Firefly to distract myself from the pain in my mouth . I think I was on a space ship (probably the Firefly) and I think I remember being in the hall, the floor was metal grate. There was a fight and someone was lying on the ground in a protective suit for armed forces.

      Dream fragment - Braces
      I just remember having a fragment about me wearing braces in my mouth, ouch.
    5. #180 - Bus crash

      by , 12-13-2015 at 08:35 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC1) 02:12 (my alarm had been going off for about 10 minutes)
      I don't remember anything except waking up planning in my head and talking to myself in my head about a book I was reading.

      SC5) 06:39
      Dream - Bus crash
      I'm on a bus driving around, it's a double decker with an open roof. I'm on the roof at the front and it seems like the driver is struggling to get through the narrow roads. Why is it so narrow? There are parked cars on both side of the road and the road narrows even more at an upcoming pedestrian crossing. The bus shakily goes forward and clips a car, then it scrapes through the pedestrian crossing. The other passengers are students like me, they all snicker at how the bus driver hit something. The bus made it out okay and starts heading downhill but it's veering from side to side and I feel like it's going to capsize. *Bang*, it collapses over and I smoothly hit the ground running. Glass shoots up everywhere, some of it gets in my mouth but it melts like ice. I think about spitting it out but it's just ice so it doesn't matter. Some of the other students go and start crossing the road, hmm good idea. We might as well keep going. There's a bus at a bus stop on the other side of the road that few of us get onto, I pay with a $2 coin I think.
      Hmmm? My mate got onto the second bus behind us, as my bus starts moving I decide to run out the door just as it closes, Indiana Jones style. I run and leap, landing in the doorway of the next bus as it starts off too. Oh, my friend is asleep >_< what a waste. The other students look at me and I consider where I should sit since there isn't any space next to my mate. The bus driver is a lady who is crippled from the waist down and sits in a wheel chair. She looks at me and I get the impression she doesn't mind that I haven't paid because she knows I paid to get onto the bus in front of us.

      Had some intense body fatigue yesterday from exercising too much during the previous few days, it seemed to really affect my recall. I felt like I barely dreamed last night as my body was spending more time restoring itself. I slept like a brick
    6. #179 - Trainer / Starry sky / Hiking in the bush

      by , 12-12-2015 at 10:01 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC1) 02:12
      Dream fragment - I remember having some images flash through my mind but I couldn't tell what they were properly.. Maybe something about being in the woods, perhaps a pine forest?

      SC2) 04:14
      Dream 1 - Trainer
      I'm in a barren place which is somewhat dark due to the heavily overcast sky. In the distance there is a person who is my trainer or friend and I can zoom in and out of him. I zoom in and adjust my workout routine then zoom back out. I think something happens and I need to adjust it again so I zoom back in and out. I know I'm dreaming as I'm doing all this and I feel like it's an nREM dream.

      Dream experience: 0 (pretty lame)
      Dream awareness: 3 (even lower than the second dream but still lucid)

      SC3) 05:18
      Dream 2 - Starry sky
      I was in a dark and barren place at night again, I think somewhere nearby there was a lone petrol station by a road. It was like I was in the desert or something. I become lucid and realize that there's no way to control this dream so I decided to try and enjoy what was already happening. I look up into the sky and see a beautiful starry sky behind clouds of violet and orange, as if the clouds themselves were ascending to become nebulas in our solar system. I felt my body just start fling around backwards and all over the place while I was looking up, the world was spinning around me. I could feel the wind on my body as this was happening, and I noticed my vision grow dim and the sky seemed to fade away. I then focused on the wind tingling against my body, it was so sharp and vivid that when I focused on it I felt like my body had an immediate sense of excitement shivering all through it. This was the last thing I felt as I woke up straight after.

      Dream experience: 5 (the sensations and sights were really quite powerful but it was still too short and no control)
      Dream awareness: 3 (low level lucidity)

      SC5) 07:35
      Dream 3 - Hiking in the bush
      I remember hiking uphill with some people. The route we were taking was off the trail and we somehow knew roughly where we were supposedly heading. I remember reaching our destination and we went around it and up the side to the top of a hill. On this hill I think we felt like we had no way of getting back home. After we sit around on the hill for a while I announced that I was going to head back and find a way home, my memory is pretty good so I roughly remember the route we took. I didn't expect anyone to come, and surprisingly some people actually stood up and decided to follow me. I felt a little touched by this . I walk down the hill with the others following me and look across to the forests' edge which we had emerged from. I saw the stony area which we had traversed to get here and told everyone that's where we came from. I then saw a pathway, hmm strange? We could probably take this trail back? I look around for a sign to get an idea for where it heads and see one off to my right. I can't really remember what it said though.. One of the girls following was a bit of an airhead, and didn't like that I was leading the way. She said that we should go around the hill and proceeded to prance off in that direction. Oh my god >_< that's the way we took to get on top of the hill you idiot . This annoys me a bit since she seemed to have forgotten that fact :/ I think I wake up after that though.

