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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Futuristic Thrills

      by , 07-02-2016 at 01:03 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I was in a city that reminded me of the Final Fantasy VIII Ether City or that futuristic city, I-forget-the-name of except the buildings were a lot taller and the city was HUGE. I was in a car when I went 'on call' it was like I was James bond or something because I had a 'mission' but it was unclear to me what it was within the dream. I ended up stopping at a 5-star hotel room waiting for a response from a mission caster within the dream. I was also having hot steamy thoughts in the dream that were sex related. I stopped at the counter were I was to get a room, the lady says it was 500 dollars a night, 500 dollars?! In my dream they wanted my social and all this crap I wasn't just going to hand over to them so I ended up feeling depressed at the end of the dream because I had a girl with me.
      Money dreams are a trap. I need to invent something were currency is run by intuition or clarity, and me being the dreamer should know that I have control. Anyways I think I was trying to get laid in the dream by a really hot korean/japanese girl. She was really cute. This dream kind of excites me for future dreams.
    2. Taking the Tracks

      by , 06-13-2016 at 10:13 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Suddenly I was waiting for a train car to arrive on the railing system in a dream world. I looked around and saw people walking about as they did in waking life in similar places. I noticed that there were several tracks leading in different directions in which all the directions seemed to venture out into a similar distance, almost as if they shared the same track but split, if that makes any sense.

      This kind of reminds me of my life right now, and how I hold a belief that I have many options or ways to outlook my own life, through meaning and understanding or disdain. I like the first two over the last, except, sometimes I get caught up in my own feelings and I feel like I can fall into an empty void of eternal darkness, and that's just scary, but as time ticks on I am learning to rid myself of fear and old beliefs so I can become one again. Oh, and have better dreams because I have been through quite the dry spell lately.
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    3. Character greet

      by , 01-08-2014 at 10:22 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Is was in the air, I wasn't on a flying vehicle as it didn't seem like that but it did seem like I was slowly drifting down from the sky like Mary Poppins without the umbrella of course. I felt light headed and sick from being in the air. I took a look at my surroundings and saw that there I was descending own to a castle, that reminded of something from Final Fantasy. I saw Rikku, from FFX down on this bridge, she was dressed in here x-2 attire, had seen me and started to shift around the bridge she was on, it was almost like she recognized me from somewhere or I knew her. I then said "Hey! Rikku!" and woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Discarded Arena and Ritual Coffee Shop

      by , 10-21-2013 at 07:09 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I've decided from now on I will title all of my dreams. I won't color code yet since I haven't really expanded in that in the dream world yet and I am still working on becoming lucid more often than rarely

      Discarded Arena

      I was in some sort of arena that looked as though it was revamped but just for this dream. It was similar to a circus arena except instead of there being a large circular opening in the middle with seating all the way up the sides there was a circular middle still, but seating around the circle, like at a camp ground near a camp fire or something. With short notice I knew what was happening and to my surprise there was supposed to be some battle between people and their superhero appearance. This one guy had was dressed up in all blue and people were cheering at him, I thought he was kind of lame looking. He then called over to me and told me he would give me one free game. I suddenly agreed to this and asked him, "wait, what kind of game?" We were aside the arena when he told me they were vintage video games from the 90's. All of them looked to be nintendo 64 games because of the way the cartridges looked except the game titles themselves were exclusive to the nintendo, the first console. The titles included super mario brothers 3, and the other ones were ones I never heard of before that included super mario brothers return of castle crashers and some included beast taming and such. I of course choose to pick the ones I never heard of before, but then get distracted by a conversation of glowing appearance to the side of me. The all of the sudden its like I'm in elementary school again. I'm running with people I used to recognize from elementary school from real life out of the arena (we ran like we did to lunch XD). I asked what was happening but somebody finally said they were closing "it", it which would be the arena. It seemed as if the place was never real to begin with and I start thinking about my fake journey through dreams which is actually me trying to remember from waking life that I wanted to have a journey lucid dreaming but I failed, yet again. While I am thinking, I am running in slow motion towards this iron gate still. It seemed as if though I was running for the life of me but getting no where with all the effort I was putting into my running. The gated area reminded me of the entrance and exit of a amusement park. It wasn't amusing to me at all though and reminded me of prison. I was then thinking I hope the fence doesn't close yet, then it did, right after the last person escaped. I never once thought "Maybe I closed the gate?" since it was on command to my thoughts. Nope, instead I decided to climb the gate and escape. END

