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    Life's Dream Accounts

    1. Mall apocalypse

      by , 07-30-2012 at 06:08 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I don't know about anyone else on here but I hate mall dreams.

      I was in the mall when some kid who was shoplifting candy from the store told me it was the end of the world or something big was going to happen. He said it was so big that it would hit the whole entire population and we would all be in a frenzy.

      I then decided to shoplift some goods 'just in case' because I didn't know what would happen to me.

      I remember getting into a cooler and there where energy drinks in there. This kid wanted me to hand him one because there was a limited stock of these in other stores or they were all gone.

      Then the dream changed to where I ran into a different section of the mall to go baby shopping. There weren't any people here in a frenzy but on my way there I saw a few people who looked rushed. I was collecting baby things when some girl and her child and some other lady were discussing some event like a birthday party. I then noticed that there were presents wrapped up in the baby section for this birthday party like the event was being held there.

      For some reason something hit me to start running and avoiding people to get out of the mall. So I ran. Other people were running too. I was running when I noticed that stores were starting to close and people where panicking to get out in time, some people where trapped and where held hostige in the stores. I didnt know what the heck was happening so I tried to run to the nearest exit but there didn't seem to be one. I ended up going to the lower level of the mall and running down this dark hallway with some people that I pulled along with me into this entrance until I woke up. It was like the dream was moving along with me.