      Dream experience: 3 (not very vivid or interesting)
      Dream awareness: 1 (not very aware)

      I also had another dream which I recall was really sexual but I can't remember anything about it

      Updated 12-12-2015 at 10:15 PM by 71238

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. #175 - Classical music / Rigid cooking / Escape / Epic

      by , 12-08-2015 at 12:09 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Sleep cycle 1 - Classical music (02:02)
      -A classical music performance, I haven't heard one for years (supposedly) and now in this large hall I could. The song part of the dream I don't recall as it was 'fastforwarded' through by the dream. I'm in the corridor afterwards talking with some people about it, did I play? I feel like I had some involvement somehow. Then I think I remember leaving in a car (as a passenger) on the motorway. I was still thinking heavily about the music event though.

      Dream experience: 2 (quite early in the night)
      Dream awareness: 0

      This dream probably occurred after I started watching a new anime about classical music >_<

      Sleep cycle 2 - Rigid cooking (04:38)
      This dream was influenced by the classical anime and a romcom anime I had been watching.

      -I had taught a couple girls how to cook and they had a very free-style attitude to cooking. My own style was rigid, by-the-book (or recipe) and I struggled to make a dish that was truly my own inspiration (not true IRL I think). We're in an after school cooking club and the teacher has told us to cook something, but I have to cook it for the 2 girls. I'm supposed to be really good at cooking but I have a weird mix of emotions, like I'm actually bad at it?.. The room is lit by the dying light of the setting sun, geeze someone turn the light on :/. As I'm cooking the teacher says there isn't the usual 'flare' in cooking that she sees when watching the 2 girls cook.. 'tsk' I know, I'm going by-the-book. I give the food a taste, why isn't the ginger flavour strong enough? The girls make it better, I know they would just add more ginger but my rigid style compels me not to. In the end I think I manage to break the barrier and go more free-style, adding flavours as I see them necessary.

      Dream experience: 3 (meh, it wasn't that good or vivid)
      Dream awareness: 0 (I wasn't particularly aware in any sense)

      Dream fragment - there's a coast with the ocean, something about a house?

      -I'm by a fence on the grass, there's a couple people on the other side who I'm talking to. In front of me is also a cute old cat, it looks so gentle. We get interrupted by an evil person who is standing like 20-30m away on a nearby road. I can't remember too clearly why we knew he was evil. He ended up sending his ginger cat to attack our cat, I intervene though and end up killing the ginger cat. I think I also accidentally hurt our cat... I look at that cute old cat and it's quite vivid. He's a fluffy tabby cat with a funny looking face. He's slumped down with his head bend back slightly too far.. Poor thing, I think I may have uppercut him or something. He looks at me with kind eyes and a nice smile, seeming to forgive me and thank me for trying to protect him. I feel guilty about killing the other cat though, I need to get rid of the body anyways... I run up the road in search for a bin to dispose of it into. O_O.

      Dream experience: 4 (emotional about cats apparently)
      Dream awareness: 1 (rising awareness from the cat I hurt)

      Sleep cycle 3 - Escape (06:00)
      -Earlier in this story it seems like I was trying to help someone escape and had made several preparations to help. I made a potion with the help of a witch, which would turn the consumer into a bat so they could fly away. The place we're at is like a TV set for producing a show, and I think one of the directors plays a prank on someone. The prank is that he shoots a spear at someone which impales them, I'm not sure how it was meant to be funny because the person died via being impaled by that spear -_-. They director starts acting to reduce the impact this has on everyone, I follow in spectator mode as he walks down a hallway and into a room and tells the ?? family that they should delete their contract with the show to protect their reputation.
      Now I'm in a breakfast dining hall, there's a bunch of food on plates and some people milling around. They're hungry and have just woken up and the room is only getting more and more crowded. I can see the person I'm trying to free, I think it's a girl (or a guy with long hair). I think I might be Linley Baruch (the main character from the book I'm reading) and I can hear people whispering about the person I'm trying to free. Apparently it's her fault.. We have to escape now or the police will take her away before we get the chance to escape, so we have to improvise. I give the potion to him (she is now a he for some reason) and he starts to ascend, floating into the air. There's mist around him and he begins to fade while emitting a beautiful kind of glow. Everyone looks up and sees him floating, and they think he has been chosen by god or some bs, which helps as an excuse to cover our escape. I am spectating now, I see Linley (who I was) crouch down out of sight into a meditative position in order to chant the words to a flying spell (he seems to be level 7 or 8 as a magus about now). The camera is panning upwards following the ascent of the glowing guy who is fading more and more. I kind of feel like I'm watching anime. Linley finishes his spell and shoots up, flying back into the LOS and floating next to the glowing guy who slowly finishes his transformation by turning into a small bat which is almost invisible because he's nearly completely see-through. I know that the audience won't be able to see him but I can. I'm closer now, maybe I'm Linley again? We start our escape, there's 2 routes we can take, one which is a long route through the tunnels (to the left) but we go to the right which leads straight to the exit. Wow, that was easy. If we had taken the left route it would have taken us 5 minutes to reach the same exit, that would have been dumb. We fly outside and shoot off to the North and I see Linley and the bat disappear into the distance. Another group of about 4 follows after, flying in the same direction. It was their friends, one of them I remember was a badass looking cat warrior dude. A second group flies out a moment later with several in the party (also friends apparently). 3 of them look kind of cartoonish like something from a manga, 1 is a cat, another is a smaller cat, and 1 is a ghost. They all fly off into the same direction as Linley.