      Ritual Coffee Shop

      The next dream I had just bought a coffee shop and had some co-workers or dream friends to work at this coffee shop for me. I was unloading some very strange Halloween decorations from the trunk which included a couple of giant eyes pasted to a candle stick holder, a pumkin head, and some other strange things. I was on my way to decorating this coffee shop when it was then revealed to me why the coffee shop was even for sell in the first place. In a movie sequence I was shown that there was some sort of wiccan ceremony held in the coffee shop and that whatever they cast through the ritual meeting killed them. Then I was back near the trunk of the car where a dream character friend was explaining to me this scenario. I told the friend of mine that they were just fooling around with spooky ideas and that it was very creative but very unlikely to have actually happened. I then unloaded to decorations, start walking to the coffee shop when all of the sudden the dream starts playing Halloween like music and ENDS.
      memorable , non-lucid
    5. Same old, but very different

      by , 10-19-2013 at 06:48 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      So frequently I have these dreams that are located at shopping centers.

      In the dream I hear conversations of people happening around me. The dream started out where I was walking towards a store with some kids that were supposedly my own. One of the kids that was with me was just a toddler girl, she kept running away from me towards people and other stores so I kept having to catch her and hold her for a bit before putting her down again. Anyways, I heard a conversation that was I'm guessing my own conversation about being goal orientated or wanting some goal orientation because it seemed to me that nothing was happening of interest in this dream.

      FYI: I have a separate dream family apparently. The are made up purely from imagination and I can't fully see them in dreams, its almost like they are just shadows, but I can see them and talk to them but it just doesn't seem real enough to me and it is quite frustrating that the keep showing up. Rarely do I ever dream about real family members. It is very strange to me.

      I am then losing track of who I'm with because it is not clear to me who these people really are to me and they won't really communicate with me either mostly because it just seemed like I had a baby with me and that was it, but I felt other presences within the dream, it was odd.

      I walk around the store I was going into in the beginning of the dream and start looking for clothes for a baby. I do this a lot in dreams and I have no clue why because I don't want kids, although I love kids and am definitely not expecting. Apparently my subconscious picks up on the side suggestion that maybe I do want kids but it will never be a set fulfillment in my life so it leaks out into the dream world.

      So this whole entire dream I'm just walking about it store outlets, and I have no clue what I am really doing there. END

      The next dream I was playing a video game that reminded me of a shooter like Grand theft auto. I was playing with these people and was telling them to take down this mob boss in the game. The mob boss had two stacks of health and when I shot him his health only went down a little, but he was just standing there staring at me. Then I said something like "wait, who is the person I'm shooting? Am I supposed to kill him?" There were these two other people with me who told me that there was some other objective to accomplish before we killed the mob, but I was still confused about why he was there in the first place if we had to do something else before killing him. END

      The last dream kind of remotes back the shopping center except it was kind the shopping outlets were separated into fairground booths but still had the layout of an outlet store. You could walk into these booths, just like you would a store and the whole room consisted of the booth. The had weird prizes for kids, very ugly giant stuffed animals. Someone then told me these booths were like daycare, you leave your kid at a giant outlet store fair game booth with unreliable people. I told the people at one of the booth/stores that these were a bad idea and no kid would want to stay at these. Apparently as it was apparent to me in the dream I was very disappointed at the idea and left or rather awoke. END

      Updated 10-20-2013 at 02:26 AM by 1643

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    6. Hiding from the Colonel

      by , 10-18-2013 at 02:48 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Okay, so I decided to start up my dream journal again since I have been having more interesting dreams lately.
      It has literally been months since I have had these interesting dreams pop up in my sub-conscious, but now since the engine on dreams is running up again I will begin recording them day-to-day.

      I took a nap today. This is the first dream that has had month detail in a long while. It started where I was remembering a dream about a chaotic school shooting that happened in a past dream memory. I was having a memory of a dream I already had. The dream I was remembering stood out like the moon in the night. The premise of the dream was that I was being ganged up on inside a school while some people were on my side and others were against me. In ways it was like the grand theft auto games where you have gang shoot outs but the goal was not clear and we did not know what we were doing there. Anyways after this dream memory I then was looking at a dark dream atmosphere. It looked like I was in a dark street area, it wasn't scary though. It was then revealed to me suddenly that I should 'get-away' from someone but I did not know who. I gathered up what seemed to be a few people who followed me close until they reached their parents, children, house, or just went off and left.

