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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 1st lucid in years

      by , 08-24-2012 at 06:39 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I haven't been lucid in so long and now I am.

      I was in stressful situation where my family had left me for some event. I tried to ask them what happened but they said I had missed out because I had to buy a ticket to get into the pool. I forgot about them and said "well, I just I'll just go home." I felt depressed ad was going to find away when I realized I was barricaded in this area where the pool was and the parking lot. All the sudden I said wait "I'm dreaming!" and I said it so loud within myself that I launched up into the air. I flew and it felt thrilling, like I was on a roller coaster. I came to realized that I don't need to ask myself If I want to lucid dream that I needed to connect to the higher good to lucid dream. I then flew and noticed a young lady who looked a bit like an older Anne Frank with her hair up in a bun with a child who was sitting and reading a book at a park below me. She looked up from where she was sitting and smiled at me like she knew something was going to happen, I awoke with this tucked into my mind.
      lucid , memorable