      Dream experience: 4 (pretty cool)
      Dream awareness: 1 (changing perspectives was a pain and didn't help awareness)

      Sleep cycle 4 - Epic (07:46)
      -I remember now that earlier I was a wanted man, and that me and some friends had washed up on foreign shores on a sunny day. There was more to this dream but I can only remember from a certain point. Me and some friends (I don't recognize them) had just ran out of the bushes into a township (modern but somehow quite old looking) and we were talking. Previously we had been keeping it down in front of a house because we thought there was a saint level beast under it (saint is a high level of power in the book I'm reading). Luckily it was only a bear that jumped out so I'm a little relieved, I think it chased us a little but the commotion caused too much noise and an actual saint level beast popped up from the bushes of a nearby house. "Oh shit!" was everyone's reaction, even the bear. The bear was the first to die since it was a loudest, having its head decapitated immediately. Me and my friends were sprinting away, I jump into a side room area which is pretty small and me and a woman tuck away in the corner. She comes onto me a bit "uhh no thanks" (she's old and pretty overweight..) and I tell her that now is really not the time. We peek out the window and see everyone running around. I think the woman I was with is now a massive muscly dude and I see the bear sprinting towards us. It must have seen the big guy and wants to fight him first. The saint creature (it kind of looks like a bear with a more horrific, rounder furry head without bear ears) jumps into the room and dives over the muscly guy which really confuses me. Why not kill him? Oh... He's after ME. I dive out of the room and into the street, this isn't good. The saint beast (once an animal reaches saint level they can talk) says to me that I have the white dragon blood in me and is trying to kill me to learn about it. Argh god damn it.. we jump around and everything is in slowmo, he hasn't killed me yet though? Is he not saint level? I wonder about this, it can talk but it doesn't have the power of someone who should be saint level it seems. I somehow get the attention of my friends (about 3 of them) and one of them is Matt. I remember earlier we had gone into one of his minecraft tunnels to escape, and we see the entrance not far away. The problem is that we've already used it and can't use it again. We run there anyway, Matt has a secret surprise it seems. The saint level beast isn't even in sight, how the hell did we lose it? It should be close though. Matt pulls a lever, the ground drops beneath us suddenly. Whoa. Good ol' Matt, this is awesome. we plummet down to the depth onto separate rail paths. I can't properly describe what happened next, but it was genius. I was shooting forward so fast on this rail line, then I shot up on a jump and leapt onto a dingy boat that was propelled across the ground. There were draugr around (from Skyrim) but the boat shot past, "HAH!" they can't get me, it's so exciting. There's all these crazy innovative tricks that Matt has put into the track, the last carriage transition is when my boat stops at the edge and I had to jump off a cliff. At the bottom was another dingy boat in some water but it was quite small and there were lots of draugr in the water. I jump off and when I land on the small dingy it propels forward, it's not big enough and my feet are hanging over the edge. The draugr all start charging at me and I try kicking in the water to speed my self up. Hands start wrapping around my legs, they've reached me and are pulling at me.. I kick a couple of them off and use my hands to pull the last few off of me. I jump on to a wooden beam that stands out of the water, maybe this is what I'm supposed to do? Like an obstacle course, I jumped from one wooden beam to the next avoiding all the zombies. Ahead of me were people, this was the entrance into a movie? I leap onto the edge that a few people are gathered on. My friend Lajja sees me but she's soaking wet, I don't ask why because I feel like it has something to do with the draugr water behind me. She leads me out and down a hallway, she has incredibly short shorts on for some reason, I purposely pretend not to notice as I know I'm in another predicament (I get the feeling that I may be discovered by the lawful pursuers). "You have no idea what kind of crazy adventure I've just had!" I say excitedly, I'm still mindblown by that ride. Down this hallway is a huge line of people but the hall it self is quite narrow (only space for two people side by side). We walk down the hall for a bit but something catches my eye on the bookshelf which is also apparently in the hallway. It's like it's now also a library, so many books! I see 2 specific books which detail an adventure about a group that wash up on a foreign shore.. Is that, me? I get the feeling the book details my adventure, but it only just happened? I think that it's a magic book. Lajja sees I'm not following her and comes back to get me before we continue on.

      Dream experience: 10 (I can't imagine any other dream that I've had which is better than this one, maybe some on par so it's 10/10)
      Dream awareness: 2 (not quite lucid but glad I'm it wasn't)

      Everything I dreamt about literally combined so much from my day yesterday, it's pretty awesome.
    8. #173 - Carny / Black Leech / Tripppyyy / Herion

      by , 12-05-2015 at 10:43 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Carny (02:00)
      There's a park and forest, a few snippets of a carny that I walked past (it resembled one I had seen a couple days ago). I also remember there being something about a dinosaur fossil in the ground, reminded me of a t-rex (probably due to going to the museum recently).

      Dream experience: 0 (meh)
      Dream awareness: 0 (meh)

      Dream 2 - Black Leech (04:04)
      I remember a meandering river flowing in a flood plain near some mountains. The flood plains were lightly forested and the river had some large rounded oval pebbles in the river bed.
      Later I was in a neighbourhood where I live (not in RL), I remember thinking that some creepy guy might end up attacking me with a black leech/slug (it was about the length of a persons hand and quite thick). I looked out of my window to the neighbours house and saw that there was a black slug doing a little sideways scuttle up the inside of their window (it looked like it was trying to 'walk'). Poor thing, it's retarded, and it's struggling at the corner. I wake up (FA) and reach around to my back (with a pseudo arm) and touch the tip of what I imagined was the head of the slug. Ugh, I might die :/ damn. Though I'm not too panicked for some reason, like I know that nothing bad will happen. My reasoning is also that it's only halfway up my back so I can pull it off before it reaches the place it's supposed to bite to kill me. I think that creepy guy must have ordered it from the deep web. I kind of realize that all this is going on in my head and wake up properly.