      I was alone with two figures at the end, one of them was craving meat and said he needed to eat after this long journey. He kind of looked like a werewolf but huge and bulky, he ran along and came back seconds later with a meal. The second figure was way smaller and flew around or something. I was disgusted that they were animals and ran away.

      I was then on this huge ship. The ironic thing is that the ship was supposed to resemble the flying ships from gekko state and U.F Force from Eureka 7. I was apparently on the U.F. force but it reminded me of a civil war, like a civil war was literally happening on the ship. I was running past the barriers and trying to distract these soldiars while somehow continuously running around in circles and not having a clue what the hell was happening. After the action seemed to die down I ran as far to the front of the ship as I could and then had to hide behind this curtain like a blob. I then had an intuition that I saw the man who was looking for me. He turned out to be Colonel Dewey Novak also from eureka 7.

      It is so odd, I just dream about random anime shows from the past.
    7. Short dream-Fake Family Albums

      by , 07-30-2013 at 05:13 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      For some odd reason I have had these dreams before, all different but seemingly the same.

      The dream starts out where I'm playing with my cousins and talking to them - like I did when I was a kid at my grandma's house or wherever we got together as a family.

      Then I start talking to an unfamiliar but friendly voice/character about my family and showing them fake pictures of my family. In the dream of course, they were pictures that I knew of, but now that I am awake I know that they were not real pictures and still in the dream I was questioning about the people in the pictures. The people kind of looked like my real family members but the places and poses in the pictures were very unfamiliar.

      There was this one picture where two of my cousins were sleeping together on a couch with pacifiers in their mouths. I remember that the pictures seemed to be moving, like in the Harry Potter books. I was saying things like "isn't she too old to be using that thing in her mouth?" "when was this?" "Where am I?" I looked through dozens of pictures and noticed I was in none of them. In reality, all the photos I have, I am in most of them.

      I then put the pictures down and noticed that I had several people around me, all family members. One of my little cousins, who was a baby in the dream but in reality is almost nearly an adult started to hum the Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare several of the games. It reminded me of the VII fanfare and others too.

      I felt really cool about this because she had just learned how to walk and couldn't talk much and hummed something from my favorite game series. I then went to tell one of my aunts who also enjoys Final Fantasy. I whispered in her ear so no one else could hear and then she said to me something like "wow, that is really cool Alia" (alia is my name).
      And then smiled and then seemed to turn her attention to a scene that was happening in the room from a early child hood video I have when I was a baby.

      The moving pictures thing is kind of funny because I have been listening to the Harry potter books audio and thinking about the moving pictures mentioned in the books.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Baby in grabber machine

      by , 07-20-2013 at 04:05 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)

      Okay this one is kind of weird. I was in a mall that had a museum of dinosaurs and an aquarium. I had just got out of the rain, it was raining, no it was pouring so hard in the beginning of my dream that the water hit the ground like a small bomb, people were running. I was with a class of girls but then split up into the mall. I was in the the middle of the mall, between where people walk and they have vendors. I came upon this machine that had stuffed animals in it when I noticed there was a Chinese baby girl in the grabber machine and immediately freaked out. I tried to get other people to look one other person was with me and was helping me try to get the baby out of the machine. At first I had a quarter and decided to use it on the machine and it flew into the machine without any force. Then I thought, "I can't get the baby out that way!" and then opened the side of the machine with the latch. Some person came up to me and asked me if I was the manager because what I was doing was against store policy. I just said "there is a baby in the machine for crying out loud!" I was worried because it looked dead, but then I noticed it was breathing. I gently but hastily pulled the baby out of the machine and it awoke. I felt better, Like I saved the day but then my dream started to make me think it was my baby and imprinted a fear of dressing it, trying to care for it. I was just glad it was okay though.
      Tags: baby, machine, mall
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Being watched and Horrible Store Employee

      by , 07-17-2013 at 11:33 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Last night's dream:

      I just get out of a store that is like a video game store. There is an abandoned fruit stand outside that has mangos, papayas, and some other fruit that is foreign to me. This kid I am with tells me that the fruit is free and that he takes a fruit with him home everyday. I pick one up and take a bite out of it, it is sweet. I have this feeling of needing to move and go on to the next scenario, but I feel very upset about this, anxiety? I then am at this huge house that I am staying at. It is night and no longer day. I'm in this bathroom getting dressed for a party, but feel very awkward about it. something doesn't seem right to me about where I am. I start to notice small things that irk me into believing I am being watched by someone or something. I walk outside and then it is like I am high above this courtyard. I run outside-END

