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    The Redeeming Dreamer

    Lucid: BOO!, futurama "game", star wars video game (2 nights)

    by , 09-22-2013 at 10:08 PM (591 Views)
    9/21/2013, 10:00-5:50

    I went to sleep, and meditated before doing so for like 15 minutes.

    Dream 1:

    I remember a giant monster-like creature. I was in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. I was trying to kill the creature.


    At like 4:50, I wake up for a piss and drink. As I fall back to sleep, I try to mantra, "I will realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming."

    Lucid Dream:

    After about 20 minutes of laying in bed, I suddenly drift into sleep, and awake lucid (WILD! ). I don't really feel like getting up (figures), so I just try to make a sound. The thing I end up doing is trying to hear someone behind me say "Boo!" I think about it, and I hear a very high-pitched "boo" sound! I get frightened that it actually worked, and end up closing my eyes and waking myself up. I'm happy about this, because it's the first time I've managed to do something in a WILD!

    9/22/2013, 10:00-7:00

    I read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming and meditated before sleep, and remember one dream:

    Dream 1:

    I was with Leela (and maybe Fry) from Futurama. We were trying to get to a base. There were these challenges we had to do. There was a hole we had to climb down with a ladder, which landed into a "wave pool" contraption. We made it to some markers and the waves suddenly stopped, revealing ladders to inside the complex we were trying to get to. I then remember going into the complex and into a large, white atrium, where there were two directions at the end; right and left. Me and Fry went left. We found our way to the owner of the complex, who we talked to, a bit aggressively. He said something about going to check the other room. We went over to the other room, where Leela was on a bed, dying from old age. There must have been a time warp. This made the dream sad.

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