      Dream experience: 5 (pretty vivid, the leech was pretty interesting)
      Dream awareness: 2 (a little more and I may have been lucid)

      Dream 3 - Tripppyyy (05:33)
      I woke up and tried recalling my dream, doing a mediocre job at it. I don't think I actually moved, and ended up doing an unintentional DEILD (does this mean I win Emnition? ). I was thinking about another lucid I have had in the past about Adventure Time (never happened). We were in a cart being pulled along and I was Finn, next to me was Jake the Dog (in full cartoon mode too). From the get go I was semi-lucid, knowing it was a dream without really properly thinking about it though. Things were a little.. trippy. Hmm, I want to be me though. I change perspective and become Jake now. Still not what I wanted, I look at Finn now and see a little mini Jake jumping around slowly, his colour looks darker than it should be, and I know that he isn't Jake because I'm Jake right now. I want to try be me again, so I slowly will my own body to be formed, I separate from Jake and move in between Finn and Jake, sitting between them on the moving cart. It's a weird thing to describe because I felt a bit.. formless, and things around me were still a bit trippy, I guess I should elaborate on the 'trippy' thing. Basically everything had a liquidness to it, seeming to have slightly shifting forms, unstable. Ugh, everything kind of intensifies slightly in that trippy state, to my right I look at Finn, hmmm? His chest now has... Boobs. They're growing and shrinking and moving around in slow-mo (not at all like a boob should). It reminds me of a slime monster or something. Both Finn and Jake are asleep on either side of me.. Things become way more lucid and I know I'm dreaming for sure but I have no way of taming the intense instability and liquidness of the dream. I reach out and grab Finns boobie. I feel it slightly but my sense of touch is a bit dim. I involuntarily float forward and turn towards him so we're more or less facing each other, but he dissolves into a new image. The whole world is changing around me like crazy. Colours and spiraling stuff.. It reforms into me looking at the side of a red car, just at where the petrol goes into. The cover over the petrol tank has a flat red face on it and it's smiling at me (same red as the car). What the? I give it a little slap/pat on its face and it keeps smiling at me. This is so weird. I try to properly stabilize the dream now, 'Stabilize!' I shout, I clap my hands, but did I? I feel like I'm clapping them in RL. Am I waking up? I open my eyes. Hmm.. That was, something? I decide not to move and keep my eyes closed, not because I wanted to re-enter the dream but because I wanted to listen to it fade away and feel the other sensations.
      "tzzzzzzzzzzzz" a static fills the air and there's black and white tv-like shimmying lights in front of my eyes. Did I just DEILD again? Lots of faces start forming in the static, just black and white outlines. This scares me quite a bit and I feel like my heart sped up. "Calm down, something bad will happen if you think it will" I manage to quell some of the rising tension about my current state. The faces kind of dissole and the black and white static merges to a dark background. In the middle is the statue of a pharaoh looking at me, unmoving. It begins floating off to the side now, out of my line of sight. In front of me the dream world forms once more and I see a wrist resting on a table. The wrist has a watch on it, and I think it might possibly be my wrist. It must be late at night since the background is still quite dark. On the watch there are glowing numbers since it's digital, the number '7' sticks out to me. There are other things on it but it changes a bit too much so I don't bother with it. I think I tried getting up and moving a bit but I can't remember anything else and I think I woke up shortly after. It was still a bit unstable but not nearly as trippy as the last.

      Dream experience: 8 (Wow so trippy, I think I've had trippy dreams before but this one takes the cake)
      Dream awareness: 4-5 (I was completely aware I was lucid, I could control things but I couldn't stabilize or actually do things properly)

      Dream fragments
      - I remember there being a really long rope suspended like 100m in the air which a whole bunch of people (including me) were standing on, there was another rope above it which you could also hold onto. I remember seeing a video a while ago about a woman in a gym straightening her legs on a weight machine which caused her leg to uhh.. bend the wrong way? And pretty much snapped. It really grossed me out, why do people post that stuff on FB :/. Basically in the dream there was a guy who had a similar thing happen to him, he stood underneath the top rope and straightened his legs pushing it up, but the rope was too strong and pushed down.. It broke his legs and they bent the wrong way and he fell off and died. I remember thinking that he was an idiot though

      -Something about alien civilization which has been buried, they had the ability to teleport.