      Nap dream:
      I am at a walmart with my grandparents. I buy a few ice cream containers. I remember seeing this family from a video blog on youtube blog. I was upset at myself because I could not make it to their baby shower and I had only gave them a very small sum of money which made me feel 'bad'. Although, the dream moved on and I was back in the walmart again. There was this small scene where I was in a baby section of the story looking at items when someone asked me where the other two people I was with were at, but it wasn't my grandparents. I become a little suspicious of this and move on into the dream into the front of the store where I check out my items with my grandparent's. There is this guy conducting what items I would buy on my own and which items were my grandparent's. I felt like I was being charged with a felony with this guy because even though he worked at the store he was yelling at me about where items went, and how to check out items. I already know how to do this. I then explained to him that where I come from this didn't happen, I wasn't accused of not knowing things where I lived, because everything was pretty simple. he didn't answer-END
      Tags: store, walmart
    10. My second family

      by , 02-13-2013 at 12:38 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      So for a while I've been attempting to visit a second family that I've daydreamed about and thought about a lot in a lucid dream except I haven't become lucid In such a long time yet.

      When I feel asleep the dream started out where I was drifting through one of my relatives house where some of my family was together. By looks, it was one of my uncles who was talking to my mom's sister about her son and how great he was and all the little things he grew up with this boy. He was speaking in past perspective because he was still with his wife who who is no longer with in real life and his son wasn't born yet.
      There was lots of dialogue about this aunt's son and how great it was to be around him and growing around him but then I kind of drifted within the dream when my uncle was talking about this cousin of mine. I started thinking about the family I would like to raise and how fun they would be to teach and the memories we would share. I then saw this little boy looking at me through a mirror that he was dancing in. He appreciated my presence and started waving his arm in a robotic dance kind of movement like I did when I would dance as a child. I didn't recognize this little boy from anywhere but felt very warm about him. He had dark green eyes with a faded blue tint and when he smiled at me through the mirror my heart melted. I don't know who this DC is but he was really something else.
    11. Weird depressing dreams

      by , 02-11-2013 at 10:14 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Okay, so I've been struggling to keep up with my moods lately and have been very moody and depressed.

      The dream I had started out where I was with my aunt and her husband around about at-least seven years ago when they were still together. I was with them on some road trip for some reason and I had no idea were we where headed. We stopped with my uncle who got out of the car and said he was going to get some food I had some money so I gave it to him to pay for my side of the meal and he just took off and left me and my cousins in the car. It had been a long time and I still didn't see him coming. A couple of times the car would role out of its place from the parking lot we were parked in and would role sideways and out of control. I once got out of the car to fix it from rolling around like a ball. I propped it up on the side of the hill and then it finally stayed. One of my cousins mentioned "what if it rolls down this hill we are sitting on top of" I just shrugged and said we were good as we were.

      Okay next dream

      I was watching Final fantasy cut-scenes from all of the video games and was starting to feel sad that so much time had passed since I first started playing the games. Then all of the sudden I was looking at these tiny people who had purple hats on they were running alongside this draped long material. It was almost like I was watching a wedding and then all these tiny people were part of the dress. The other part to watching this was that this was supposed to be a final fantasy characters wedding and she had little children that were the small people with purple hats helping her with her dress.
    12. Peculiar dream

      by , 10-22-2012 at 01:40 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I took a nap today with the intention of having a dream that hasn't repeated itself yet. These were the results. Very peculiar.

      I was in some ghetto alleyway with several people. I thought of these people being dangerous because two of them were covered in this white powder that I thought was crack. (I was explaining to myself before the nap something about baby powder and then I dreamt of this) Anyways, I don't know what these people where up to the couldn't seem to form sentences and seemed rather unaware. The were circling around in curious patterns and then I thought “I gotta get outta here.” So I begin to walk away but one of the people start to follow me but I don't think anything of it, its almost like everything in the dream was hidden by appearance so that the person who was following me wasn't a stranger or danger. This person led me to this area where we stopped and then it was like I was watching a movie. There were to robots who were talking about there mechanical appearances and the usage of their appearance being rather useless. Like, this one robot had a spatula for an arm and said it didn't have any use for him and he didn't understand why it would be used by humans. After this segment I was walking down the always again because I felt like I needed to leave 'again' and then I ended up watching another movie sequence about someone winning a crown piece for their hair and how it was a great accomplishment for them to have been awarded this crown/hair piece. I was reminded of a dream I had in the past about running away and getting into trouble along the way. It was a specific dream I had about climbing latter’s and then falling down while running away from something. I think why I was reminded of this was because I wanted to get up and leave again and was inclined to but then was reminded of the hectic dreams I have when this does happen. The dream ended where I was in a theater watching a play but the stage props where bigger in size and in comparison to what the play was about so I was confused. I was then reminded of the Muppets. End.
      Tags: alleyway, theater
    13. Water then anime girl

