• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    The Redeeming Dreamer

    Dream Signs
    (Multiple signs per bullet are usually seen together in the same dream.)

    • •"Third person" camera mode
    • •Sad, somber mood
    • •Star Wars
    • •Video Games
    • •Military-esque
    • •Girl
    • •Nuke
    • •Forest

    Reality Checks
    • •Counting number of fingers on hands.
    • •Trying to poke finger through palm.
    • •Holding nose and trying to breath in.
    • •Closing one eye and seeing if nose is there.
    • •Reading time or text, looking away, and seeing if it has changed (do this twice for best effect).
    • •Trying to remember how i got to where I am.
    • •Seeing if I can use super magical powers.

    Reasons for Lucid Dreaming
    • •To have dream sex (much easier to get than real sex ).
    • •To fly around the universe.
    • •To prevent nightmares.
    • •To get over fears and anxieties.
    • •To create awesome situations IN MY MIND!

    1. Lucid: BOO!, futurama "game", star wars video game (2 nights)

      by , 09-22-2013 at 10:08 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/21/2013, 10:00-5:50

      I went to sleep, and meditated before doing so for like 15 minutes.

      Dream 1:

      I remember a giant monster-like creature. I was in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. I was trying to kill the creature.


      At like 4:50, I wake up for a piss and drink. As I fall back to sleep, I try to mantra, "I will realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming."

      Lucid Dream:

      After about 20 minutes of laying in bed, I suddenly drift into sleep, and awake lucid (WILD! ). I don't really feel like getting up (figures), so I just try to make a sound. The thing I end up doing is trying to hear someone behind me say "Boo!" I think about it, and I hear a very high-pitched "boo" sound! I get frightened that it actually worked, and end up closing my eyes and waking myself up. I'm happy about this, because it's the first time I've managed to do something in a WILD!

      9/22/2013, 10:00-7:00

      I read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming and meditated before sleep, and remember one dream:

      Dream 1:

      I was with Leela (and maybe Fry) from Futurama. We were trying to get to a base. There were these challenges we had to do. There was a hole we had to climb down with a ladder, which landed into a "wave pool" contraption. We made it to some markers and the waves suddenly stopped, revealing ladders to inside the complex we were trying to get to. I then remember going into the complex and into a large, white atrium, where there were two directions at the end; right and left. Me and Fry went left. We found our way to the owner of the complex, who we talked to, a bit aggressively. He said something about going to check the other room. We went over to the other room, where Leela was on a bed, dying from old age. There must have been a time warp. This made the dream sad.
    2. Lucid: Crawling out of bed; Toddler Pisses Everywhere!

      by , 09-20-2013 at 11:36 AM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/20/2013, 22:00-5:00

      I was reading the book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams" a lot before bed. I also meditated a bit. Also, I drank some water before bed, and thought some mantras in bed before sleeping. All of this got me two dreams and a lucid!

      Dream 1:

      I was in school. I was sitting in some teacher's class, to the left side of the class room. I was noticing a girl to the right and one desk behind me. That's all I really remember.

      Wake Up:

      I woke up at 3:43, and stayed up until 3:46. Pissed and drank some water during that time.

      Lucid Dream:

      Regular Dream Lucid Dream

      I was in a dream about politics. I think there was something about Obama's Affordable Care Act in it. There also might have been something about someone's butt. I think these two absurdities, combined with what I did before sleep, caused me to become lucid. I remember feeling a small rush of energy this time, so I wasn't really that lucid, but lucid nonetheless. I fell out of bed, trying to go through the floor of my bedroom, but I just landed on the floor and started "lagging" in and out of the floor :/ . I then tried to crawl to my door, but the dream faded before I could get there.

      Dream 2:

      I was in this sort of hotel-children-summer-camp thing. I was one of the mentors. This kid, who looked exactly like L from this summer came over to me and said he had to pee. I brought him to the bathroom, and Lucas and I went in too, for some reason. L started peeing, but he then "couldn't control" it, and he started pissing EVERYWHERE! He pissed on the walls, he pissed on the door, he even pissed on ME! Then, while this was happening, a black kid came through the door (probably another kid from this summer) and saw what was happening. He just closed the door and ran, while the bathroom was getting pissed on by the damn Lucas doppelganger. The dream ended there.

      Updated 10-15-2013 at 09:45 PM by 58207

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    3. Lucid in the Bathroom

      by , 09-14-2013 at 05:04 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/14/2013, 10:00-6:00

      I don't remember any dreams, but I was lucid at some time between 5:00 and 6:00, but woke up a few seconds later. I got up at 5:00 and went back to sleep at 5:03.

      I remember the lucid feeling, and I also remember being in my bathroom, with a towel over the shower. I tried to visualize more of a scenario, but I ended up waking up.