      Dream 4 - Heroin (07:38)
      I remember thinking that the Nazis had one big regret during their time of power, I turn my head and look at a bunch of high school kids bustling to get into a big auditorium. Some had been locked out, but everyone was organised from tallest to smallest so the really short people were at the back (this meant mostly girls were at the back). I'm now a part of the school, and for some reason I had an idea to flirt around with those chicks who got locked out. I approach and the idea is gone and I'm now thinking of a way to get inside and decide to just teleport. I teleport in and open the door for everyone else. I think I'm a little annoyed with everything, and plan to hit the fire alarm and then make a run for it... There's cameras around though. I manage to find a way, I smash an alarm in then bolt out a door on the side of the auditorium just before the teacher could turn and see who did it. "Phew" I think, now I just need to avoid the cameras. I run around and skirt the edges of the auditorium to avoid the cameras, but they're the black orb type and I have the feeling that they can see everything around them. I rejoin the masses evacuating from the main entrance and follow them. But I see some students getting told off for doing their Maori dance hobby. "what the hell? Why can't they do it?" I wonder, I walk over to a white roguish character who seems to be in charge, and he tells me the story (which occurs in a flashback with me present). The teacher tells them they can't do it it for some lame reason like "it's because it's not official you can't do it as a playtime hobby" or something. I was annoyed, since I thought it was impressive for these guys to group together and form a dance group without any supervision. I can't remember what happens next.. But I think I'm talking to the white guy leader of the group, he's gotten into heroin now since they can't do the dance group. I try and smack some sense into him, he's going through withdrawal and wants another fix but I stop him. "Do you even know how much pain you'll be in when you're going through withdrawal? The spasms haven't even started yet. This is why people don't even let themselves do it once, because they get F*cked up" (I said something along those lines...). I also remember thinking of analogies, like how people say to try everything once, but I told the guy he shouldn't do heroin even once. I used the analogy of me falling off a cliff and how it can effect you for the rest of your life. Then I make heroin sound worse since it causes neural injuries rather than physical ones. There's another skin head dude hanging around who keeps squeezing heroin out of needles and shooting them like water pistols at me. What a dick. I think I end up doing heroin but I'm not sure why? When I wake up he's hovering over me and I get the feeling like he may have stabbed me with a dirty needle while I was passed out. This guy really is scary looking O_O.

      Dream experience: 6 (felt pretty emotional during this, passionate about the dancers and trying to help them, it was quite vivid)
      Dream awareness: 2 (only a little bit more and I may have been lucid)

      I think my awareness rating is 0-2 = non-lucid and 3+ is lucid.
    9. #168 - Monster face / Rugby

      by , 11-29-2015 at 09:35 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Not surprised I didn't have great recall, I was so shattered from yesterday.

      Dream 1 - Monster Face
      I don't really understand this dream.. But there were people who had swollen faces. The shape of their faces were determined by how they had been killed. Usually you buy/hire them since they're hard to create (like a summoned monster in a game or something), yet I managed to create one. I used a thin and short stapler to slam it into the face of the person I was getting revenge against. Over and over I beat him until he died, there were long red marks on his face from where I'd hit him.
      I'm quite confused about the order of events in this dream... But the Monster Face that I had created came from the corpse of this dead guy I beat up, and the elongate marks swelled up to form these disgustingly absolutely revolting bubbly protrusions all over his face. I have to hand him in for some reason, and sell him off to the buy/hire store for these monsters. I put down a DVD case which has the monster face stored inside it (like data storage I guess). A man notices the power of my monster face and offers to hire it, though not straight away. He instead wants to wait a month since it isn't good to hire a fresh monster face too soon for some reason.

      Dream experience: 4 (vivid)
      Dream awareness: 0 (not really aware at all)

      Dream 2 - Rugby
      Something about rugby, there were rugby players around and some well-known All Blacks.

      I tried pretty hard to remember that rugby dream but I just couldn't commit it to memory >_<

      I have a distinct memory of having a short lucid, but it was too short to achieve anything in. I think it happened as I was falling asleep and I just kind of slipped into a dream :/
    10. #163 - Conch shell / Gift / Home

      by , 11-23-2015 at 11:29 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I completely forgot to write up these dreams today... And I actually had pretty alright dream recall for once :/ damn.

      Dream 1 - Conch shell
      From what I remember I was in a cave with some people, it was a pretty massive cave that was easy to see in because it had a large opening and in was day time (though the sun wasn't shining directly into the cave). I recall seeing a big conch shell, it was mounted on a pedestal like it was some sort of treasure. I picked it up and brought to my face inspecting it, seeing some holes I placed my thumb over them and blew into an opening..
      *Bang*! Whoa that was unexpected, I didn't think it would be loud. I put it back hurriedly thinking that I shouldn't mess around with it... Then I pick it up again, just one more try won't hurt
      Knowing what to do this time I prepare to blow into it really hard, sucking in a big breath and then unleashing a full throttle exhale into it. *BOOOM*!! A huge sound wave emanates from the shell and causes the whole cave to shake extremely violently . Everyone else that was around starts running for the exit, I start running too. Debris rains down from the ceiling and splashes into the water (most of the cave is in deep water) and sticks out which I use to jump across towards the exit. Suddenly a big piece of debris falls in front of me and I die... It was 'game over', and actually felt like a game. I was in third person watching my characters body go limp like a game character would in something like Skyrim. My character began sinking into the depths and I was left wondering how he actually died.. It didn't make sense (the debris didn't even touch my character).

      Dream fragment
      - I remember at some point talking to someone (it was a girl) and she threatened me and stuck two fingers into my mouth and grabbed my tongue I'm not sure if this even happened last night..