      by , 10-11-2012 at 03:24 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      The dream started out where I was on a water ride with family. We had all got together and were on this ride together. But then it changed, we weren't on the ride and after we got out of a tunnel in the ride we had jumped out of the boats or rafters and continued to go on this adventure ride where it was like a water park and a ride at Disney land. After slipping and drifting down this pool water river that was super clear and clean I had decided to separate from my family on go down this giant slide that slide down into another pool of water. Then after this my dream changed to where I was with a anime character who was Yui from K-on!

      Chernobyl dead zone-hirasawa.yui.full.1186820.jpg We were sitting together and drifting/relaxing in a view around this beautiful scenery that was surrounded by amber clouds, flowers, and a deep cool water surface with petals that hit the water. We were drifting down this view like we were rafting but just sleeping/relaxing while on the water surface. We both had our feet out towards this view and just as this was happening I woke up. Dang it!
    14. The depart

      by , 08-07-2012 at 11:14 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I was thinking about when I lived near the ocean near Monterrey bay California when I was Six years old when I started dreaming that I was on a dock next to someone who was talking to me about how beautiful the ocean was. The dock was long and horizontal, there was a beach house too. I was looking for any signs of sea life above that water next to the shore when I got to the end of the dock I told the person next to me that we shouldgo back. It seemed like I had got onto a boat but it didn't take us far. It took us to this lady and her child that was far out on the dock. I was looking down it seemed or the boat seemed to be up really high. This is when I realized I was looking at these people on the boat as a ghost with another soul. I knew this because once the boat should up someone asked "do you need help?" To the lady and her child and it wasn't me or the person who I was with that had said that. It turned out to be another pair of people, but then it turned into something weird. The lady was pushing her son in a buggy and the people who I was watching over had a baby son too. Then this whole scene turned into some situation we were in a line at some big event where we were going to depart. All of this of what I was seeing was supposed to tie in together. I was looking at a screen in this departing place with a little boy. The screen said 'baba' and had some logos that made it look like some plane service. The other lady who had the little boy by the dock was looking at a different screen with something else on it. I was told that everyone who came to this place wanted excitement and joy and life or just to experience something more than what we see in our life. We then left this place but before I woke up I saw one of my cousins who was the boy before but I just didn't notice him to be my cousin. He was being carried away by a lady and then the song from sandlot started to play to me; "green onions" is the name of that song. It was as though this dream were about something stranger than life and stranger than fiction.

      Updated 08-08-2012 at 02:19 AM by 1643

      Tags: child, ocean
    15. Platform the Video game

      by , 08-02-2012 at 12:36 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I was playing a video game like I was in the video game. The objective had a storyline with it but the whole idea was to jump onto platforms. In a way it was like Donkey Kong platforms and on some of the platforms was an object I had to get.

      New Avatar-220px-donkey_kong_screen_3.jpg

      For some reason I needed to get a pair of scissors of the one the platforms but I was either too lazy to get it or didn't know how even though the distance wasn't that bad. Something happened in the storyline where an evil apprentice (that was how this guy presented myself to me) handed me a pair of scissors and said something like "The mistress wants to thank you with this..." and then he handed me a pair of scissors. At this point I had no idea who the mistress was or what I had did to earn the scissors. I was wondering this when on a platform high up and non-reachable area a character that looked almost exactly like Midna from Zelda and the Twilight princess appeared and was watching me with a smirk.
      New Avatar-150px-midna02.jpg
      Then she disappeared and zombie cats that looked block-like and similar to zombies from minecraft but with a cat appearance wandered down from the platform and slowly floated towards me on the platform I was standing on.

      New Avatar-150px-zombie.jpg
      After I was almost clearly going to die I yelled "i'm gonna die...no!" and I woke up for stopped dreaming clearly.
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