      Updated 09-18-2013 at 07:58 PM by 58207

    4. Lucid, TARDIS flying, house vibrating, Sith base

      by , 09-06-2013 at 11:56 AM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/6/2013, 10:10-6:25

      Regular Dream Lucid Dream Awake

      I went to sleep after meditating, repeating the mantras, "I remember that I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming," and, "I remember my dreams when I wake up." During meditation, I repeated those mantras, too. I took a drink of water, went to the bathroom, and went to bed with the air conditioner on.

      Dream 1:

      I remember a Sith base, and people running around it. I was watching from the ceiling, but it was really a camera dream, without me being in an actual body. I watched as the base was apparently under attack.

      I woke at 3:21 (with a reality check of course). My dog seemed to need to go outside, so I went out with him. It was cold out there. As he took a piss, I looked up at the stars, and tried to sort out any constellations I could find. None. I then got back inside, drank some more water, took another piss, and went back to bed at 3:26. I couldn't really sleep because I was thinking of too much about my dream from last night AND my dog was barking a lot. I eventually got frustrated and put him in my neighboring room, where my grandma was sleeping. I eventually got back to sleep.

      Dream 2:

      I remember playing Empire: Total War. That is all.

      Dream 3:

      This one was a false awakening. I went out of my room and started reading a book on the living room couch. Then I started noticing that the house was vibrating! I went downstairs into the basement and noticed that the house wasn't completely on the ground. It was lifted up slightly by a piece of wood. "That must explained the vibrations," I thought to myself. I probably thought the boiler was making the house vibrate, combined with the house lifted up slightly.
      (In real life, it probably was the train passing.)

      I eventually noticed the illogical sense behind this, and turned lucid. A sudden rush of energy and vibrations came over me. I heard a sound similar to a helicopter starting up as I turned lucid, too. I suddenly imagined the TARDIS (probably as a reality check). I suddenly saw the TARDIS levitating off the ground, and me, as a camera, rotating around it as I lifted off the ground. I then tried to do something else, but I "pressed the wrong button", and accidentally opened my real eyes. I woke up to the sound of my dog barking again.
    5. 5th Lucid (waking up in bed, zooming vision)

      by , 08-13-2013 at 04:25 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)

      Lucid Dream
      Waken Up
      Non-lucid Dream

      I did a WBTB and partly a MILD for this. I also went to sleep upstate in an RV.

      I woke up in my bed at home. I did a reality check by putting my hand up to the window to observe my hands. There wasn't enough light to see, so I tried to do something, and I ended up having my vision zoom in. I saw I was in a dream. Though I never stabilized the dream, and I wasn't very aware, it lasted for a pretty good amount of time. After realizing I was dreaming, I levitated out of bed and tried to fly out the window. For some reason, I couldn't get through. I had to really concentrate to make it through. Even then, I ended up teleporting to some warehouse. I found myself running to get to a portal at the other end of the warehouse. I was also shooting at people with a "hand" gun, and they were dying. :/ When I went through the portal, I got to my backyard on the other side of the window, right in front of the deck. I started petting my dog Ti, who was right next to me. At that point the dream faded, and I woke up in my bed at home again. I thought I was actually awake now, and thus didn't do a reality check. I actually think I went through a few false awakenings like that, before waking up for real.

      Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:55 AM by 58207

      lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    6. My Second Lucid Dream

      by , 10-20-2012 at 12:10 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      October 20, 2012

      I got out of my bed and I was in my house. Everything looked normal. I saw some random guy in it, and he was telling me stuff. My dream self decided to try to do some reality checks. He looked at his fingers and tried to count them, but it was too dark to try that. He then tried to look at the clock at the end of my bed, and when he checked to see if the time changed, IT DID!!! I felt a rush of excitement as I became lucid! For some reason, I didn't feel that last time. I immediately remembered to stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands and spinning around.

      I was able to do many things, just nothing that was against the physical world's laws. I couldn't fly, I just floated a bit when I jumped. Most of the dream I spent in the house, testing out my powers. My family was there, and I think some people from school. I didn't really interact with them much. I guess I was too interested in my powers.

      One thing I remember doing was turning the cabinets in my kitchen into ice cream machines, WITH SPRINKLES!!! The ice cream didn't taste like anything, though. There were many more powers I tried doing, but I can't remember them very well. Near the end of the dream, my family and the friends with me wanted to go outside. We all went out, but everyone was flying. I tried to fly, but could only jump and float a little. I tried really hard to turn off the gravity, but instead, I ENDED THE DREAM!!!

      I woke in real life to go over to the computer and write my second lucid dream.

      I also did WBTB and MILD before I went to sleep. I did the WBTB a while ago, at around 3:30. For like 6 or 7 minutes I stayed up. I went to sleep then, but I had a regular dream. I think my problem is I don't remember to say the MILD mantra as I fall asleep.

      I woke again at 4:11 and stayed up until 5:00. I then fell asleep saying, "I will be conscious in my dream."

      Updated 10-20-2012 at 12:14 PM by 58207