      Dream 2 - Gift
      I can't properly remember this dream so I'll just try string together the notes I put in my phone about it...
      Apparently I was talking to my dad outside the house and then my mum must have came out and given me a gift, I remember it seemed to resemble the star that you would place on top of a Christmas tree. There's trash to clean up and I think I clean it up, maybe from a bin that spilled. The parents of my ex gf are there at some point and I think they may be doing something illegal.

      Dream 3 - Home
      I'm at my parents house with some friends, for some reason we ended up all being naked because something had happened to our clothes and we had to get new ones, maybe they got too wet? O_O.. There's sand on my feet and we're heading through the hallway in my house towards the bathroom to wash the sand off I think. As we walk through the hallway we walk past these 3 girls who I think are really ugly, they're covered in acne all over and their faces just don't look right for some reason. They're naked too for some reason. We reach the bathroom and the others start rinsing themselves, there's no real awareness to the fact that we're naked in the company of each other. Suddenly me and this blonde girl start interacting, I decide to start 'teasing' her, though I have no idea how it's considered teasing... Since I pretty much put her in a full-blown sex position, this dream took a really hot and heavy turn . She said "what are you doing?" coquettishly, and wanted things to progress but I said "haha I'm just teasing" (since I knew I had a gf). This moment in particular during the dream was extremely intense... None of the others had noticed but it's pretty much like they don't really exist temporarily. I put a jacket around me and cover up my crotch for obvious 'reasons' after that event. I then head back to my room just across the hallway. Everything in this house was where it was supposed to be, but I didn't realize that all the rooms were about twice the size they should have been. I pick up a towel and some clothes, hmm I probably don't have enough clothes for everyone.. Oh well. My friend Matt comes up to me and I tell him I'm going to have a shower and he smiles and nods then strides back over to the others.
    11. #160 - Bird of Paradise / Museum

      by , 11-18-2015 at 05:05 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream fragment - Bird of Paradise
      I remember seeing a whole bunch of these flowers known as 'Bird of Paradise'. I thought to myself that I should tell my friend about them so he could come get one for his girlfriend.

      Note: yesterday my friend told me he was looking to find a bird of paradise flower for his gf because they were her favourite, surprised this manifested in my dreams O_O

      Dream - Museum
      I'm in a museum with my friend Matt and a girl (I think it might be his ex gf?), there's some sort of god who resides here and owns the place. We head downstairs into a room with all these ancient greek mythology related artifacts, everything had a grey-black rock material that covered them. It was sleek and smooth, and fitted the form of each item perfectly and I think it was meant to 'freeze' them in time and preserve them. I remember I went off into a side room and knocked a Cupid angel (isn't this Roman?) statue by accident which cracked a little. Oops. I head out of the room, noting that there are special techniques and stuff in there too (like in little CDs that you somehow download into yourself?). I walk back to the downstairs room where Matt and the girl are perusing the artifacts on display. It was things like the Aegis shield, the head of Hercules which had an intensely ornate helmet on it, or the head of Medusa etc. Matt accidentally knocks another Cupid angel... It cracks. "Damn dude you broke it" . Suddenly I see something flesh-like beneath the rock layer of the statue which twitches and moves... "Hey it's moving" I say, and the grey-black layer coating the statue starts crumbling off. Oh shit. Me, Matt and the girl all run towards the side room. In this room an arrow is let loose at us, it's the other Cupid statue! It came to life as well. I quickly grabbed a handful of those CD techniques and we all scrambled back out and continued to run. I also remember some of the CDs having references to Star Wars. The pictures on the front of one had Luke Skywalker holding a lightsaber.

      Felt too sleepy to bother remembering my dreams, and I got up earlier.
    12. #159 - Concert / Rumpus room / I punch cars?

      by , 11-17-2015 at 10:08 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Concert
      I remember being at one side of a building which was used for stage performance concerts. It must have been night time and there were people starting to show up. It wasn't a big concert, maybe a couple hundred people that were to fit into this place. The seats available were fold-out chairs and bleachers. I was sitting pretty far back on the bleachers, I looked down at the crowd and saw my mate Zac. He looked up at me and smiled, waving happily, then he turned and sat down on one of the fold out seats at the front.

      I have some dream fragments about this dream too:
      - My mates girlfriend was managing the show or was a ticket collector? I met her yesterday. I also saw my mate too who I also saw yesterday.
      - I remember something about another friend called Giles, but I can't remember what.
      - The area we were in was next to Castle St, one of the most famous streets where I used to live.
      - I seem to remember something about another friend being the lead guitarist for the band, he plays guitar in RL and was shredding like crazy. His hair was really long too. I remember that the sounds weren't properly matching up to what he was playing.

      Dream 2 - Rumpus room
      I remember having a very erotic dream... I'll leave out the details . It happens in the rumpus room of my parents house where I lived for a while, but now it's been converted into a flash looking flat. After the erotic part of the dream my ex gf showed up and we started hanging out (I have no idea where the other girl went). I think at the time I was on the phone and she walked around while she waited for me to finish. The phone was a big as a brick though . I remember jokingly throwing something at my ex which made her laugh. I wrote that the phone call had something to do with managing a the concert of the other dream.

      Dream 3 - I punch cars? + Hill
      I felt like I was very lucid in this dream, I did a short reality check and was pretty convinced I was dreaming. It was surprisingly stable and clear. I was just standing on a normal suburban street on a sunny day and realized I didn't know what to do. I saw a white car approaching on the road, so I walked up to it and swung a left hook straight into it. It shot backwards really fast, but it hadn't been hit into the air which was what I was aiming to do. I then continued to do this a few times... Just hitting cars O_O. I remembered that I was lucid and then.. carried on hitting cars. At some point I think I lost lucidity and the dream led to a grassy slope going downhill by the side of the road. I sat on the grass here and looked below me, there was something going on but I can't remember what. I then saw a road bike to my left and pulled it out of the grass. Turning behind me I saw a couple teenage cyclists who had stopped because one of them had been injured. A scrape on his knee? Ouch. There's a red car behind them which a concerned mother hopped out of.

      I really should have written this down in the morning rather than when I'm off to bed again. There were so many people I knew in these dreams :/
    13. #158 - Murloc hunting / Supermarket / Raining

      by , 11-15-2015 at 10:19 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Murloc hunting
      I remember hunting murlocs (from WoW) with a dwarf who had a gun. He would shoot them and the whole dream kind of felt like a video game. I remember trying to kill a murloc before it reached me, it was running down these stairs and I was firing at it through these iron bars. It then rounded the corner and leaped at me and killed me (though it was like a video game death and I wasn't really connected to the feeling of dying).

      Dream experience: 2 (video game)
      Dream awareness: 1 (disconnected)

      Dream 2 - Supermarket
      I remember standing outside a supermarket which didn't resemble any I think I've seen in RL. There was a pedestrian crossing nearby and lots of cars going past. I was waiting for my friend Olly who had taken my backpack to the bag drop zone where you apparently leave your bags while you shop... Now that I think about it, this place kind of resembles the airport O_O. While waiting I looked around as I had heard the sound of a Morepork Owl hooting somewhere. I saw behind the window of the 4th floor in a nearby building an owl. It was just sitting there and I thought it may be stuck inside. I pointed it out to a couple people. My friend arrives back and I think we cross the crossing but I don't recall what happened after that.
      Next thing I know is that I'm heading to the bag drop area and I need to go take a leak. I head to the men's room and I have bare feet, I have to avoid puddles of 'water' ... I was pretty aware at this point as I ended up focusing in on the details of the floor to avoid the watery areas reflecting light. I saw some stairs heading up and figured that there would be less water on the ground.

      Dream experience: 4 (vivid, good hearing)
      Dream awareness: 3 (average recall, body awareness, some detail)

      Dream fragment
      I remember reaching into a cookie jar that resembled the one my parents had when I was a little kid. The cookies in it were the same as the ones I had found in the kitchen cupboard yesterday except there were 2 types. 1 was exactly the same as the one in real life, the other was the same type but much larger and flatter. I vaguely remember eating a big cookie and it tasted nice .

      Dream 3 - Raining
      I was talking to someone else who had started no PMO, I think it was my friend Daniel. He had told me about how it had affected him and all that. I then confessed to him that I, too, had started no PMO. I said that I had been on it for 32 days, and showed him the Brainbuddy app I was using. I felt like his entire reaction to this was kind of off. Like he wasn't reacting the way he should have been. The scene seems to change.
      I remember being in my bed in my parents house which exactly resembled the room I'm actually staying in. I was rolling around and fantasizing and trying to resist the urges of NoFap, until I realized that I was in this state. I immediately stopped myself and knew that I would need to bring myself to my senses and get out of my bed. I willed myself to sit up... I opened the curtains to my right and peered outside. The deck was right there (in reality the deck is a few metres to the left and doesn't reach my window), it was raining outside and my dad was sitting at a wooden table eating breakfast. It didn't occur to me that this was particularly weird. I opened a window and got his attention, we said good morning to each other. He said "it must be beautiful in there", referring to how warm and cosy my room was and how cold and wet it was outside. Even my windows had fogged up a bit from the heat and my room just felt warm.

      Dream experience: 5 (vivid, interesting, odd behaviours of characters)
      Dream awareness: 4 (vivid, good recall, good detail, attention to character behaviours)

      Notes: I need to reflect on how I rate dream awareness and I think I may do it to the 5 'layer's of lucidity. Whereas with dream experience I think I'll just go by how much I enjoyed the dream on a personal scale. I managed to get my recall back a little bit, I think tomorrow night I'll be able to get the standard clarity back and from there I'll work on getting lucid again.
    14. #156 - Lord of the Rings / Pope / I screwed up a lucid

      by , 11-11-2015 at 11:12 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Lord of the Rings
      I'm with a group of about 7 warriors on a grass plain with a hill that rises up behind us and a couple other hills in front that are lower down. We had been fighting Uruk Hai and had won so far. I then looked at a member in our group scanning the hill behind us with binoculars. I look up too sensing that he had seen something. I saw a single outline atop the hill with a sword in hand. I instantly knew we were about to be attacked again, as slowly more figures began to line the edge of the hill. There must be a hundred or so Uruk Hai about to attack! I run back a little panicked, they started charging down the slope to engage in combat. I turn to the face the other direction, only to see more Uruk Hai pouring over the hills in that direction. We're surrounded. The dream has a game-like feeling as I approach a horse, I try and mount it but I can't! I open up a skill screen and look at my riding skill, it's level 0! Damn, I need at least level 1 to mount a horse. I think to myself how you have to be selective in choosing your stats in Mount & Blade as investing a small amount in some skills early will help.

      Dream fragment - pope
      I remember something about a pope in a very grand looking white stone courtyard.

      Note: I read Oreo's DJ last night (The Great Sphinx) and was really blown away. Such a cool dream. It affected my next dream a little ^_^

      Dream 2 - I screwed up a lucid
      I remember the house I was in was wooden with a white ceiling.. I somehow just remembered that I was dreaming and was like 'oh I should RC too'. I pulled the skin on my hand and it stretched out too far, bingo! I then kind of ran around happily thinking about what to do. The dream felt so stable and clear, I knew this dream would just last for ages and I felt like I could prolong it. I shouted 'Stabilize!' and the dream shook a little, losing clarity (oops) and then coming back into focus. I wasn't too bothered as I felt like the dream reaction was a positive one. I then wanted to travel to the desert and see the Sphinx like Oreo had done, so I decided to teleport. Hmm... How to do this? I ran outside, there was a small stream flowing and light green grass, it was night time. I willed myself to be transported to the desert, leaped into the air and fell backwards so that I would land on my back, then as I fell I closed my eyes and willed my body to be teleported. *Thud*. I collide on the ground, but it's warm and gritty. Sand?? I think to myself that it worked I try to open my eyes, but I can't. Oh ****... No, not again . I try and force my eyes open, and end up accidentally open my eyes in real life. My vision is all screwed up though and I see a skeletal-like head sitting next to my bed. Ugh what the hell? I can tell that I'm awake and having hallucinations, I try and reach up for it, but my real arm doesn't move and instead there's a pseudo arm that I feel reach out. I close my eyes again and I don't remember anything past that.

      I completely forgot that lucid dream until during my meditation I managed to rebuild it really slowly and in poor detail. I honestly feel like that would have been my longest lucid ever had I not screwed up that teleportation
    15. #155 - Exploring a tomb / Talking to my dad

      by , 11-10-2015 at 11:04 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Intensive DEILD attempt 5:

      My alarms proved a hassle again, they didn't go off properly. So annoying >_<. I do remember vaguely waking up at one point and rolling around confused though.

      I woke up at 2:30 after a pretty sexual dream but I can't recall it, I do know that I was in my bed in the dream though fighting off the urges for PMO I think?

      Dream 1 - Exploring a Tomb
      I remember walking into a sandstone tomb (imagine a place Indiana Jones would go), though perhaps with some modern attachments such as lights (but really old and powered by old dodgy electrical wiring). I walked down some stairs into a large room the stretched on for a while with a low ceiling. There were lots of sarcophagus' (sarcophagi?) in rows across the rooms, and along the walls were indents with pedestals holding burial urns. In my mind the idea of 'looting' the place like an RPG game occurs to me. I know that sometimes enemies can hide in the sarcophagus' (like mummies) which come out and attack you when you open the lid (ever played Nox?). Other people who are with me seem to be opening the lids a little too hastily, this makes me a little anxious and I decide to head out of the room and get the feeling that some mummies may be about to appear. I heading up the next flight of stairs to where the an Asian guy is sitting on a fold-out chair by the power box for the lights. Suddenly the lights cut out, shit. This is really bad because the people opening the containers downstairs could be in trouble if a mummy appears. The Asian guy isn't aware of the urgency of the situation. I think there's also maybe 2 other companions with me around this point (similar to the 2 who were with me the previous night chasing the Asian woman). One of them had seen 2 of 3 witches standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at us from behind a wooden pillar that held up the building we were in. They were responsible for the light disappearing. At this time I was next to the Asian guy and was fiddling in my pockets for a little hand held light. He also produced a lighter, igniting a cigarette, the glow illuminating his calm face. I have my hand held light out and turn it on and point it at the power box. I say something to subtly enlighten the Asian guy to the potential direness of the situation "we should quickly get the lights back on, the people downstairs may need it". I think he manages to gets the lights back on, I walk over to by the stairs and look down to see the 2 witches behind the narrow wooden pillar. They're just... Looking at me? Weird. Creepy. I leave back to the power box but as I reach the 3rd witch appears now. Wow, what a beauty! She's floating there with a fur-lined coat, two white streaks that flow back through her black hair. She has a Cruella de Vil 'look' but is stunningly gorgeous and graceful instead of being crazy and ugly. I think I tried to catch her but she teleport away, then I tried jumping over the edge of the railing to get her. I managed to grab her but she swung back and teleported away, disappearing from my grip. I fall to the ground on the floor below and roll. I'm sitting with my legs stretched out in front of me and my hands behind me on the floor holding me up. "Damn, and I didn't even get her number" I say out loud, I feel slick as I say this and let out a *sigh*. I felt like I would see her again. I also felt really slick and smooth like a player or something lol...

      Dream 2 - Talking to my Dad (fragment)
      It's night at my parents house and I ask my dad if he wants to go to the gym or a surf in the morning. He tells me 'oh yeah sure' and says something about how he usually gets up at 6am. I readily agree that this is fine with me as I'm used to getting up early now (I seem to say this proudly as he usually has the impression that I'm not an early riser ).

      Both dreams were pretty nice, the first was quite cool. The second was nice because I'll finally be able to see my family again and I'll probably have that same conversation but in waking life
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